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Can Gold Return to the Center of the Monetary System?

Forget about digital gold. The only truth is the yellow metal. As Keith Weiner notes, real gold “is the one financial asset that is nobody else’s liability.”

Weiner, the founder, and CEO of Monetary Metals explains to Mike Green how his company boosts gold’s value proposition by paying interest on bullion holdings. He also talks about the inevitable debasement of fiat currencies and the inherent volatility of #Bitcoin. Weiner believes it won’t be too long before #gold is back at the center of the monetary system. “The dollar is only good so long as the Fed is solvent,” he says, “but if that condition fails to be true, the #USdollar could one day go the way of the Zimbabwean dollar or the Venezuelan bolivar.” In addition to exploring all things gold, Weiner and Green touch on Costco’s ability to maintain its price point on rotisserie chickens as well as Terra’s meltdown.

Recorded on May 16, 2022.

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Keith Weiner
Keith Weiner is president of the Gold Standard Institute USA in Phoenix, Arizona, and CEO of the precious metals fund manager Monetary Metals.
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