Blog Archive

Share Raising & The Sharing Economy | Ben Thomas, Research Analyst | Vision 2017

Ben Thomas, Research Analyst at Investec Wealth & Investment, discusses his views about the meteoric rise in popularity of the sharing economy, and how Airbnb and Uber have impacted the economy. The article was originally published in Vision 2017, highlighting the thoughts of our Research Team, detailing some of the key investment themes they feel …

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Gene Editing: A Disruptive Technology | Jimmy Muchechetere, Research Analyst | Vision 2017

Jimmy Muchechetere, Research Analyst at Investec Wealth & Investment, discusses his views about the latest medical advancement; gene editing. The article was originally published in Vision 2017, highlighting the thoughts of our Research Team, detailing some of the key investment themes they feel will be prevalent in 2017. Download the full Vision 2017 eBook for …

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The Rise of the Robojob | Simon Lapthorne, Senior Research Analyst | Vision 2017

Simon Lapthorne, Senior Research Analyst at Investec Wealth & Investment, discusses the rise of the robojob, and what advances in automation means for the economy. The article was originally published in Vision 2017, highlighting the thoughts of our Research Team, detailing some of the key investment themes they feel will be prevalent in 2017. Download …

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Business of Sport: A Commercial Behemoth | Shilen Shah, Bond Strategist | Vision 2017

Shilen Shah, Bond Strategist at Investec Wealth & Investment, discusses his views about sport’s transition from grass roots to commercial behemoth. The article was originally published in Vision 2017, highlighting the thoughts of our Research Team, detailing some of the key investment themes they feel will be prevalent in 2017. Download the full Vision 2017 …

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What makes financial bubbles burst? | The Economist

Financial bubbles have popped up throughout modern history—from Dutch tulip mania to the more recent sub prime lending boom. Our cartoonist Kal illustrates what makes them burst. Click here to subscribe to The Economist on YouTube: When the price of an asset rises faster than can be explained by economic fundamentals it creates a …

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Here’s the Reason the Volatility Index Is Unreasonably Low

Subscribe to Jared Dillian's free weekly column, The 10th Man, at Mauldin Economics:

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Here’s the Reason the Volatility Index Is Unreasonably Low

Subscribe to Jared Dillian’s free weekly column, The 10th Man, at Mauldin Economics:

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Learn how to speak English like Fatima Bhutto or Yanis Varoufakis

Text ‘FREE TRIAL’ to 07940 023878 for Oxford University educated, native speaking English Tutor, Teacher, Tuition with 30+ years writing & teaching for a living or see

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Prof. Dr. Heiner Flassbeck – Kapitalismus am Ende? Konsequenzen der neoliberalen Weltordnung

Bankenkrise, Griechenlandrettung, TTIP und CETA – ökonomische Weichenstellungen tangieren in Zeiten gemeinsamer europäischer Gesetzgebung und Globalisierung weit mehr als nur einzelne Volkswirtschaften. Angesichts des wachsenden Einflusses multinationaler Großkonzerne und undurchschaubarer Verstrickungen im Finanzsystem ist nicht nur in der Wissenschaft zunehmend die Rede von einer neoliberalen Postdemokratie. Vortrag von Prof. Dr. Heiner...

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Fake News. Fake Breaks. What do they have in common? How to deal with them?

When I hear the word “fake:, I cannot help but think of “fake news”. Fake news has become so pervasive, I combat it by waiting for the dust to settle, fact checking and making logical judgments. In trading there are a number of times when you will get a fake break. Coincidentally, I deal with …

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Yanis Varoufakis: ‘Western Democracies need a New Deal’ Viewsnight(BBC Newsnight)

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Yanis Varoufakis on Greece and the future of the EU

UpFront 10.02.2017

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Yanis Varoufakis: Grexit ‘never went away’ – UpFront

With the UK on the cusp of leaving the European Union and Greece increasingly facing the same fate, is it over for the beleaguered body? An “epidemic” washing over other European countries may see the end of the EU, warns Yanis Varoufakis, Greece’s former finance minister. “The right question is: Is there going to be …

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Clever investieren mit Florian Homm: Was bringt die größte Rendite?

? Börsenbrief: Mit welchem Investment können Anleger die größte Rendite einfahren und von welchem Anlagevehikel sollten vor allem Privatpersonen besser die Finger lassen? In dieser Folge beantwortet Florian Homm die Frage, worauf man bei einer Geldanlage achten sollte. Besonders der Kauf von Aktien kann sich lohnen, vorausgesetzt man setzt auf die richtigen Kandidaten. In …

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How Iranians use music to protest against the regime | The Economist

This week in 1979 the world ’s first Islamic Revolution toppled the ruling dynasty of Shah Reza Pahlavi in Iran. The intertwining of religion and state has been tough for some Iranians, but they are increasingly using culture as a means to protest against the regime. Click here to subscribe to The Economist on YouTube: …

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Reich werden ist nicht schwer.

Dr. Markus Elsässer, selbständiger Investor und Fondsberater, sowie Gründer der ME-Fonds – Special Values: “Reich werden ist nicht schwer”, 09. Februar 2017

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Florian Schubiger, Mitgründer Vermögenspartner

Wer Wohneigentum kaufen möchte, braucht in der Regel einen Kredit. Hypotheken-Experte Florian Schubiger beantwortet sieben Fragen, die vor dem Vertragsabschluss häufig auftauchen.

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Trump’s New Dollar Policy

Adam Button at ForexLive talks about a generational change in US currency policy and what it could mean if Trump abandons the strong dollar policy. What are the forex trades if it happens? When could we expect it?

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Yanis Varoufakis on Jeremy Corbyn and Brexit – UpFront

In this Web Extra, former Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis tells UpFront host Mehdi Hasan that Brexit could hasten the disintegration of the EU, and that UK Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn is unlikely to be the next prime minister. “The chances that he will become prime minister any time soon in the United Kingdom …

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MAULDIN: Americans Will Pay for Trump’s "America First" Plan

Subscribe to John Mauldin's free weekly column, Thoughts from the Frontline, at Mauldin Economics:

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