(3/21/23) "So, it's an interesting conundum...flows of money [and] where they're heading to. And, look, there's a simple formula that drives economics, that drives markets, it drives just about everything in life, and that is always supp and demand. Why do we have inflation? Well, too much demand for too little supp: We shut down the economy, we gave people a bunch of money; we said, guess what, you can't work, you gotta stay home; and no one could produce anything so there was no supp. So whatever supp that was available became very valuable. Mike over here wants to buy my widget. Mike's going to give me five dollars, and I've got fifteen other people willing to pay me more. Economics is basical an auction, at a point, and when you have too much demand for too little supp, the highest bidder will win, ultimate." Hosted by RIA Advisors Chief Investment Strategist Lance Roberts, CIO, w Portfolio Manager, Michael Lebowitz, CFA Produced by Brent Clanton, Executive Producer -------- The latest installment of our new feature, Before the Bell | "Bulls Cling to Support" is here: &list=PLwNgo56zE4RAbkqxgdj-8GOvjZTp9_Zlz&index=1&t=1s -------- Our previous show is here: "What Will Jerome Powell Break Next?" &list=PLVT8LcWPeAugpcGzM8hHyEP11lE87RYPe&index=1&t=3s -------- Articles mentioned in this podcast: "Speak Loud Because You Carry A Small Stick" https://realinvestmentadvice.com/speak-loud-because-you-carry-a-small-stick ------- Video's referenced in this broadcast: "Raising Money Smart Kids" | Richard Rosso & Danny Ratliff -09fRehKU&list=PLVT8LcWPeAujtF0xU6bHGcIrXFq2dFy2X&index=1 --------- Get more info & commentary: https://realinvestmentadvice.com/newsletter/ -------- SUBSCRIBE to The Real Investment Show here: http://www.youtube.com/c/TheRealInvestmentShow -------- Visit our Site: www.realinvestmentadvice.com Contact Us: 1-855-RIA-PLAN -------- Subscribe to SimpleVisor: https://www.simplevisor.com/register-new -------- Connect with us on social: https://twitter.com/RealInvAdvice https://twitter.com/LanceRoberts https://www.facebook.com/RealInvestmentAdvice/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/realinvestmentadvice/ #InvestingAdvice #JeromePowell #FederalReserve #InterestRates #RateHikes #Inflation #Markets #Money #Investing |
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