- For Germany, the interest burden would rise significantly more..
- The Triple-A of the strong euro countries would be in danger more …
- The main problem of indebtedness would remain unsolved more …
- The issue of too much debt in the periphery would remain unsolved more …
- The warning function of a high interest rate would be disabled more …
- Only market pressure can lead to necessary reforms in the periphery more ...
- Progress by competition would be jeopardized more ...
- Economically stronger countries would be disadvantaged more ...
- The rifts among the European nations would intensify, 79% of Germans are against Eurobonds more ...
- Eurobonds would be against the German constitution more …
Tags: debt,ESM,Eurobonds,Eurozone,Fiscal Union,Franken,Hollande,Merkel,Political Union,Referendum,zone