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Wie kam es zu dem Erfolg der Brüder & wie auch Sie große Firmen aufbauen können

Lernen Sie von der Geschichte der erfolgreichen Koch Brüdern. Sie haben das Konglomerat -Cargill aufgebaut.
Hier zu den Büchern der Koch Brothers:
📚 "Good Profit: How Creating Value for Others Built One of the World’s Most Successful Companies" - *
📚 "Sons of Witchita" - *
3.📚 "Die sechs entscheidenden Lektionen des Lebens" - *
2.📚 "Dieses Buch ist bares Geld wert" *
Als Hörbuch *
1.📚 "Des klugen Investors Handbuch" *
Als Hörbuch *
Dr. Markus Elsässer, Investor und Gründer der Value Fonds
„ME Fonds - Special Values“ - WKN: 663307
„ME Fonds - PERGAMON“ - WKN: 593117
00:00 - Intro
02:55 - Harter Weg
04:15 - Dezentrales System
06:20 - Zentrale Punkte des geschäftlichen Erfolgs
08:43 - Ausschüttung
11:40 - Wachstum vs Value
14:30 - Short cuts
17:10 - Mit wem man sich nicht anlegen sollte
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Markus Elsasser
Born in Heidelberg/Germany in 1956, the son of an ambassador grew up in London, Hong Kong, Paris and Cairo. He is a trained banker and studied business administration/economics at the University of Cologne/Germany. Afterwards Dr. Elsasser worked in a chartered accounting firm. In 1986 he participated in an Enquete of the German business magazine 'Manager Magazin'. Among 4,360 candidates he was elected one of the TOP 10 junior managers of Germany. He started his industrial career as Director Finance at Dow Chemical Germany. He then worked as General Manager of an international chemical company in Sydney, Autralia and later as Head of Asia/Pacific in the food business in Singapore. Since 1998 he is active as an independent investor, financial advisor and founder of the ME-Funds. He has also been a member of advisory boards of several industrial families in Germany and has worked closely with New York activist shareholder Guy Wyser-Pratte.
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