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Louis Gave: Why I’m Bullish on China

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John Mauldin
Each week, investors and financial professionals around the globe turn to John Mauldin to better understand Wall Street, global markets, and the drivers of the world economy. And for good reason. John is a noted financial expert, a New York Times best-selling author, a pioneering online commentator, and the publisher of one of the first publications to provide investors with free, unbiased information and guidance—Thoughts from the Frontline—one of the most widely read investment newsletters in the world.
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  1. server1

    Sharp guy. Nuff said.

  2. trAovm rtqaq

    I'm Bullishit on China

    1. Stephen S


    2. Johnny Q

      You meant to say "I am bullshit."

  3. MoonRaker

    Distributed digital additive manufacturing / 3D printing is likely to destroy China's exports within 5 to 10 years and that could contribute towards a collapse in their export economy. Additionally China has massive environmental degradation issues. Apparently around 90% of ground water is not fit for human contact and by 2030 they will not have enough fresh water for their population. Apparently hundreds of thousands of people, are already dying from pollution related cancers each year. Air quality is a major issue. River health poor and 75% of fish are gone from inland rivers. These issues will have a major major major drag on China's economic growth over the next decade.

    1. Yen Tao

      But where will the capitals and market be. Chinese are heavily investing in emerging markets and if there is financial crisis, we still have our own market to fall back on. As you said, automations and additives printing will provide the goods and consumers will always be needed for economic development. We happen to have the best infrastructures, biggest consumer markets and currency reserve. Those developed countries' infrastructures are crumbing, the poor underdeveloped may be too late on the band wagon, who need cheap labor, eh?

    2. Yen Tao

      It's an utopian dream that machines and automation will eliminate the need for commerce and money. There's a disruptive high tech race here on earth and it's not for humanitarian aims but dominations. There won't be open and free exchanges of intellectual assets. Those with the break thro' will want to guard and profit from them. China is with, if not at, the forefronts of this race. We have plenty of advantages. Educationally, facilities, financially and quality manpower.

    3. Cheng CHENG

      Yen Tao He is under the illusion that 1. the whole Chinese economy only depends on exports and 2. China does already accumulated the capital needed to invest in automation.

    4. Yen Tao

      Cheng CHENG, China's exports to GDP have been steadily declining, from over 40% ten years ago to 18% in 2016. That is astounding, considering China is the number one exporter of the world and number two, Germany is far behind. Export account for more than half of Germany GDP.
      China, as a newly emerging country is in a Goldilocks​ situation. The old West are full of debts and crumbing infrastructures. The third world countries missed the boat in the coming new industrial revolution. Emerging countries are facing problems too. China has her share but her economy is twice that of the rest of BRICS, the leading emerging countries, put together.

    5. 花耶啵

      Can you give the source of “apparently around 90% of ground water is not fit foe human contact”? You are aware that human contactable does not equal to drinkable right? These are two different things.

  4. Jin Kuang

    It is 2017, the Chinese economy is growing strong and steady.  Better yet, the innovative sector is rising dramatically, while the infrastructures (roads/high speed trains) are connecting practically all corners of China.

    China is doing very well.  Much better than what the most optimistic forecasts were expected in 2015.

    He has been stating that China won't implode since 2015 when there were lots of anxiety.  He is right and he knows what he is talking about.

    1. 败者两字非傲即懒


  5. Scooter Zzzz

    Look at his face you can see if hes a winner or hater,,, to me he look like hater

  6. Issac Miria

    FOR ME he looks sexy

  7. 蔡英文狂操绿蛆

    Two possibilities: 1). This guy is a member of "Strategic Fool-you Bureau of China";   2) This guy is totally a white leftist moron.

  8. Louielamson2000 Tran Nguyen

    Xi Jinping and dreams of China.
    The dream of China and the failed of America's in past thirty years.

  9. John Slezak

    This guy knows something about China, but he doesn't understand the fundamental of China. He doesn't understand who is really controlling China, and whom China's policy is serving. He is assuming that China's policy is serving the country, but what is the country though? He was talking about that it is too late to get money out of China, this is wrong. China's ruling class can create whatever policy serves their interests, when the China's ruling class, the second generation of Chinese commies, wants to get their money out of the country, they always can.

    This guy only knows the superficial of China, and he only scratches a tiny bit of China's reality. Sorry, China is going to crash, but not in the near term.

    1. Dodo Gopapa

      I Have been hearing stories of yours for nearly 20 years….. Dude.. come one…  It's 2017 now…

    2. victor smith

      china is not america where the corporate control everything in america.
      in china. the government own everything.
      if the government want alibaba to be liquidated tomorrow. than there will be no alibaba by tomorrow

    3. Cheng

      You are right, Chine is going to crash in 10000000years

    4. Lok Tom

      Who's controlling are not more important than the policy is working for the people. To bring the nation out of proverty.
      Does your leader serves you or you are serving the ELITE GROUPS to the Paradise Paper Elites Scheme ?

    5. sunnydays DDT

      I'm laughing my ass off .

  10. Di Di

    ask a son of slavers of Rome. Chinese were equal to Rome we did business at equal level but your ancestors were slavers. so opinion from you worth nothing.

  11. Eric

    He seems to over confident about Chinese economics policy makers, but forget about the influence of communist ideology among the members. The ultimate goal for China( the Chinese ruling party) is not to become a dominant power in Asia but transform China from so called first stage of socialist society into a completely communist society. (You may argue that was outdated theory, but if you read the article from communist journal, some of the members was warming the economy policy maker that they should not forget they represent poor class), in order to continue such transformation, they have to keep wealth inside China. So the loose of capital regulation is still far ahead of us.

    1. David Henry

      Eric nobody believe in it today, even government themselves. If you want to know China, you need to go and see rather than using imagination.

  12. Rui Chen

    what fuck is this guy??????

  13. jim parsit

    The reason is that he wants to be important, but first, he needs the skill of public speaking.

  14. metta world peace

    This guy is on point and correct so far

  15. music

    If you look at the documentaries of (al Jazeera, nhk BBC)there are now a growing number of Chinese people who angry at their leaders on how they spend their money. In the hope of boosting china's consumption of consumer goods,they Chinese to live in cities. What happened is the oppositethey don't want to live in cities because its expensive. The result is hundreds of ghost cities where only few people live while there are millions living in crowded rooms.There many unemployed Chinese now because many factories have closed because of higher wages and factories have transferred their operations in S.E Asia.And Trump announced that he will put tariffs on all Chinese products entering the U.S. making Chinese products expensive and less competitive. Let us wait and see if this man will still continue talking good things about China.

    1. David Henry

      music we've been doing that for decades… If you want to know China, you need go there and see it by yourself rather than being brainwashed.

  16. David Henry

    Thank you for fooling people and deceive the threat of China.

  17. Amanda Peper

    Excellent speech

  18. nandini dash

    Louis, do you think if you are bullish, China does care a little about you? Hey —— do not make yourself foolish. If China hurt you someway either take revenge, complaint at International Court of Justice or move on. Don't ramble dude —–

    1. Ngawang Khedup

      nandini dash bad idea… China is fucked up .,

  19. jasmine Chen

    impressive! smart and spot on analysis!

  20. Kelvin Wuan

    China was just like a mine, the miners have to go when it is done. Then leave God to save the people.

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