Category Archive: 5) Global Macro

Info not fearmongering. Swaps not Swiss. Dealers not Fed. The data and evidence are conclusive.

A negative swap spread sounds like total nonsense - at first. But in a ledger money, fictive currency system what matters is the capacities of those who collectively keep track of the distributed ledger. This is where that nonsense isn't just useful, it is extremely valuable.

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Gravitas: U.S. says Iranian troops were in Crimea helping Russia attack Ukraine

U.S. says Iranian troops were in Crimea helping Russian military attack Ukraine. Reports say Iranian drone experts are training Russian soldiers. But why is Iran helping Russia? What's in it for Tehran? Listen in to Priyanka Sharma.

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How Trump is still damaging American politics

As Donald Trump and his supporters continue to falsely claim the 2020 election was stolen, American democracy looks fragile. With election-deniers running for office, and many new voting restrictions, how will the midterm elections shape the playing field for the 2024 presidential election? 00:00 - Democracy is under assault in America 01:38 - Americans are worried about the state of democracy 04:04 - An unprecedented amount of new voting...

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Market Currents: Fed Confusion

The Federal Reserve seems confused about its role in inflation and unemployment. Alhambra’s Steve Brennan and Joe Calhoun discuss it.

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How to draw Vladimir Putin #cartoon #Putin

How do you draw Putin? We asked KAL, our political cartoonist. #cartoon #Putin #shorts #art #politics

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What Everybody Knows No Longer Matters

What nobody yet knows (or the few insiders who do know are keeping to themselves) is what will matter. Being a doom-and-gloom Bear stops being fun when the Bear Bar gets crowded.

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CCP Congress: what will Xi do next?

What's it like to attend the Chinese Communist Party’s most important political meeting? Our correspondent, who was at the opening of the 20th National Congress, explains what it was like and what we might learn about Xi Jinping’s plans for China's future in the coming days 00:00 - What is the Chinese Communist Party congress? 00:38 - Our correspondent’s journey 01:50 - Xi Jinping's speech 02:55 - What else is on the agenda? Sign up to The...

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Weekly Market Pulse: Just A Little Volatility

Markets were rather volatile last week. That’s a wild understatement and what passes for sarcasm in the investment business. Stocks started the week waiting with bated (baited?) breath for the inflation reports of the week. It isn’t surprising that the market is focused firmly on the rear view mirror for clues about the future since Jerome Powell has made it plain that is his plan, goofy as it is.

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Brazil elections: the enduring threat of Bolsonaro

President Jair Bolsonaro, the Trump of the Tropics, has undermined democracy, drummed up division and inspired cult-like devotion from his followers. Whether he is re-elected or not, the right-wing populist movement he has unleashed is unlikely to go away. 00:00 - The appeal of Bolsonaro 01:02 - Bolsonaro’s power in Congress 03:20 - Bolsonaro and the gun lobby 05:39 - Bolsonaro’s impact on the environment 07:42 - Bolsonaro’s appeal to evangelical...

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What If Everyone’s Wrong (Just Long Enough to Blow Up Their Account)?

Trying to restore a system that is spiraling away from equilibrium with new extremes of obsolete, misguided policies only accelerates the swings from apparent stability to cascading chaos. The conventional view of the market is there are two sides to every trade and one is right and the other is wrong.

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As dollar woes get worse, why don’t the Fed’s swap lines work? Let’s answer that question.

China, India, emerging markets. Suddenly the UK, but everyone incorrectly presumes the pound's problems start in London. Well, they do, all of it does.

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Everything’s Fixed–Except What’s Broken

Everything's fixed except what's no longer profitable to plunder. Underfunded, ignored, mismanaged by incompetents, it breaks. Everything's fixed--except what's broken. Hmm. Maybe we need to read that again.

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It’s Time to Tackle the Year-End Financial Checklist

Here we are again in the final quarter of the year when thoughts turn to Thanksgiving and Christmas and… reviewing your financial house. Oh, that’s not on your list? Well, let’s put it there because financial issues cannot be on automatic pilot. Things change and you need to keep current. Here are 16 items you need to review before the end of the year.

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Weekly Market Pulse: The Real Reason The Fed Should Pause

The Federal Reserve has been on a mission lately to make sure everyone knows they are serious about killing the inflation they created. Over the last two weeks, Federal Reserve officials delivered 37 speeches, all of the speakers competing to see who could be the most hawkish.

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‘Quiet Quitting’ Isn’t Just About Jobs; It’s About a Crumbling Economy

The unraveling of hyper-Globalization and hyper-Financialization will generate consequences few conventional analysts and pundits anticipate.

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Market Currents: Don’t Listen to Buy and Hold Investing Advice

For decades a Buy and Hold strategy was a staple of financial advice. But should it be? Alhambra CEO separates myth and reality.

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How the Mexican cartels are making profits now

Mexican cartels and criminals are the leading producers of illegal synthetic drugs. This shift is fuelling the latest phase in America’s opioid crisis. 00:00 - The growing market of illicit synthetic drugs 01:05 - Mexico’s booming production of illegal fentanyl 02:22 - The third wave of America's opioid crisis 03:56 - What are the costs of illicit fentanyl production? 04:53 - How is illegal fentanyl manufactured? 05:33 - What is China’s role?...

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Banks had warned, SOFR doesn’t work and that’s a huge problem (in case you hadn’t noticed).

LIBOR was called a crime of the century when its real crime was exposing the truth. Money is eurodollars, not dollars. But in the guilty bureaucrats' push to cover all this up by replacing LIBOR with SOFR, they refused to understand how SOFR is not a suitable alternative. Now it's breaking down just the way authorities had been warned; at the worst possible time, too.

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Zelensky decree rules out Ukraine talks with Putin as ‘impossible’ | Latest World News | WION

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has signed a decree which formerly declares the prospect of any talks with Vladimir Putin impossible. Zelensky stated that he would be ready for dialogue with Russia but with another Russian President.

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Why did the chicken…get so big? #facts #food #shorts

Full video: People eat 65 billion chickens every year. It is the fastest-growing meat product. Yet pound for pound the price of chicken has fallen sharply. How has this happened? #facts #food #shorts

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