Category Archive: 6b) Austrian Economics


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MARKUS KRALL Europäische Zentralbank nicht Währung manipuliert

MARKUS KRALL Europäische Zentralbank nicht Währung manipuliert ***** Dirk Müller, Banken Deutschland, Sparkassen Deutschland, Wirtschaft Deutschland, Finanzen Deutschland , Geld Deutschland , Kapital Deutschland, Aktien Deutschland , Börse Deutschland ,

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Why Not Just Abolish the IRS?

While some conservatives are criticizing President Biden for hiring 87,000 new well-armed IRS agents under the guise of fighting inflation, I’ve got a better idea: Let’s just abolish the IRS and, at the same time, end the federal income tax.  The idea is actually not as radical as it sounds.

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New York City Subways: The Woes of Socialist Enterprises

History matters, especially as the New York City today faces still another subway crisis. The New York subway system’s history illustrates the failures of state enterprise. The subways have been bad for so long that few know when the subways were “an engineering marvel.” That was when subway private management companies made money, about a century ago.

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Gold Return On Gold Discussion

Gold Return On Gold Discussion | David Morgan and Keith Weiner Interview. Monetary Metals is a different kind of gold company. Others buy or sell gold. We are a platform for products that offer investors a Yield on Gold, Paid in Gold®. We call it The Gold Yield Marketplace. Watch this video on Gold Return On Gold Discussion, then please share with your friends and family on social media and use the caption...

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Dr. Markus Krall prognostiziert genauen ZEITRAUM der Entladung! Rechnerisch unausweichlich!

Wie wird sich die aktuell kritische Lage weiter entwickeln? Wir schauen uns regelmäßig an, was Experten wie Dr. Markus Krall, Prof. Hans-Werner Sinn, Ernst Wolff, Dirk Müller, Max Otte oder Marc Friedrich zur aktuellen Lage sagen.

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The Great Age Reboot – Global Macro Update

This week, I spoke with Dr. Michael Roizen, Chief Wellness Officer at the Cleveland Clinic, and author of “The Great Age Reboot: Cracking the Longevity Code for a Younger Tomorrow.” We talked about how current science and technology will revolutionize our ability to live longer and live better. We also discussed the economic and policy implications that come with longevity as a disruptor. In this edition, you’ll hear Dr. Roizen and me discuss:...

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Greetings from Switzerland

I’m back from Geneva where, among other things, I briefly visited the headquarter of the World Economic Forum (WEF) to express my appreciation for this organization. Check out my picture :-). In addition I enjoyed a conversation with Jose El Niño – you will find the podcast under the below link. Claudio Grass, Switzerland If you want to listen, please click on the following link to the podcast:...

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Anleihen – Was du unbedingt vermeiden musst und wie du dein Geld absicherst!

Was sind Anleihen? Chancen, Risiken, wie kannst du damit dein Geld absichern?

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87,000 New IRS Agents Will Reduce Inflation?

REMINDER: I will be speaking at the Ron Paul Institute’s annual conference, which this year is being held at the The Westin Washington Dulles Airport. The theme of the conference is “Anatomy of a Police State.” See my blog post of yesterday. If you can make it, I am sure you’ll be happy you did. If you do attend, please come up and say hello. Register here. — Jacob

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Zerstörung des Infektionsschutzgesetz

Das Infektionsschutzgesetz kommt! Was bedeutet das für Dich und ist das überhaupt sinnvoll? Sogar die Bundeswehr soll eingesetzt werden und jeder mit einer Farbe markiert werden. All das, obwohl alle anderen Länder lockern oder sogar die Corona-Krise für beendet erklären. Wie ist der Stand der Dinge um die Impfung und die Masken?

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Wirtschaft aktuell: Was passiert jetzt? Jetzt ein Demokonto eröffnen & in Sachwerte kaufen? Negativzinsen durch ein Online Bankkonto umgehen? Macht Forex Trading, CFD Handel und Aktien oder der sichere Hafen Girokonto und Gold Sinn?

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“War on cash” update: A brighter outlook

Finally, a victory for the State. Central planners and paper pushers of all stripes are not generally known for their acumen or their ability to recognize and successfully seize opportunities in time. They always tend to lag behind more or less every other member of society: from the innovators and entrepreneurs, to the criminal masterminds, which is why all upstanding citizens still retain a modicum of freedom, but also why we all still have to...

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Wirtschaft aktuell: Was passiert jetzt? Jetzt ein Demokonto eröffnen & in Sachwerte kaufen? Negativzinsen durch ein Online Bankkonto umgehen? Macht Forex Trading, CFD Handel und Aktien oder der sichere Hafen Girokonto und Gold Sinn?

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PODCAST: Das Märchen von den begrenzten Ressourcen – von Rainer Zitelmann

Nachdem das U.S. Geological Survey nichts aus seinen früheren falschen Behauptungen gelernt hatte, sagte es 1974, dass die USA nur noch über einen 10-jährigen Vorrat an Erdgas verfügten. … Nicht nur beim Erdöl, bei fast allen relevanten Rohstoffen taxierte der Bericht des „Club of Rome“ den Zeitpunkt ihrer Erschöpfung völlig falsch ein. Erdgas, Kupfer, Blei, Aluminium, Wolfram: Nichts davon würde man – weiteres Wirtschaftswachstum vorausgesetzt –...

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EURO-KRISE “RAUS aus dem EURO” Macht das Sinn?

Dr. Markus Krall formuliert seine Analyse als gute Nachricht: „Wir sind im Endspiel und Deutschland steht im Finale.“

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Why I Love “Price Discrimination”

Last week, I went to a vision center to get my new eyeglass prescription filled. Because I wear progressive lenses with antireflective coating and do not have vision insurance, I anticipated that the out-of-pocket cost of the glasses would be quite high. When I entered the shop and stated my business, the manager immediately asked if I had vision insurance, and I responded that I did not.

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Gold Beats Inflation & Treasury Yields Too! | Turning Hard Times Into Good Times

Keith Weiner and Michael Oliver return as guests on this week’s program Turning Hard Times Into Good Times, hosted by Jay Taylor. The U.S. government hates gold because its rising price shines the light on the destruction of the dollar caused by the Federal Reserve’s printing press used to finance massive government deficits. The detractors of gold have long suggested that owning gold doesn’t make sense because it doesn’t pay interest. They can’t...

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Ronald Stöferle | The Fed Hawks Are Doves in Disguise

Despite gold being down 2–3 percent in US dollar terms, gold has continued to preserve its purchasing power in the long term. In mid-August, gold was up 8 percent in euro terms and 15 percent in Japanese yen terms.

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Keith Weiner – Gold Beats Inflation & Treasury Yields Too!

Keith Weiner explains how leasing or lending your gold brings yields comparable to U.S. Treasuries while avoiding purchasing power losses inherent in owning U.S. Treasuries.

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