Tag Archive: newslettersent

Dollar Drivers in the Week Ahead

The key issue facing the foreign exchange market is whether the modicum of strength the US dollar demonstrated last week is the beginning of a sustainable move.  It is possible that the market is again at a juncture in which the price action will...

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Mind Control as a method to support the US Dollar

With dollar mind control, the American elites ensure that the dollar remains the global reserve currency. Average Americans should only consume and should not have access to sophisticated financial services.

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Weekly Speculative Positions: Cutting Longs in Yen and Swiss Franc

Speculators in the futures market continued to pare short foreign currency positions but were cautious about expanding long positions in the CFTC reporting week ending May 3.  In fact, two of the three largest adjustments were the cutting of gross long Japanese yen and Australian dollar positions. Yen Speculators took profits on 11.8k contracts of …

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Key Dollar Developments Include Bottoming against the Dollar-Bloc

The US dollar rose against all the major currencies last week. The importance of the price action does not lie with the magnitude or the breadth of the advance. Instead, the two takeaway technical observations are 1) the seemingly one-way market for euro and yen ended and 2) the dollar-bloc currencies appear to have put … Continue reading...

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Ron Paul and Claudio Grass Speak on Switzerland

 What Do The Swiss Know That We Don’t? Claudio Grass, Managing Director of Global Gold in Switzerland, was recently invited to speak with Dr. Ron Paul at the Liberty Report.

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Share buybacks and dividends with borrowed money: Cure Worse than the Disease

The Fed’s monetary policies have made funding share buybacks and dividend payments with borrowed money an attractive management tactic. In the face of stalling business prospects, these short-term gimmicks can make business operations appear healthy.

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Treasury Introduces New Rules To Stop Tax Evasion, Kind Of

In the wake of the Panama Papers being released, the U.S.Treasury announced that it will use existing powers in order to make two rule changes that are intended to stop tax evasion. First, in a rule which amends the US Bank Secrecy Act, the Treasury ...

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Trump and Clinton: Neither is Fit to Tell the Rest of Us What to Do

  Misinformation and Delusions PARIS – Too bad about Ted Cruz. His tax plan was pretty good. A flat tax of 10% on anything over $36,000. And a 16% “business transfer tax” to replace the corporate income tax and all payroll taxes.   Ted Cruz bows out…...

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Corporate Tax Receipts Reflect Economic Slowdown

We compare Tax Receipts against the Stock Market. It becomes obvious that tax receipts have slowed down recently. And so should the performance of the stock market.

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Incrementum Advisory Board Meeting, Q2 2016

  A New Bull Market in Gold? On April 10, the Incrementum Fund’s advisory board held its quarterly meeting. Two of the regulars (Zac Bharucha and Rahim Taghizadegan) were unable to attend this time, but we were joined by special guest Brent Johnson, ...

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Gold and Gold Stocks – Is the Correction Finally Beginning?

  Triangle Thrust and Reversal In mid April, we discussed weekly resistance levels in the HUI Index. Given the recent almost blow-off like move in the index and its subsequent reversal, we decided to provide a brief update on the situation. First, he...

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Migrant Rape Epidemic Reaches Austria

Submitted by Soren Kern via The Gatestone Institute, A 20-year-old asylum seeker from Iraq confessed to raping a 10-year-old boy at a public swimming pool in Vienna. The Iraqi said the rape was a "sexual emergency" resulting from "excess sexual ene...

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Great Graphic: Non-Consensus Thinking on Trade

Low-skilled workers abroad do compete with low-skilled workers at domestic affiliates. However, employment of high-skilled workers abroad compliments (as in leads to more) high skilled domestic employment.

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FX Daily, May 5: Dollar Performance Turns More Nuanced

The US dollar is firm, near the best levels of the week against the euro, yen, and sterling. However, against the dollar-bloc and several actively traded emerging market currencies, including the Turkish lira and South African rand, the greenbac...

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Cool Video: Trump and the Dollar–Bloomberg TV

I was invited to discuss the potential impact of a Trump presidency on the US dollar with Bloomberg's with Joe Weisenthal, Oliver Renick, and Alix Steel on "What'd You Miss" show yesterday afternoon, Of course the topic lends itself to all sorts of partisanship.  However, I put aside my own political axes and focused on two potential …

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Political Crisis in Turkey is Not Good for Europe

It has been long recognized by the investment community that power in Turkey was concentrated in Erdogan’s hands.  He enjoys incredible power in the ceremonial presidential post and brooks no rivals. Common among authoritarian leaders they habitually turn on hand-picked successors as they grow fearful of competitors.   This is precisely what has played out …

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EU Plans $290K Per Person Fine For Countries Refusing “Fair Share” Of Refugees; Angry Response Ensues

As Norway offers cash for refugees to leave, announcing that they won't be accepting any more refugees from the EU, and Switzerland prepares its military to close down borders, the EU has seemingly had enough of every country acting as if it has any ...

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A Trump Landslide in November?

  Objective Reality After spending three weeks with objective truth at the ranch, we are now forced to return to the world of myths, delusions, and claptrap. Yes, we are in Buenos Aires looking at a TV! And there they are… talking about the world of ...

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EM FX Technical Picture

Note that MSCI EM fell 21% from November 4 to January 21.  It then rallied 25% to challenge the November highs, but it has since fallen back.  MSCI EM has now retraced about a quarter of this year's rally.  Major retracement objectives come in near 7...

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Here Comes The Turkish Flood: EU Commission Backs Visa-Free Travel For 80 Million Turks

Earlier this week we observed that in what may be Europe's latest mistake, the European Union is about to grant visa-gree travel to 80 million Turks: a key concession that Erdogan obtained as a result of the ongoing negotiations over Europe's refugee...

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