Category Archive: 4) FX Trends

Main Author Marc Chandler
Marc Chandler
He has been covering the global capital markets in one fashion or another for more than 30 years, working at economic consulting firms and global investment banks. After 14 years as the global head of currency strategy for Brown Brothers Harriman, Chandler joined Bannockburn Global Forex, as a managing partner and chief markets strategist as of October 1, 2018.

Bullard’s New Paradigm and the Federal Reserve

There is much to like in Bullard's new paradigm. The problem is that it does not reflect the Federal Reserve's view or approach. Policy emanates from the Fed's leadership, but be confused by the noise.

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FX Weekly Preview: It is All about Europe

Major data this week: German Constitutional Court ruling on OMT. UK referendum. EMU flash PMI. ECB TLTRO II launch. Yellen testifies before Congress, RBI Rajan to step down in early Sept.

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Weekly Speculative Postion: After Jo Cox Speculators Bought Sterling Futures with Both Hands

In the days ahead of the murder of Jo Cox, a UK member of parliament, apparently for her support for remaining in the EU, speculators in the futures market scooped up sterling. While last week, speculators took long dollar positions against CHF, this barometer shifted this week towards long CHF.

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FX Review Week till June 17: Jo Cox’s death supports Sterling, negative for CHF

Two main events that drove the foreign exchange market. The first iare some post-FOMC meeting movements and the assassination of Jo Cox, that might be positive for the Anti-Brexit camp . The EUR/CHF has fallen down to 1.0774 and recovered.

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Stay safe in your trading before the UK referendum vote. Key levels to lean against.

he UK referendum is upon us next week. Will the UK stay “In” or will they opt “Out”. In either case, traders will be nervous. Liquidity will likely be limited. Look for extremes BEFORE the event (that means at the beginning of the week – not and hour before the event!) Lean against them. IF …

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Does this remind you of your forex trading?

Having trouble pulling the trigger in your forex trading? Do you lunge at your forex trades with no rhyme or reason? Get help! Get a coach! The Attacking Currency Trends course will smooth your trading swing out. Do you want to hit it down the middle? For more information: Or email Greg Michalowski at …

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FX Daily, June 17: Martyrdom of Cox Acts as Catharsis

The assassination of Jo Cox, a member of the UK parliament is a personal and political tragedy.  Her needless death provided an inflection point.  The suspension of the referendum campaigns and a steady stream of reports and speech...

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How Germany Could Upset Europe before UK Referendum

The assassination of the Jo Cox has broken the powerful momentum in the markets.  Investors recognize that the tragedy potentially injects a new element into consideration for the outcome of next week’s referendum.   The campaigns will be resume over the weekend, and new polls will be available.  Investors will place more weight on polls conducted …

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FX Daily, June 16: Markets are Anxious, Yen Soars

The US dollar is higher against the major currencies but the Japanese yen and the New Zealand dollar.  The dollar fell to new two-year lows against the yen to JPY103.55 before bouncing in the European morning back to JPY104.40.  The...

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Macro Thinking: FOMC, USD, and EU

The Federal Reserve modified its stance yesterday without changing rates.  It is not just about how fast the Fed sees itself normalizing monetary policy but also where the level of the equilibrium rate. The FOMC statement, but especially the officials’ forecasts (dot plots) effective unwound the impact of the earlier Fed talk of the likely …

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FX Daily, June 15: Key Data and FOMC

The Swiss Franc was today on the back-foot against the euro, while the FOMC helped him to rise against the dollar. Yesterday Swiss producer prices were published. Negative changes in producer prices in 2015 reduce the Swiss franc overvaluation in terms of the Real Effective Exchange strongly. Now, however, changes producer prices are approaching zero again.

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Fed Softens Stance Slightly

The immediate reaction was driven by the Fed's dot plots.  Although the median continues to expect two hikes this year, six officials now see only one hike.  Only one official anticipated one hike this year in the last forecasts made in March.  The m...

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Kuroda and the BOJ

Following today's FOMC meeting, the central banks of Japan, Switzerland, and the UK meet tomorrow.  The SNB will keep its powder dry to be able to respond to the results of the UK referendum if needed.  The Bank of England is als...

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FX Daily, June 14: Capital Markets Remain at UK Referendum’s Mercy

"The Swiss Franc was the strongest performer, EUR/CHF has fallen to 1.08 by 0.8%". A spate of opinion polls showing a tilt toward Brexit, and the leading UK newspaper urging the Leave vote on the front page, keep the global capital markets on edge. Equities are lower, though of note ahead of the MSCI decision first thing Wednesday in Asia, Chinese shares eked out a small gain.

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Great Graphic: Oil Flirts with Four-Month Uptrend

The broader technical tone has weakened.  The RSI has turned lower.  The MACDs are also turning lower with a bearish divergence.  The five-day moving average may move below the 20-day moving average for the first time since mid-April later this week....

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US Election Infographic

This infographic was in the Wall Street Journal on the US election.  It is important to remember that the US does not elect the President by direct popular vote.  This makes the national polls a bit misleading. There are 538 electoral college votes.  To be elected a candidate must secure a majority or 270  electoral … Continue reading...

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Forex Education: If risk is too high, you could always go to the beach…

…or trade other pairs The action today in the GBPUSD was beyond words. Rumors about a BREXIT poll, led into a release which was reported incorrectly. The comedy of errors highlights the unscheduled event and liquidity risk that traders face in the market. What exactly is that? What can you do or cannot do to …

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FX Daily, June 13: Brexit Dominates

  Swiss Franc Chandler is a bit puzzled about the Swiss Franc, that got stronger despite speculators being short CHF. We see weaker oil prices and weaker China as major reason, why sight deposits are falling and speculators are long the dollar. FX Rates The risk that the UK votes to leave the EU next … Continue reading »

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Democratic Deficit: Is the UK Referendum the Tip of the Iceberg?

One of the most profound criticisms of the EU that it remains, even at this late date, primarily an elite project.  The democratic deficit has grown, according to the latest Pew Research multi-country poll. The Pew Research sur...

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FX Weekly Preview: Four Central Bank Meetings and More

A couple of weeks ago, the four central banks that meet in the coming days were thought to be a big deal.  Numerous Federal Reserve officials were preparing the market for a summer hike. Risks of a new downturn in Japan spurred spe...

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