Category Archive: 6b) Austrian Economics

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The Fed Is Wrong to Make Policies Based upon the Phillips Curve

Speaking at Jackson Hole, Wyoming, on August 26, 2022, the chair of the Federal Reserve, Jerome Powell, said the Fed must continue to raise interest rates—and keep them elevated for a while—to bring the fastest inflation in decades back under control.

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Versicherungsbranche in der Krise? | WOV Talk mit Felix Früchtl

Am 01. Oktober auf der World of Value wird es auch um den Zustand der Versicherungsunternehmen gehen! Der Versicherungsexperte Felix Früchtl, Geschäftsführer der ProLife GmbH, klärt Sie dann u.a. darüber auf, ob die Lieblings-Sparform der Deutschen (Lebensversicherungen) noch als Anlagemodell und Altersvorsorge taugt.

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Fed Policy and Monetary Velocity with Dr. Lacy Hunt – Global Macro Update

This week I spoke with Dr. Lacy Hunt, executive vice president of Hoisington Asset Management and author of both “A Time to Be Rich'' and “Dynamics of Forecasting: Financial Cycles,Theory and Techniques.” We discussed the consequences of the Federal Reserve’s actions, the impact of higher interest rates, and the durability of inflation. In this edition you’ll hear Lacy and I discuss: - How the Fed’s slow shift from “lender of last resort” to...

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Bitcoin and Gold in 2022 | Webinar w/ Keith Weiner, Monetary Metals

We welcome the brilliant Keith Weiner to the Bitcoin & Gold in 2022 series. Keith is the Founder of Monetary Metals, a platform which has taken investment in gold to a new level, pioneering yield generation and gold financing. He will be talking to Charlie Morris about the "Money Illusion" and the importance of gold. The BOLD Chart Book: JOIN OUR MAILING LIST:...

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Wunsch-Aktien in der Analyse: Allianz, BASF und Nvidia unter der Chartlupe

Cashkurs*Academy: Schnuppern Sie kostenlos in den Kurs Charttechnik rein – Jetzt den Code „Wunschanalysen“ einlösen und das erste Modul gratis belegen: In diesem Video bespricht unser Experte Mario Steinrücken die von der Cashkurs*Community gewünschten Titel am Chart: Heute sehen Sie hier die kurz, knackigen Analysen von Allianz, BASF und Nvidia. Hier geht’s zum vollständigen Video mit weiteren spannenden Titeln...

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Insatiable Government

In the minutes of the Chicago City Council, May 12th last, is the perfect example of how commonly we regard public credit. From bad taxation, reckless borrowing and reckless spending, the city of Chicago had so far prejudiced its own credit that for months it had been unable to meet its municipal payrolls either out of revenues or by discounting its notes at the bank.

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The many perils of “Stockholm syndrome” politics

It’s been a tumultuous couple of months in UK politics. After a troubled time in office, plagued by scandal, internal party frictions and much public embarrassment, Boris Johnson exited the stage leaving behind a big old mess for his successor to clean up. An economy in tatters, inflation at record highs and an energy crisis the likes of which this generation hasn’t seen before.  It’s a miracle that anyone in the kingdom could be found that...

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„Putin ist nicht schuld an der Inflation!“ – brisantes Interview mit Dr. Marc Faber

Dr. „Doom“ Marc Faber – Euro und Aktien rauschen nach unten – was jetzt? Europakongress: Geldsicherheit LIVE: Freitagstipps abonnieren: Marc Faber: Dr. Marc Faber: "Frau Lagarde ist eine Verbrecherin!"   Dieser Mann polarisiert, ist bekannt für kritische Aussagen und hat renommierte...

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August’s Price Inflation Soared, and That Means Earnings Fell Yet Again

The federal government’s Bureau of Labor Statistics released new price inflation data today, and the news wasn’t good. According to the BLS, Consumer Price Index (CPI) inflation rose 8.3 percent year over year during August, before seasonal adjustment. That’s the seventeenth month in a row of inflation above the Fed’s arbitrary 2 percent inflation target, and it’s six months in a row of price inflation above 8 percent.

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Wirtschaft aktuell: Was passiert jetzt? Jetzt ein Demokonto eröffnen & in Sachwerte kaufen? Negativzinsen durch ein Online Bankkonto umgehen? Macht Forex Trading, CFD Handel und Aktien oder der sichere Hafen Girokonto und Gold Sinn?

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Military Self-Delusion on the Constitution

Several former U.S. defense secretaries and retired generals recently published an open letter about the current political environment in America. The letter stated, among other things: “Military officers swear an oath to support and defend the Constitution, not an oath of fealty to an individual or to an office.”

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Deindustrialisierung Deutschlands geht voran! (Sozialismus trifft Realismus)

Es ist Zeit für Realismus und nicht für Sozialismus! Als kleiner Vorgeschmack auf die World of Value am 01. Oktober, bespreche ich heute den alltäglichen Wahnsinn: Eine EZB-Chefin, die Preissteigerungen und Klima als Ursache für die Inflation sieht; ein Wirtschaftsminister, der Nachhilfe in wirtschaftlichen Grundkenntnissen benötigt; und ein sich anbahnender „Lehman 2.0 Moment“. Das Ableben der Queen (möge sie in Frieden ruhen), eine historische...

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Markus Krall ohne Risiko kein Profit

#wirtschaft #finanzen #geldanlage #finanzstrategie #prognosen #nachrichten #vermögenssicherung #geld #gold #silber #goldkaufen #aktienkaufen

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Promoting Natural Rights Instead of Conservatism: Looking at Rothbard and Jaffa

This is the story of a man, an intellectual, born after World War I, who spent studying his university years in New York and became acquainted and studied under German Jewish émigré who fled the Nazi regime in Germany, later becoming mentor and protégé.

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Short-Term Market Volatility Is Not Entirely Random

Over the present year we have experienced record-breaking price inflation, a series of interest rate hikes, and an overall fall in stock prices. It is widely accepted that there is a bubble. A good way for Misesians to measure this is by comparing the price of capital (stock prices) to its replacement cost (book value). A normal ratio for the overall market should be close to one.

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Auf dem Weg in die Befehls- und Lenkungswirtschaft (12.08.2022)

#thorstenpolleit #fiatgeld #zentralbankgeld #ezb #digitalgeld

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Democracy without Foundations

In last week’s column, I criticized Jedediah Purdy for the ignorance of economic theory on display in his Two Cheers for Politics. Fortunately, the book contains much of interest, reflecting the author’s wide knowledge of the history of political philosophy. I have to say, though, that the main argument of the book strikes me as utterly unconvincing.

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We Cannot Interpret Economic Data Unless We Know Economic Theory

Most economic commentators believe that historical data is the key in assessing the state of the economy. Thus, if a statistic such as real gross domestic product or industrial production displays a visible increase, then the economy is stronger. Conversely, a decline in the growth rate says the economy is weakening.

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