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Bitcoin – The sky is the limit?

Die Kryptowährungen scheinen kein Halten mehr zu kennen. Der Bitcoin eilt von Rekord zu Rekord. Was sind die Hintergründe? Welches Potenzial haben Kryptos noch? Und worin bestehen seine Risiken? Robert Halver analysiert den aktuellen Popstar an den Kapitalmärkten.
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Robert Halver
Nach Abschluss seines betriebswirtschaftlichen Studiums begann Robert Halver seinen beruflichen Werdegang zunächst als Wertpapieranalyst bei der Sparkasse Essen. Anschließend war er bei der Privatbank Delbrück & Co für die Analyse der internationalen Kapitalmärkte und von Aktiengesellschaften der Branchen Automobile und Telekommunikation verantwortlich. Später formulierte er dort als Chefstratege die Anlagepolitik für die hausinternen Aktien- und Renten-Investments.
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  1. William Holmes

    Extremely point by point video ? Well I will also say this here, Most people don't understand the concept of "buying the dip" buying the dip is all about buying digital assets when their prices are down and selling off when the price rises just has the current markets is down. Holding is great, although trading is far more profit able. I was able to grasp the knowledge of trading crypt0 assets early enough, but I was still limited due to my lack of technical under standing of how to analyse the digital market, all that changed when I encountered Fredrick Alba services, I must confess it was easier to understand with the assistance of Fredrick that has made me over 7ʙᴛᴄ. This is his details on ᴛᴇʟᴇɢʀᴀᴍ ( @FredrickExpert ) for his assis tance on strictly crypt0 related plans..

    1. Ronnie Crabtree

      I Recently started trading with him his strategies profits are looking quite impressive

    2. James Clarkson

      I am from Canada, Fredrick gained my confidence after my first trade without loss, now I have 5 of my friends on

    3. Johnson Canalon

      Reason why I trade with Fredrick signal is because they are always accurate and helps even when the market is bad

    4. Tyler Wiggles

      I never doubted trading with Fredrick after seeing his (Proof of Trades) I made good profit last year, I hope to make more


      I’ve heard a lot about same person not long ago please how do I start?

  2. Lema Carnrike


  3. Trump

    Lol, wenn Halver bullish wird, wirds Zeit zu gehen

    1. Markus Breindl

      Wann ist H.Halver nicht bullisch??

    2. Trump

      Markus Breindl Nicht bei Bitcoin. Hirn einschalten!

    3. Thomas Bergmann

      Halver ist immer bullish und bisher hat er recht. Bei Gold und bei Bitcoin bewirbt er immer Derivate, das stört etwas. Nur echte Bitcoin und nur echtes Gold, das ist meine Meinung.

    4. Trump

      Alois Urugen von Bitcoin hat er immer abgeraten

    5. chirp

      wer kein Bitcoin hat dem ist nun langsam nicht mehr zu helfen. HFSP

  4. value760

    man soll unbedingt auf KREDIT Bitcoin kaufen :)))))))

  5. Stef An

    Halver der permma Bulle. ?

  6. Franz von Asissi1

    Wo waren ihre Einschätzungen zu Bitcoin vor 12 Monaten? Kontraindikator??? Frage für einen Freund. ✌

  7. eins83

    Coinbase Aktien dürfen in Deutschland nicht gehandelt werden , Meister Halver !
    Klug scheissen können sie , die Herren " Finanzspezialisten " , dann hörts auf ?

  8. Alone Mythe

    Investing in crypto now should be in every wise individuals list, in some months time you'll be ecstatic with the decision you made today.

    1. Richard Freeman

      Most intelligent words I've heard.

    2. Boyd Mckellen

      Crypto is the new gold

    3. Crypto Violin

      I wanted to trade Crypto but got discouraged by the fluctuations in price

    4. Dr.Chris Keto

      Will see……..

  9. Peter Lustig

    Was redet der da die ganze Zeit von Bitcoin-Jüngern? Als wenn irgendwelche 25 jährigen Fachinformatiker mal eben so den Code von Bitcoin ändern könnten und aus 21 Mio, 100Mio coins machen.

    So ein Schnick schnack. 21 Millionen coins fertig, unveränderbar im Code festgehalten. Wenn man dies ändern möchte, wir reden hier also von zerstören, benötigt man sehr viel Zeit und gleichzeitig wäre es für den Ausführenden ein finanzieller Ruin.

    Bitcoin-Jünger…. Oh man

    1. Urs Malo

      Der hat den Bitcoin( immer noch) überhaupt nicht verstanden, wenn er solche Überlegungen anstellt.

  10. Dr.Chris Keto

    Danke. Man muss 50% Verlust verkraften können.

  11. Pfandltom

    Geschätzter Herr Halver! Danke für Ihre wöchentlichen Analysen und sehr originellen wie treffenden Aussagen. Ihre bildhafte Ausdrucksweise macht selbst den größten Börsenmuffel zum interessierten Zuhörer. Bleiben Sie Ihrem Weg treu. Die Community wird es Ihnen danken!

  12. Walter Coinprofit

    There is a famous character, a Google search for "signals walter bulls". He made a fortune for himself back in 2018. Recently, such services have appeared that allow copying the results of professional players. This guy shows how to copy after him automatically using such a service. We must try while the market is on the rise!!

  13. Ktothe N

    Vielen Dank!

  14. Julianne Calderon

    moving between losses and gains on its neutral weekly outlook which makes it a tough decision for investors to decide how best to utilise the current market; as for me it can’t be more obvious that tradlng Bitcoin is way more lucrative than just hodlng and waiting for the price of Bitcoin to skyrocket. I didn’t think it was possible to make constant win from tradlng till I came across Robert Ross program for investors/newbies who lack understanding on how tradlng Bitcoin works, to help them stack up more bitcoin, since late last year till date I have made over 6.8₿tc from 1.6₿tc with Robert's help. You can easily get to him on ᴛᴇʟᴇɢʀᴀᴍ(@ Ross_trading12 ) and ᴡʜᴀᴛꜱᴀᴘᴘ(‪+ 1 312 741 9456‬) for crypto inclined concerns.

    1. hadley hanson

      On the contrary, many of us who are trying to understand the more technical aspects of what is going on appreciate these more in-depth updates. There are more simplified explanations of blockchain basics elsewhere. I'll be reaching out to Robert Ross thanks

    2. Mr Snowball

      His training program has been insightful, and I must say, I’m most honored to have been part and a full-time beneficiary of his daily signals. I have been growing monthly & have been able to increase my portfolio from 1.5BTC to more than 4.5BTC with his daily signals.

    3. Destiny Boyer

      BTC has been the greatest investment for me and my family for the past years. Thanks to Robert Ross. I have made over 6 BTC after 1 week of trading with 1.2 BTC

    4. Jaiden Forbes

      Checked out Robert Ross before going ahead that was three months ago and now I never regret trusting him. First started small but with the outcome I got. I decided to put more and it’s been amazing

    5. Kellen Becker

      I used to doubt the authenticity of making profits from bitcoin until my cousin started increasing his portfolio with Robert’s strategy. So I believe it and trust it and I can't wait to get my paycheck this week so I can get started.

  15. Leo Mills

    Critics will point out that βͲc is way too volatile to be a store of value. That’s a short-term view of the concept, however. Over the next week, month, perhaps even year, βͲc pr!ce may fall relative to fiat currcncies. Lonnger term, however, in an environment of money supply increasing much faster than demand, a fixed-supply bearrer asset such as βͲc is likely to apprieciate in value relative to assets without a fixed supply, I wept deeply and prayed after the last time i had much L0SS, my Uncle introduced me to an Expt. Eric John Clark who I started tradln with since late last year,I've covered up and made over 25 B T С with 3 B T C even with the ups and downs since the journey. With Eric's counsel I no longer have to worry about the rise and dip of Bitcoin. For prof!table tradlng guidiance, You can easily get to him :TєIєɠram(@ericclark01)

    1. Edward Roger

      Really want thank Eric for his help and direction, I have been able to catch in weekly with my little investment.

    2. Davis Harmon

      Trading has been so good with Eric Clark.

    3. Richard Buford

      Eric trade no stress i just send him my investment amount and he started my trading after trading he sent me my profit of 4.3btc.

    4. hollis roberge

      I never knew it works so easily. Am so grateful and i appreciate you thanks so much Eric Clark for all your good works.

  16. Kai 78

    Der innere Wert…..

  17. H *

    Popmusik ist doch 80er
    Wenn dann bitte schon Techno

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