Category Archive: 4.) Marc to Market

FX Daily, September 5: While Americans were Celebrating Labor Day

There were several developments that took place while US markets were closed for its Labor Day holiday. Most of the economic news was favorable. This included a strong snap back in the UK service PMI, more evidence that the moral suasion campaign to lift wages in Japan is yielding some success and a rise in the Caixin's China's service PMI.

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FX Weekly Preview: Parsing Divergence: Focus Shifts from Fed to ECB

Net-net, the September Fed funds futures contract was little changed on the week. Four high-income central banks meet in the week ahead; the ECB is the only one in play. China accounted for a full three quarters of the US trade deficit in July.

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Weekly Speculative Positions: Rising Swiss Franc Longs

Speculative activity remained light in the latest CFTC reporting period ending August 30. There were no gross position adjustments that we recognize as significant; 10k contracts or more. There were only three gross adjustments by speculators of more than 4k contracts. With the higher EUR/CHF FX rate and weaker U.S. jobs date, speculators went long CHF by 8.2K contracts.

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US Jobs Disappoint, Risk of Sept Hike Recedes, Dollar Falls

Underlying concerns about US labor market ease after two robust reports. Sept Fed views will not change much. Canada’s data is disappointing, BOC optimism may be challenged.

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FX Daily, September 2: US Jobs Data–Higher Anxiety, Thank You Mr. Fischer

The US dollar is little changed ahead of the job report. Our near-term bias is for a lower dollar. Sterling is flat and is holding on to about a 1% gain this week. The Japanese yen is about a 0.3% lower and is off 1.7% this week. The euro was coming into today for the week.

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FX Daily, September 01: A Couple of Surprises to Start the New Month

The new month has begun with a couple of surprises. The biggest surprise has been the record jump in the UK manufacturing PMI to 53.3 from 48.3. A much smaller rebound was expected in August after the Brexit shock drop in July.

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FX Daily, August 31: Dollar Bides Times, Month-End at Hand, Jobs Data Ahead

The US dollar is a little softer against most of the major and emerging market currencies. The exception is the Japanese yen, where the greenback has moved above JPY103 for the first time in a month. The tone is consolidative as the market awaits assurances that the jobs growth this month has been sufficiently strong as to keep the prospects of a September meeting still alive.

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Great Graphic: Oil is Looking Crude

Oil is breaking down. Doubts are growing over output freezes while US inventories rise. The technicals are poor.

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Spain’s Political Deadlock Likely Leads to Third Election

Rajoy is hoping to form a minority government this week. It seems unlikely to succeed, which could lead to an election on Christmas. Regional elections and corruption trials may change Spain's political dynamics.

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FX Daily, August 30: Greenback Remains Firm, Awaiting Fresh Cues

The US dollar is trading firmly, largely within yesterday's ranges. The odds implied by the September Fed fund futures eased to 36% from 42% before the weekend, but ahead of Fischer's Bloomberg TV appearance, and tomorrow's ADP employment estimate, the market seems cautious about fading the dollar's strength.

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Natural Rates and Terminal Fed Funds

The neutral or natural interest rate is linked to potential growth. Potential growth has fallen so has the neutral rate. The implication is that the FOMC has made the bulk of the adjustment on its long-term Fed funds forecast.

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FX Daily, August 29: Dollar Gains Extended, but Momentum Fades

The US dollar staged a strong pre-weekend rally on hints that the Fed will raise rates before the end of the year. There was initially follow through dollar buying in Asia before a more stable tone emerged in Europe, where London markets are closed for a bank holiday. The easing of the dollar’s upside momentum may set the stage for a bout of profit-taking later today and tomorrow.

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Great Graphic: Low Wages in US Rising

The bottom of the US wage scale is rising. The added wage costs are being blunted by less staff turnover, hiring and training costs. It is consistent with our expectation of higher price pressures.

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FX Weekly Preview: Yellen Pushes Divergence Front and Center

The summer dynamics of the capital markets has changed by the enhanced prospects of a Fed hike. Equity markets and other risk assets look particularly vulnerable. Sterling may do better against the euro than the dollar.

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Weeky Speculative Positions: Euro Shorts Trimmed, More Sterling Shorts, Long CHF again

Three weeks ago speculators went net short in CHF, when the U.S. jobs report was published. Now the net position shifted to long again. Last week GBP shorts increased but Euro Shorts were reduced.

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FX Daily, August 26: And now for Yellen…

Yellen's presentation at Jackson Hole today is the highlight of the week. It also marks the end of the summer for many North American and European investors. It may be a bit of a rolling start for US participants, until after Labor Day. However, with US employment data next Friday, many will return in spirit if not in body.

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FX Daily, August 25: Narrow Ranges Prevail as Breakouts Fail

The US dollar remains mostly within the ranges seen yesterday against the major currencies.The market awaits fresh trading incentives and the end of the summer lull, which is expected next week. The Jackson Hole Fed gathering at which Yellen speaks tomorrow is seen as the highlight of this quiet week.

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FX Daily, August 24: Narrowly Mixed Greenback in Summer Churn

The US dollar is going nowhere fast. It is narrowly mixed against the major currencies. The market awaits for fresh trading incentives, with much hope placed on Yellen's presentation at Jackson Hole at the end of the week. Is it too early to suggest that the build-up ahead of it is too much?

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Great Graphic: GDP Per Capita Selected Comparison

US population growth has been greater than other major centers that helps explain why GDP has risen faster. GDP per capita has also growth faster than other high income regions. The US recovery is weak relative to post-War recoveries but it has been faster than anticipated after a financial crisis and shows little evidence of secular stagnation.

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FX Daily, August 23: Broadly Mixed Dollar in a Mostly Quiet Market

The US dollar is mostly little changed against the major, as befits a summer session.There are two exceptions.The first is the New Zealand dollar. Comments by the central bank's governor played down the need for urgent monetary action and suggested that the bottom of cycle may be near 1.75% for the cash rate, which currently sits at 2.0%.This means that a cut next month is unlikely. November appears to be a more likely timeframe.

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