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FRIEDMAN: How the U.S. Is Preparing for War With North Korea

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John Mauldin
Each week, investors and financial professionals around the globe turn to John Mauldin to better understand Wall Street, global markets, and the drivers of the world economy. And for good reason. John is a noted financial expert, a New York Times best-selling author, a pioneering online commentator, and the publisher of one of the first publications to provide investors with free, unbiased information and guidance—Thoughts from the Frontline—one of the most widely read investment newsletters in the world.
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  1. Karcere son

    Old man, you are sick and you need to treat yourself urgently, besides GOOGLE, THE CLINTOS AND OBAMA FINANCE your crazy talks?

  2. dominic k

    There is our Jewish warmonger again,this guy talks to much!

  3. kl. johnny

    This is ur LAST chance to go fight a war America!

  4. stephen whelan

    mad man

  5. petrong

    The most military powerful country in the world wants to go to war with yet another third world banana Republic that has not got anywhere near the military power to strike back.

  6. mckoon26

    When trump proves you wrong!!!

  7. craigslistrr O

    Getting it wrong, One dumb opinion at a time…

  8. goldsberrywayne


  9. DoowopLover 1946

    The problem with nuclear weapons is that we can't actually use them. In a nuclear exchange, no one wins anything. The world would turn into a wasteland, and billions of people would die. We will all lose.

  10. Andrew Pattison

    They can’t beat NK on the ground

  11. Krayzi Jay

    the korean war never officially ended, its all about who will want to end it.

  12. Beinrich Bimmler

    LOL.. may seem like that. But WHY the hell would the US want attack North Korea? It's a worthless, pissant, half assed nation of 26 million brainwashed robots with literally nothing anyone wants. No oil, no uranium, sure as hell no food. Not bloody likely, Freedman.

  13. Wilson Flores

    Friedman is wrong about North Korea. Nobody wants to mess with the USA dumb ass.

  14. Raymond Parsley

    Mr Friedman is brilliant in his analysis of world history and current day politic…. Still, in hind sight of what's happened since this particular interview…. the President has not, and likely will not, go beyond a strong show of force….. As the saying goes: " Showing enough force, means one will seldom have to use it"…. Lets hope this holds true with North Korea.

  15. jabba da hutt

    This guy is a joke

  16. Aaron Bogatch

    He behaves and talks exactly like boy George Bush.

  17. Aleem Pervez

    American corporate based capitalism will eat democracy. Let be united from the East & West for the sake of democracy. Lets work together for the survival of true democracy.

  18. Andrew Sickafoose

    Well that didn't happen at all

  19. jerzy kunowski

    what about corona virus war?

  20. Emanuel Bustillo

    Lol we still waiting

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