The USDCAD price falls below the 200 hour MA at 1.38896 for the first time since October 2 |

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A break above 1.3945 and the high from last week at 1.3958, targets 1.3977 high from October 2022

RBA rate decision in the new trading day

Narrow trading range for the week. Narrow trading range for the last 12 trading days

Stocks lower. Yields higher again. What does the USD do?

The Canadian dollar is threatening to worst levels since May 2020 in what would be a major range breakout. Aside from brief periods during covid and the oil price collapse in 2016 (both less than a month long), this would be the lowest level since 2003. I expect this period of weakness to be longer lasting as the three legs of the Canadian economy – housing, immigration and resources extraction – are all impaired.
Adam Buitton, chief currency analyst at ForexLive, speaks with BNNBloomberg about why the loonie is headed to 1.45.

In this video, I take a look at the key technicals in play given the price action in the EURUSD, USDJPY, GBPUSD and a special look at the USDCAD ahead of their interest rate decision at 9:45 AM ET
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