Keith Weiner

Keith Weiner

Keith Weiner is president of the Gold Standard Institute USA in Phoenix, Arizona, and CEO of the precious metals fund manager Monetary Metals.

Videos by Keith Weiner

Gold and Silver forecast 2023 – Keith Weiner

Gold and Silver forecast 2023 – Keith Weiner

Welcome to Vertex Finance, In this channel, we create financial educational content, and we help you get smarter and financially educated. Our goal is to provide short engaging video content related to finance, that will motivate you at the same time.





Silver price predictions
Silver price
gold price
gold price prediction
gold and silver
Silver market
silver stackers
silver stacking


Andy Schectman – Will the west adopt a new gold standard? The truth about future of our currency

5 Reasons why you need Gold and

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Keith Weiner – Only Gold and Silver Can Stave off the Zombie Apocalypse

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Be Ready: Markets To Takeover GOLD Pricing SOON! – Keith Weiner | Gold Price Prediction

Be Ready: Markets To Takeover GOLD Pricing SOON! – Keith Weiner | Gold Price Prediction

#gold #silver #fed #financedaily

⬇ Inspired By: ⬇
Financial Crisis Is Already Here, Don’t Let the Market Exuberance Fool You Warns Lynette Zang
Fed’s Credibility is Destroyed, Why Cash, Gold and Silver Will Be Best Lifeline | Outlook 2022

Silver spikes through $27 level in early trading, up $.83
Those Who Don’t Own Gold & Silver Will Go Through Extreme Poverty – Rick Rule | Price Prediction


Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, commenting, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use

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Keith Weiner: Gold Will Stand Out In The Middle Of Chaos In Markets

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Keith Weiner is the founder and CEO of Monetary Metals, an investment firm that is unlocking the productivity of gold. Keith also serves as founder and President of the Gold Standard Institute USA. His work was instrumental in the passing of gold legal tender laws in the state of Arizona in 2017.

Video content: Keith Weiner, silver, restart, reset, the big reset, banks USA, savings banks USA, economy USA, finance USA, money USA, capital USA, stocks USA, stock exchange USA, real estate USA, politics USA, media USA, gold, gold coins,

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Keith Weiner: The Fed is Creating a Perfect Setup for New Gold Investors

Tom welcomes back, Keith Weiner, to the show. Keith is the President & Founder of Gold Standard Institute USA and CEO of Monetary Metals.

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Keith explains the two main forces that led to the price of gold remaining flat in 2022: the Fed’s decision to raise rates and the wild card of Ukraine. He explains that wage earners tend to prefer silver to gold, and that the Fed’s decision to raise rates has only recently started to have an effect on labor. Keith discusses the trend of falling interest rates over the last 40 years and how this has both unleashed capital and created an addiction to lower rates. This, he compared to a

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Be Ready: Markets To Takeover GOLD Pricing SOON! – Keith Weiner | Gold Price Prediction

Be Ready: Markets To Takeover GOLD Pricing SOON! – Keith Weiner | Gold Price Prediction

#gold #silver #fed #financedaily

⬇ Inspired By: ⬇
Financial Crisis Is Already Here, Don’t Let the Market Exuberance Fool You Warns Lynette Zang
Fed’s Credibility is Destroyed, Why Cash, Gold and Silver Will Be Best Lifeline | Outlook 2022

Silver spikes through $27 level in early trading, up $.83
Those Who Don’t Own Gold & Silver Will Go Through Extreme Poverty – Rick Rule | Price Prediction


Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, commenting, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use

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Ep 54 – EPIC RANT: The Fed’s Demand Destruction Is Immoral

CEO Keith Weiner goes on an epic rant debunking the idea of a soft landing through demand destruction, the inflation-unemployment trade-off, and how most economists are not doing real monetary science.

Read our latest article on the myth of demand destruction:

Get our Annual Gold Outlook Report for FREE:

Register for our Webinar and ask Keith about the Outlook Report here:

Full show notes and transcript:

Follow Keith and Monetary Metals on Twitter: @RealKeithWeiner, @Monetary_Metals

#federalreserve #supplyanddemand #economics #monetarypolicy

Earn Interest on Your Gold and Silver with Monetary Metals

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Gold next move: Gold price predictions – Keith Weiner

Gold next move: Gold price predictions – Keith Weiner

Welcome to Vertex Finance, In this channel, we create financial educational content, and we help you get smarter and financially educated. Our goal is to provide short engaging video content related to finance, that will motivate you at the same time.


Credit goes to the speaker: Keith Weiner



Silver price predictions
Silver price
gold price
gold price prediction
gold and silver
Silver market
silver stackers
silver stacking


Silver under pressure here’s why – Robert kientz

Don’t Be Fooled: The Housing Market is on the Brink of a – Dave Kranzler

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Gold Will Stand Out Amid Chaos In Markets | Keith Weiner

Keith Weiner, CEO of Monetary Metals, gives his 2023 outlook for gold and silver. He says when, not if, the Fed decides to reverse course, gold should make its next big move. He expects the economy and markets will spiral into a crisis reminiscent of The Great Recession. In such a chaotic marketplace, gold will stand out as a safe haven, he says.

Obtain the Free 2023 Gold Outlook Report discussed in this interview:

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The In-Person Rule Symposium on Natural Resource Investing is returning to Boca Raton, FL this

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MASSIVE Fall In Gold and Silver Price Incoming – Keith Weiner | Gold Silver Price Forecast

MASSIVE Fall In Gold and Silver Price Incoming – Keith Weiner | Gold Silver Price Forecast

#gold #silver #fed #financedaily

⬇ Inspired By: ⬇
Financial Crisis Is Already Here, Don’t Let the Market Exuberance Fool You Warns Lynette Zang
Fed’s Credibility is Destroyed, Why Cash, Gold and Silver Will Be Best Lifeline | Outlook 2022

Silver spikes through $27 level in early trading, up $.83
Those Who Don’t Own Gold & Silver Will Go Through Extreme Poverty – Rick Rule | Price Prediction


Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, commenting, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use

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How to Invest in Gold with Keith Weiner — Physical, ETFs, Stocks and Futures

Gold stayed stable amid widespread volatility in 2022, and with global uncertainty still running high more investors are considering adding the yellow metal to their portfolios. But where is the best place to start?

Keith Weiner of Monetary Metals breaks down the basics, explaining what investors need to know about investing in physical gold, gold exchange-traded funds (ETFs), gold stocks and gold futures.

"I think everybody should have some (gold)," he said. "It’s not really a price thing — it’s not whether it’s up today or down today relative to whatever little trading pattern it’s in at the moment. Everybody should go out and get some."

#Investing #Mining #Gold

0:00 – Intro
3:24 – Investing in physical gold
11:21 – Investing in gold ETFs
18:32 – Investing in gold stocks
34:12 –

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The Pension Fund Time Bomb With Keith Weine

Tune in to hear my latest podcast, The Pension Fund Time Bomb With Keith Weiner, and please like, retweet, and comment down below. Don’t forget, you can always listen to Lead-Lag Live on Spotify, Apple, YouTube, and all your favorite platforms.

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One Way or the Other, We Will End Up Back on a Gold Standard: Keith Weiner

CEO of Monetary Metals Keith Weiner believes a return to a gold-backed currency is inevitable, but it will take a lot of hardship at the hands of incompetent governments before we get there.

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Monetary Metals:
Keith Weiner on Twitter:

00:00 Introduction
00:26 Keith Weiner Origin Story
04:23 Tailwinds for Precious Metals in 2023
07:59 Is Silver a Monetary or Industrial Metal?
11:01 Gold and Silver are NOT Manipulated
20:13 Lack of Knowledge on Sound Money
23:24 Central Bank Digital Currencies
29:26 Risks in the Banking System
35:13 Return to a Gold Standard
45:45 Monetary Metals

#gold #silver #preciousmetals

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Dr. Keith Weiner – Zugzwang: Die Fed ist zum Handeln gezwungen

Keith Weiner, PhD, ist Wirtschaftswissenschaftler und eine führende Autorität auf dem Gebiet von Gold, Geld und Kredit. Er ist der Präsident des Gold Standard Institute USA. Er bloggt über Gold und den Dollar, und seine Artikel erscheinen auf Forbes, Zero Hedge, Kitco und anderen führenden Websites. Als führende Autorität und Verfechter einer rationalen Geldpolitik ist er im Finanzfernsehen, in der Peter Schiff Show und als Redner auf Konferenzen in aller Welt aufgetreten.

Alles wird immer teurer, angefangen bei Energie und Lebensmitteln. Die Zentralbanken stehen unter wachsendem Druck, etwas zu tun, das heißt die Zinssätze zu erhöhen. Die Fed hat damit begonnen, und die EZB hat ihre erste Zinserhöhung angekündigt. Wenn sie die Zinsen nicht anheben, könnte die politische Stimmung sehr

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Keith Weiner: Beginning Of A New Dark Age?! Be Prepared! Own Gold & Silver!

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Keith Weiner is the founder and CEO of Monetary Metals, an investment firm that is unlocking the productivity of gold. Keith also serves as founder and President of the Gold Standard Institute USA. His work was instrumental in the passing of gold legal tender laws in the state of Arizona in 2017.

Video content: Keith Weiner, silver, restart, reset, the big reset, banks USA, savings banks USA, economy USA, finance USA, money USA, capital USA, stocks USA, stock exchange USA, real estate USA, politics USA, media USA, gold, gold

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Keith Weiner – Americans Understand Gold The Least!

SBTV ( spoke with Keith Weiner, Founder and CEO of Monetary Metals, about why gold is the best money and why the yield curve inversion in Treasury yields point to a collapse of credit demand.

Keith Weiner’s Monetary Metals:

Discussed in this interview:
00:00 Introduction
01:41 Chip’s in the Fed’s casino
03:14 Gold, the economic constant
08:04 Why bitcoin cannot be money
11:09 What is money?
15:51 The CBDC digital dollar
21:37 Falling credit demand
24:03 Pension losses
27:42 Arguments against gold

Buy & store gold and silver with Silver Bullion:​​
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Digital Dollar: Beginning Of A New Dark Age? | Keith Weiner

The Federal Reserve is rolling out a test of the Digital Dollar. This represents an increase in control of the monetary system. Keith Weiner, CEO of Monetary Metals joins us to discuss the potential for loss of liberty resulting from the Digital Dollar. The fight for liberty is not one that needs to be fought by going to the streets, but is an intellectual battle, he says. The American people continue to accept further restrictions on their liberty in exchange for conveniences. "Is civilization going to survive? Are we plunging back into the abyss of another dark age? That’s the battle."

Monetary Metals:

BUY SILVER & GOLD and support this channel! Personal service, competitive pricing, and over three-decades in business.

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CEO Keith Weiner interviewed on Ticker News

CEO of Monetary Metals Keith Weiner joins Ticker News Insight to talk about the emerging success of Monetary Metals’ gold bonds, failing fiat currencies, and what investors should expect from gold. Ticker News Insights focuses on the best of businesses minds from all around the world.

Interest on Your Gold and Silver with Monetary Metals
? Gold Fixed Income
? The New Way to Hold Gold
? The Case for Gold Yield in Investment Portfolios

Additional Resources
?‍♂️ Zombie Corporations
? Gold 1, Bitcoin 0
? Risk Return Spectrum in Gold

0:00-0:10 Ticker News
0:10-0:36 Intro
0:36-1:23 Why Gold?
1:23-2:21 Gold Interest

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Futures Edge Ep 34 : Why Gold is better than Bitcoin with Keith Weiner

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ROTATION ZONE – Part 2 : Crypto Technical Analysis

ROTATION ZONE – Part 3 : Crypto Technical Analysis

Risk Disclosure: Futures and forex trading contains substantial risk and is not for every investor. An investor could potentially

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Futures Edge Ep 34 : Why Gold is better than Bitcoin with Keith Weiner

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EMA – ‘Exponential Moving Average’ : Crypto Technical Analysis

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ROTATION ZONE – Part 1 : Crypto Technical Analysis

ROTATION ZONE – Part 2 : Crypto Technical Analysis

ROTATION ZONE – Part 3 : Crypto Technical Analysis

Risk Disclosure: Futures and forex trading contains substantial risk and is not for every investor. An investor could potentially

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Keith Weiner: A Lot Of People Are Buying Gold, Forced Selling Is The Problem | Gold & Silver

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Keith Weiner is the founder and CEO of Monetary Metals, an investment firm that is unlocking the productivity of gold. Keith also serves as founder and President of the Gold Standard Institute USA. His work was instrumental in the passing of gold legal tender laws in the state of Arizona in 2017.

Video content: Keith Weiner, silver, restart, reset, the big reset, banks USA, savings banks USA, economy USA, finance USA, money USA, capital USA, stocks USA, stock exchange USA, real estate USA, politics USA, media USA, gold, gold

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Keith Weiner: Gold Has Many Buyers, “Forced Selling” is the Problem

This interview was filmed on October 13, 2022.

While demand for gold is strong, Keith Weiner of Monetary Metals told the Investing News Network that "forced selling" is putting pressure on the metal’s price.

"A lot of people are buying gold for all the right reasons, but at the same time, there’s a lot of forced selling of gold. (We’re seeing) margin calls — and not necessarily on the gold part of the portfolio’s leverage. There’s margin calls on other parts of the portfolio, where these assets are illiquid and can’t be sold easily," he explained at the New Orleans Investment Conference.

"(When that happens), you sell the thing that isn’t nailed down — that’s gold," added Weiner.

Click to read Keith’s thoughts on precious metals price manipulation:


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How To Build and Break a Pension System in 22 Easy Steps

CEO of Monetary Metals Keith Weiner gave a talk at the New Orleans Investment Conference on how to build and destroy a pension fund system in 22 easy steps. If you’d like to see an excellent case study of these steps in action, see the United Kingdom.

Let’s lay out the 22 easy steps from start to finish.

Read the full article here:

Earn Interest on Your Gold and Silver with Monetary Metals
? Gold Fixed Income
? The New Way to Hold Gold
? The Case for Gold Yield in Investment Portfolios

Additional Resources
?‍♂️ Zombie Corporations
? Gold 1, Bitcoin 0
? Destructive Profit vs Productive Profit

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Pension Fund Collapse Is Inevitable | Keith Weiner

BUY SILVER & GOLD and support this channel! Personal service, competitive pricing, and over three-decades in business.
CALL US: 1-888-81-LIBERTY (1-888-815-4237)
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For four decades, interest rates have been falling. To make returns in such an environment, financial institutions and pension funds have had to leverage themselves to unprecedented levels. These distortions have largely been allowed due to an abandonment of the gold standard, which removed any real restraint on the financial system. Keith Weiner, CEO of Monetary Metals, estimates that nearly all defined benefit pension funds are insolvent. "There is no good way to run [the pension funds] in a falling interest rate environment."

Monetary Metals:

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The Pension Fund Time Bomb With Keith Weiner #shorts

The UK pension crisis is a warning.


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Nothing on this channel should be considered as personalized financial advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any securities.

The content in this program is for informational purposes only. You should not construe any information or other material as investment, financial, tax, or other advice. The views expressed by the participants are solely their own. A participant may have taken or recommended any investment position discussed, but may close such position or alter its

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Lead-Lag Live: The Pension Fund Time Bomb With Keith Weiner

The UK pension crisis is a warning.


Sign up for The Lead-Lag Report at and use promo code YOUTUBE30 for 2 weeks free and 30% off.

Nothing on this channel should be considered as personalized financial advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any securities.

The content in this program is for informational purposes only. You should not construe any information or other material as investment, financial, tax, or other advice. The views expressed by the participants are solely their own. A participant may have taken or recommended any investment position discussed, but may close such position or alter its

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Keith Weiner: Gold & Silver – Enormous Buying Pressure

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Keith Weiner is the founder and CEO of Monetary Metals, an investment firm that is unlocking the productivity of gold. Keith also serves as founder and President of the Gold Standard Institute USA. His work was instrumental in the passing of gold legal tender laws in the state of Arizona in 2017.

Video content: Keith Weiner, silver, restart, reset, the big reset, banks USA, savings banks USA, economy USA, finance USA, money USA, capital USA, stocks USA, stock exchange USA, real estate USA, politics USA, media USA, gold, gold

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Massive Buying Pressure Pushing Gold & Silver Higher | Keith Weiner

Special Coverage from the New Orleans Investment Conference – Keith Weiner, CEO of Monetary Metals discuss how massive buying pressure is pushing gold & silver higher, QE in England, a FED Pivot, the USD & more.

Guest: Keith Weiner, CEO
Company: Monetary Metals
Twitter: @RealKeithWeiner
Youtube: @Monetary Metals

Brought to you by:
Victoria Gold Corp. (TSX: VGCX)

#gold #silver

November 18 & 19, 2022 in Frankfurt, Germany
Conference language is English, free registration for investors

Silver, Silver price, Silver stocks, silver investing, precious metals, silver stock, trading, pro trader, professional trading, soar financial, sf live, penny stocks, interview, financial information, recession investing, value investing, growth

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“People Should Use Gold to Measure Everything Including the Dollar.” | Keith Weiner.

#gold #silver #dollar #money #banking #currency

Today I had the pleasure of speaking with Keith Weiner the founder and CEO of Monetary Metals.

Monetary Metals website:

Video Chapters:

00:00 Introduction
01:23 How Keith got involved in gold and silver after 2008
05:20 Monetary Metals and making gold capital again
15:11 Gold should be at the center of the monetary universe
21:27 Gold and silver basis and backwardation
33:35 Keith’s view of the dollar, markets, currencies, economy, and system.
41:32 Dollar versus gold
41:56 Keith’s view on precious metals manipulation
56:09 Conclusion


Use referral code Billy at Miles Franklin Precious Metals Investments:

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