Blog Archive

Defining and Limiting your Risk. Why is it so important in your trading?

I talk a lot about defining and limiting risk in trading. Why is it so important. Watch this video and find out the importance.

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Ker Commentary – India and the ongoing issues with its currency | Jayant Bhandari with Cory Fleck

Jayant is constantly traveling the world to look for investment opportunities, particularly in the natural resource sector. He advises institutional investors about his finds. He is a contributing editor of the Liberty magazine and has written for the Mises Institute, the Mises Institute (Canada), Casey Research, Le Québécois Libre, Sprott’s Thoughts,, etc. The Interview …

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Predicting the weather using ants

Martin Horat is one of six so-called “weather prophets” in canton Schwyz who base their forecasts on observations of a number of natural phenomena, including the thickness of ants’ thighs. (SRF/ — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on Switzerland and to provide a Swiss …

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Alan Hippe, Finanzchef Roche

Entgegen der Markterwartungen steigen die Wertpapiere von Roche am Mittwoch deutlich. Alan Hippe, Finanzchef des Pharmakonzerns, überrascht das nicht sonderlich, wie er im cash-Video-Interview sagt.

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Dirk Müller im Tagesausblick vom 01.02.2017 – Donald Trump trifft sich mit US-Pharmaindustrie

Weitere Themen: • Positive Wirtschafts- und Unternehmensdaten • Apple mit starken Zahlen – Ihre unabhängige Finanzinformationsplattform zu den Themen Börse, Wirtschaft, Finanzmarkt von und mit Dirk Müller

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A new environmental idea to do away with waste | The Economist

A project in the Philippines is turning decayed fishing nets into the raw materials for a carpet tile manufacturer in Britain, reusing rather than disposing of what was once thought of as rubbish. Click here to subscribe to The Economist on YouTube: This is ground zero for new thinking on waste – beyond recycling …

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Yanis Varoufakis: ‘Western Democracies need a New Deal’ – Viewsnight

Viewsnight is BBC Newsnight’s new place for ideas and opinion. Here Yanis Varoufakis, former Greek Finance Minister, argues that it’s time for a “New Deal” – including a universal basic income. Agree? Disagree? Let us know. More views on the Viewsnight playlist Viewsnight is BBC Newsnight’s new place for ideas and opinion. Here Yanis …

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The Earth Circle: making environmentalism pay its way | The Economist

Making waste a thing of the past, new ideas on the environment are reusing or regenerating raw materials so that they pay dividends for business as well as the planet. Click here to subscribe to The Economist on YouTube: In one of the poorest areas of the world, a revolutionary project taking waste, the …

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How to Sell Your Gold & Silver to Money Metals Exchange

Learn more here: What you’ll need: 1. A new cardboard box that is large enough to fit all of the product that you are selling and extra packing material 2. Your precious metals that you are selling to Money Metals Exchange 3. Strong packing tape 4. Your P.O. paperwork 5. Packing material like packing …

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Dirk Müller im Tagesausblick vom 31.01.2017 – Donald Trump – eine „unguided missile“

Weitere Themen: Gesunde Beruhigung an den Märkten • Inflation: Änderung des EZB-Wording voraus? • Anleihenkäufe: EZB wird allmählich zum Monopolisten • Heute: Apple-Pressekonferenz – Ihre unabhängige Finanzinformationsplattform zu den Themen Börse, Wirtschaft, Finanzmarkt von und mit Dirk Müller

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John Mauldin on ‘The Age of Trump’

Subscribe to John Mauldin's free weekly column, Thoughts from the Frontline, at Mauldin Economics:

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Every country will be digital – John Chambers & Izabella Kaminska at Web Summit 2016

This panel includes John Chambers of Cisco Systems and Izabella Kaminska of Financial Times. We are currently going through the biggest digital transition in history and if companies and countries don’t adapt they will die. What needs to be done to make sure countries and companies do not get left behind in this changing landscape? …

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A Supreme Court schism | The Economist

Tonight America’s president Donald Trump will announce on primetime television his first nominee to the Supreme Court. Our word of the day presages the clashes that are set to follow. Click here to subscribe to The Economist on YouTube: Daily Watch: mind-stretching short films every day of the working week. For more from Economist …

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John Mauldin on ‘The Age of Trump’

Subscribe to John Mauldin’s free weekly column, Thoughts from the Frontline, at Mauldin Economics:

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How to trade the Trump White House right now

Way too many people have the Trump trade backwards, they’re focused on the wrong thing. Adam Button talks about what matters to the market and how to trade the US dollar in the first weeks of the Trump Presidency.

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Trump’s Trade Policies and Their Implications Explained

Subscribe to Jared Dillian’s free weekly column, The 10th Man, at Mauldin Economics:

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Ich hoffe, Dir geht´s besser als mir!

➤ GRATIS Geldanlage-Tipps: Leider hat es mich nun auch mit Grippe erwischt. Daher gibt es heute kein Fachvideo zum Thema Dividenden sondern ein paar Tipps, was zur Vorbeugung und gegen Grippe helfen kann. Bleibt gesund und bis bald! —————- ➤ Folge mir bei Facebook: ➤ Folge mir bei Twitter: Die verwendete Musik …...

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Why are the Baltic states so rattled?

This week, soldiers from Germany and Belgium are settling into a new posting in Lithuania as part of the latest NATO troop deployment. Will their hosts—and the region—feel more secure as a result of their presence? Click here to subscribe to The Economist on YouTube: NATO member countries Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania are feeling …

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Sergio Ermotti, CEO der UBS

Laut Konzernchef Sergio Ermotti kann die UBS auf Veränderungen reagieren, die durch das Austrittsvotum der Briten aus der EU entstehen. Sorgen macht ihm der EU-Marktzutritt der Schweizer Banken.

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Manuela Rabener, Mitgründerin Scalable Capital

Automatisierte Vermögensverwaltung hat Potenzial, tut sich vielerorts aber noch schwer. Manuela Rabener vom Robo Advisor Scalable Capital setzt auf Kooperationen – und hat die Schweiz im Fokus.

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