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Best Time To Buy Gold And Silver is Now! – David Brady

The best time to buy gold and silver is now, according to, #GlobalProTrader David Brady.
David shares with us his thoughts about gold as a hedge against inflation and gold as a hedge against the dollar. Using his personal trading methodology FIPESTxM, he discusses rising bond yields and the prospect of Yield Curve Control and how that will affect the prices of #GoldandSilver.

He explains why everyone should buy gold and silver now and why he believes that current developments mean that - There is No Alternative!

He believes that the gold price are being is being carefully monitored by the Central Banks as it acts like a canary in the coal mine, highlighting the problems of excessive money printing and how they will lead to inflation, hyper-inflation or even hyper-stagflation!

He compares the actions of the bullion banks in response to the movement in the silver price as being similar to the activities of the banks in the film The Big Short, trying to cover their own short positions and keeping the it suppressed while they do so.

If you're looking to buy gold or silver, GoldCore currently has good stocks available visit the following website to learn more:
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0:00 Intro
0:55 What is FIPEST xM?
2:02 The difference between real and nominal yields and why it is so important.
12:55 Why money printing to excess is set to continue.
13:55 How the Fed’s Open Market actions have influenced the gold market.
15:20 #YieldCurveControl is on the way.
17:49 Inflation is here.
18:49 The problem with the National Debt.
19:43 If the Fed start to control the yield curve can it ever be easily reversed?
20:50 Why there would be only one purchaser of US Bonds going forward.
21:24 The Fed’s Trilemma.
24:03 Precious metals – There is now no alternative.
24:20 Why Bitcoin is soaring, and gold is not.
26:57 Why Central Banks will not cede control of the money supply to Bitcoin.
30:29 The Brown Bottom.
32:33 #SilverSqueeze and the and the issue with silver premiums.
33:28 The Big Short parallel.
35:43 The velocity of money.
36:46 The looming threat of inflation.
39:33 The real inflation number.
41:07 The Gold/Silver ratio and why silver is set to soar.
43:03 What else should we be investing in?
48:31 Parting thoughts.


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Disclaimer: Videos published are not investment advice and the views expressed may not reflect those of GoldCore ltd.
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GoldCore was founded in 2003 and has become one of the leading bullion brokers in the world for both delivery and storage.
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  1. GoldCore TV

    We have gold and silver coins and bars available for sale. Visit for prices and availability….

    It was great to have the opportunity to interview fellow Irishman @GlobalProTrader David Brady.

    The insights that David shares in this video are invaluable to anyone trying to invest in or navigate financial markets in these times. The observation with regard to Yield Curve Control, I believe will prove to be very prescient in the coming months. It will be interesting to watch how the gold price and the silver price will re-act.

  2. corpoasuf

    Superb guest! And a great interview re: precious metals markets. Please have him on again.

    1. GoldCore TV

      Thanks. He'll definitely be back!

    2. Brain Blocking

      @GoldCore TV Hijack him! you don't need other guests 🙂

    3. GoldCore TV

      ? Good plan!

  3. Ultimate Handyman

    Excellent guest, one of the most logical interviews that I’ve heard in a long time ?

    1. GoldCore TV

      Thanks for that feedback. It is always great to listen to reasoned points backed up by evidence.

  4. Jean Makuta

    thank you. does this gentleman has a website ? thanks

    1. GoldCore TV

      Mostly active on Twitter. You can follow him at @GlobalProTrader

    2. Jean Makuta

      @GoldCore TV ok thank you very much. I was not able to find a website indeed. good day

  5. Skai Surov

    trade my metals for some land 🙂

  6. Joseph Aziz

    Treasury Bonds WAS the real gold for the planet. You could have bet your life on it at any time–the safest of the safe havens. We now know it's elastic plastic–malleable like gold but worthless.

  7. Mahesh Musale

    Good analysis…mostly agree…

    Especially can correlate the point at Time:28 min – as India's Central Bank has made Bitcoin and other digital currencies illegal and currently tax authorities are in process of sending notice to those who are trading to covert back within defined timeline..India is almost coming on final stage of getting its central bank's RBI (Reserve Bank of India) own digital currency..

    1. GoldCore TV

      A taste of things to come for other countries I think! Thanks for the comment.

  8. Road Kill

    Song remains the same

    1. Tim Hassett

      Yea, cool story. Been here before. We'll see what happens.

  9. dilligaf woftam

    Why do you insist on comparing crypto, a volatile ponzi with no asset backing, bonds based on a rapidly inflating failing currency and gold and silver?

    1. GoldCore TV

      It's not about comparison, it's about understanding the flow of money from one asset class to another. Only by understanding that can we hope to understand the markets. Thanks for your comment.

    2. james j

      there is no comparison.

  10. donald robinson

    Well done ?

    1. GoldCore TV

      Thank you

  11. GoldenBitcoinKid

    Great Video. Super informative, Thank You!

    1. GoldCore TV


  12. Mark Reginald

    Great interview!

    1. GoldCore TV


  13. Tom Coughlan

    2 Irish men to be proud of. Turn off your rte bullshit propaganda and inform yourself what’s really going on.

    1. GoldCore TV

      Thanks Tom!

  14. Gulshan hoonjan

    Gold will go down to $1500

  15. The Physical Silver Fox

    Wow, this guy has virtually said everything I've been saying to friends for months.

  16. Ramon Tiscar

    David Brady has just a profound knowledge and knows how to connect the dots. Invaluable information on which I could not agree more

  17. LVPAT666


  18. Simon Torore

    This is an excellent show. In these times of economic uncertainty and unprecedented fiscal irresponsibility, hedging a portfolio with precious metals has never been more prudent.

  19. Just&True

    So should I allocate a portion of my crypto to silver regardless of short term profit loss? Silver can be artificially suppressed indefinitely due to the governments, military and companies dependence on it.

  20. james j

    could not agree more. thanks

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