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“People Need to Understand that their Biggest Asset is Individual Liberty” – an Interview with Claudio Grass


In his latest interview for the X22 Report, Claudio Grass shares his views on the future of the Euro, the Trump Presidency, the monetary system and the advantage of of owning gold in these times of global uncertainty.

Preserving Liberty in a Difficult Time

“People Need to Understand that their Biggest Asset is Individual Liberty” – an Interview with Claudio GrassClaudio Grass, managing director at Global Gold

As election season is upon us in Europe and political and economic tensions are heating up, Claudio Grass notes that “the euro is the most artificial currency in history”, highlighting one of the most fundamental problems at the heart of the EU’s troubles. It is undeniable that public awareness is growing, and so is active opposition to ever greater centralization of political power.

A breakup of the EU remains a possible scenario, which one has to seriously take into account, as it could trigger a domino effect with extensive repercussions. The Brexit and Trump’s election victory represent precedents that could fuel more surprises for the establishment in upcoming elections in Europe.

Claudio Grass highlights that, contrary to its neighbors, Switzerland is the only country that still fully respects individual liberty, financial sovereignty and private property. These values are enshrined in its constitution, limiting the powers of the state and ensuring that the people control their government and not the other way around.

Claudio Grass believes that ownership of physical gold is an insurance policy that provides long term financial security. In view of current global political and economic instability, with deep-rooted social tensions coming to the fore, gold should not to be seen as speculative vehicle, but rather as the only real way of saving and maintaining value over the uncertain years to come.

Asked if anything has changed since 2008, he points out that in many ways, things have taken a turn for the worse: The financial system is more centralized, government debt keeps piling up, people are even more disenfranchised.

On a social level, the economic obliteration of the middle class, combined with excessive mainstream media propaganda and political correctness, are pushing people to look for alternatives. They are getting tired of being told what to think and how to think, which opinions are allowed and which are not.

We are only at the beginning of what will likely be a rough and turbulent transition period. One must hope that it will be peaceful, but it is not possible to reliably predict the eventual outcome. However, he still sees room for optimism: “It is never too late for citizens to stand up and reclaim their liberties”.


The full interview is here:


X22 interview with Claudio Grass


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Taki Tsaklanos
Taki Tsaklanos is the founder and lead analyst at, a research service focused on unlocking opportunities across markets. With +15 years of experience in markets, he has developed a methodology based on 7 indicators: chart patterns, intermarket analysis, market internals, sentiment, monetary policy and inflation/deflation indicators. In the past, he was the head of research at Secular Investor, an online research service focused on secular trends in commodities and precious metals. Taki Tsaklanos is also a chief editor at Gold & Liberty.
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