Blog Archive

America’s embargo against Cuba | The Economist

America imposed a full trade embargo against Cuba 55 years ago, in an attempt to crack Fidel Castro’s Communist regime. Antonio José Ponte, an exiled Cuban writer, and Aleida Guevara, the daughter of Che Guevara, reveal how the embargo shaped Havana’s revolutionary story. Click here to subscribe to The Economist on YouTube: Fifty-five years …

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Börsen 2017: Was die Anleger in diesem Jahr erwartet! Dr. Jens Ehrhardt auf dem Fondskongress

Die Börsen stehen im Jahre 2017 womöglich vor einer Zerreißprobe. In Europa finden gleich mehrere richtungsweisende Wahlen statt – auch der BREXIT bleibt ein Thema. Und in den USA kündigt sich nun wohl endgültig die Zinswende an. Wie sollten die Anleger mit diesem explosiven Gemisch umgehen? Antworten gibt Fondsmanager Dr. Jens Ehrhardt, Vorstandsvorsitzender der DJE …

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Donato Scognamiglio, CEO & Partner bei IAZI

Immobilienexperte Donato Scognamiglio äussert sich im Interview mit cash zu den Szenarien am Häusermarkt und den möglichen Folgen für Wohneigentümer.

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Dr. Marc Faber Sees Fiscal Stimulus Necessitating Monetary Stimulus To Keep Interest Rates Repressed

FRA is joined by Marc Faber to discuss his outlook on 2017, particularly the effects of current events in the US, India, and China. Click here for the full summary:

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Yanis Varoufakis comes to King’s College London

Yanis Varoufakis made his way to Britain recently as part of his tours of the continent, aiming to mobilise support for DiEM25 and its Progressive Agenda for Europe. During his visit over the weekend, Yanis and some other leading DiEMers hosted an event in London at Conway Hall to assemble together Europe-minded British progressives and …

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USD – Ross Clark.Trump, TPP, China, Canada – Marc Faber. JV Opportunities – Larry Reaugh AMY.V

Air Date: February 4, 2017 Ross Clark – US Dollar. Oil. email: [email protected] Marc Faber – Trump, TPP, China, Canada Guest’s website: Company Showcase – Larry Reaugh, President & CEO of American Manganese Inc. Joint Venture Opportunities. EV Battery Tech, Cobalt, Manganese. Guest’s website: Questions? Email Larry: [email protected] Read the latest News...

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GoldSeek Radio – Feb 3, 2017 [CHARLES HUGH SMITH & JIM ROGERS] weekly

GoldSeek Radio’s Chris Waltzek talks to Charles Hugh Smith from Of Two Minds and to Famed investor Jim Rogers

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Yanis Varoufakis a Agorà (03/02/2017) smaschera menzogne su ripresa Grecia

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The Trump Rally Is Likely to Pop—Here’s a Hedge

Subscribe to Patrick Watson's free weekly column, Connecting the Dots, at Mauldin Economics:

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The Trump Rally Is Likely to Pop—Here’s a Hedge

Subscribe to Patrick Watson’s free weekly column, Connecting the Dots, at Mauldin Economics:

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Donald Trump’s tough phone call, as drawn by our cartoonist KAL

America’s president Donald Trump and Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull have been facing questions about their “frank and forthright” phone call at the weekend. Our cartoonist, Kal, listens in to the next call on the president’s list. Click here to subscribe to The Economist on YouTube: Daily Watch: mind-stretching short films every day of …

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Risken med Trump är att folk vaknar

Ett ovanligt seriöst matlagningsavsnitt med glorious leader Jonny Lander. Varsågod och njut! FACEBOOK: TWITTER: REDDIT: ITUNES: GOOGLE+: LINKEDIN: Donationer Hjälp oss nå fler med...

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Risken med Trump är att folk vaknar

Ett ovanligt seriöst matlagningsavsnitt med glorious leader Jonny Lander. Varsågod och njut! FACEBOOK: TWITTER: REDDIT: ITUNES: GOOGLE+: LINKEDIN: Donationer Hjälp oss nå fler med...

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Fighting for film funding

No one gets rich from making films in Switzerland. While the number of filmmakers applying for funding has tripled in recent years, the money available has stayed the same. The result is fierce competition. (SRF/ This year’s “Prix de Soleure”, the main award of the Solothurn Film Festival, was presented on January 26 to the …

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GSR interviews CHARLES HUGH SMITH – Feb 2, 2017 Nugget

GoldSeek Radio’s Chris Waltzek talks to Charles Hugh Smith from Of Two Minds

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2013 Global Outlook with Marc Faber

ABN’s Chief Editor Godfrey Mutizwa caught up with Marc Faber from Marc Faber Limited at the 19th Annual Mining Indaba. Godfrey started by asking about the impact of quantitative easing and the outlook for the global economy.

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Trump’s Top FDA Picks Could Radically Reform Anti-Aging Science

Subscribe to Patrick Cox's free weekly column, Tech Digest, at Mauldin Economics:

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Trump’s Top FDA Picks Could Radically Reform Anti-Aging Science

Subscribe to Patrick Cox’s free weekly column, Tech Digest, at Mauldin Economics:

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Wolfgang Bauer, Anleihenspezialist M&G

Für Unternehmensanleihen verbessert sich das Umfeld, sagt Fondsmanager Wolfgang Bauer im cash-Video-Interview. Er erklärt, wieso er «Corporate Bonds» Staatsanleihen vorzieht und wieso ein tieferes Rating attraktiv ist.

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Oswald Grübel, Ex-UBS und -CS-Chef

Oswald Grübel rät im Video-Interview, das Motto «America first» ernst zu nehmen. Unter Donald Trump werde es von den USA nichts mehr umsonst geben, ist der ex-Chef der UBS und Credit Suisse überzeugt.

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