Category Archive: 1) SNB and CHF

Questions That Need Answering [feat. Jonathan Watson]

Guest Worship Leaders Austin and Lindsey Adamec from Jacksonville,FL. Jonathan Watson from Charleston Southern University helps us to understand The Trinity. With THE BLOC Online you can join us every Thursday for 7pm! — Follow Austin and Lindsey Adamec: Subscribe to our channel to see more messages from THE BLOC: Follow us on Instagram:...

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SNB COVID-19 refinancing facility expanded to include cantonal loan guarantees as well as joint and several loan guarantees for startups

The Swiss National Bank announced the establishment of the SNB COVID-19 refinancing facility (CRF) on 25 March 2020. This facility allows banks to obtain liquidity from the SNB by assigning credit claims from corporate loans as collateral. In so doing, the SNB enables banks to expand their lending rapidly and on a large scale.

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Economic cost of pandemic will be enormous: SNB chief

Coronavirus is costing between CHF11 billion and CHF17 billion a month, putting such a strain on the Swiss economy that it will take years to recover. Swiss National Bank (SNB) chairman Thomas Jordan has predicted the worst depression since the 1930s.

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Is capitalism broken? | Guy Standing, Izabella Kaminska, Jamie Whyte, and Steven King

Guy Standing, Jamie Whyte, Izabella Kaminska and Stephen King debate if we can save capitalism. Watch the full debate at It is just twenty-five years since Fukuyama’s claim, taken seriously at the time, that capitalism and liberal democracy had won, and represented the endpoint of cultural advance. Instead, after a decade of stagnation...

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SNB’s swollen balance-sheet poses risk to ‘credibility’

When the Swiss National Bank (SNB) followed last year’s $50 billion (CHF48.6 billion) profit with a record $39 billion first-quarter loss, it was a stark illustration of the volatility created by a decade of unconventional monetary policy.

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A More Connected American | Jonathan Watson | TEDxThunderRidgeHS

Very few Americans have the courage or motivation to live and work outside the USA. Americans need to be aware of cultural differences and teaching experiences outside the USA. Jonathan Watson has been to 35 countries around four continents. His interests include reading, traveling, teaching, marketing, sales, and speaking. He wants to be the greatest speaker in the world. Jonathan wants to run a marathon on all seven continents of the world. He...

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FINMA eröffnet Anhörung zur Teilrevision des Rundschreibens “Liquiditätsrisiken Banken”

Der Bundesrat hat im November 2019 die Einführung der Finanzierungsquote für Banken (Net Stable Funding Ratio, NSFR) beschlossen. Dies macht kleine Anpassungen des FINMA-Rundschreibens „Liquiditätsrisiken – Banken“ notwendig. Dazu eröffnet die FINMA eine Anhörung, die bis am 13. Juli 2020 läuft.

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SNB appoints new delegate Fabian Schnell for regional economic relations for Zurich region

With effect from 1 May 2020, Fabian Schnell will assume the function of Swiss National Bank (SNB) delegate for regional economic relations for the Zurich region. He succeeds Rita Kobel Rohr, who is taking on a new position at the SNB’s General Secretariat on 1 July 2020.

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The power of money, the 2008 crash, and the next economic crisis | Izabella Kaminska

Is the economy rigged against the working class, and is a new crash inevitable? Izabella Kaminska lifts the lid on the world of finance Find more debates and talks at After the financial crisis in 2008, tigher regulations were imposed to curb bankers’ behaviour. But 12 years on, are the regulators now serving the …

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SNB Interim Results: -38 Billion, An Analysis

The Swiss National Bank reports a loss of CHF 38.2 billion for the first quarter of 2020. The loss on foreign currency positions amounted to CHF 41.2 billion.

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SNB dürfte im ersten Quartal 30Milliarden Franken verlieren

Die SNB dürfte im ersten Quartal des laufendenJahres einen Verlust von rund CHF 30 Mrd.ausweisen. Die Coronakrise führte zu einem Kurssturz anden Aktienmärkten und zu einer Aufwertung desFrankens auf breiter Basis, beides schadete demErgebnis der SNB.

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XLarge Assets Financial AG – Finma warnt. Erfahrungen

Wieder so ein merkwürdiges Geschäftsmodell der Xlarge Asset Financial AG vor dem nun auch die Eidgenössische Finanzmarktaufsicht (FINMA) warnt. Auf der Webseite der XLarge Assets Financial AG erfahren die Anleger nicht allzuviel, handelt es sich doch um einen billigen One-Pager die sich auch bei Anlagebetrügern immer größerer Beliebtheit erfreuen. Doch haben wir es hier mit …

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Money Moss – Thomas Jordan

#Militarycosplay #Airsoftcosplay #Cosplay Sígueme en #Likee 507389281 Follow me on #Likee 507389281 Sígueme en #TikTok @thomasjordan893 Follow me on #TikTok @thomasjordan893 Sígueme en #TikTok @userOai11wftbf Follow me on #TikTok @userOai11wftbf Sígueme en #Instagram thomasjordan8 Follow me on #Instagram thomasjordan8

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#863 FINMA Bewilligungsverfahren Facebook Coin, Purse io schliesst & Ölfirmen Bitcoin Mining

Vielen Dank an den heutigen Sponsor Bitwin – Werde Kanalmitglied, erhalte Einblicke hinter die Kulissen und spezielle monatliche Livestreams – #863 FINMA Bewilligungsverfahren Facebook Coin, schliesst & Ölfirmen Bitcoin Mining Hey Krypto Fans, willkommen zur Bitcoin-Informant Show Nr. 863. Heute sprechen wir über...

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C’est bien à la FINMA de désigner l’auditeur de CS

jeudi, 16 avril 2020 C’est bien à la FINMA de désigner l’auditeur de CS | Sky Suisse Finance Le Tribunal administratif fédéral considère qu'il revient au gendarme financier de désigner qui tranchera sur l'affaire des filatures menées par la banque aux deux voiles. #Sky_Suisse_Finance

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Spygate: Die Credit Suisse verliert gegen die Finma

Mittwoch, 15. April 2020 Spygate: Die Credit Suisse verliert gegen die Finma | Feliz Cubano Letras Die Grossbank hält in der Beschattungsaffäre den Prüfbeauftragten der Finanzmarktaufsicht (Finma) für befangen. Und verliert vor Gericht. #Feliz_Cubano_Letras

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GBP to CHF Rate: Sterling Supported Against the Swiss Franc as Boris Johnson’s Health Improves

The GBP to CHF interbank exchange rate today has been ranging between 1.2017 and 1.2092. The pound looks supportive today on the back that Prime Minister Boris Johnson, is on the road to recovery from Covid-19.

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FINMA veröffentlicht weitere Aufsichtsmitteilung im Kontext der COVID-19-Krise

Die Eidgenössische Finanzmarktaufsicht FINMA veröffentlicht eine zweite Aufsichtsmitteilung mit Hinweisen für die Beaufsichtigten zu Erleichterungen und Präzisierungen der Aufsichtspraxis im Kontext der COVID-19-Krise.

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Ubs e Credit Suisse cedono alle pressioni della Finma

sabato 11 aprile 2020 Ubs e Credit Suisse cedono alle pressioni della Finma | White Program La prima ha diviso in due tranche il dividendo: proporrà all'assemblea del 29 aprile la distribuzione di una cedola di 0,365 dollari per azione e a quella del 19 novembre un dividendo di riserva straordinario di 0,365 dollari per …

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USD/CHF Asia Price Forecast: Greenback holds above 0.9700 vs. Swiss franc

USD/CHF’s bull trend remains intact as the spot holds above the 0.9700 figure. The level to beat for bulls is the 0.9800 resistance. USD/CHF is trading below the 100 and 200 SMA on the daily chart as the market is consolidating the last leg up. 

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