Tag Archive: newsletter

Invest Here: SILVER Price Will Follow The Path Of Nickel – Alasdair Macleod | Silver Price

Invest Here: SILVER Price Will Follow The Path Of Nickel - Alasdair Macleod | Silver Price Alasdair MacLeod shares what's happening with Silver Prices. #AlasdairMacLeod #silver #silverstacking #Silverbullion -------------- ⬇ Inspired By: ⬇ Financial Crisis Is Already Here, Don’t Let the Market Exuberance Fool You Warns Lynette Zang -tnozmGa4 Fed’s Credibility is Destroyed, Why Cash, Gold and Silver Will Be Best Lifeline | Outlook 2022 Silver...

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Russell 2000 technical analysis and trade idea (Long)

Russell 2000 futures (RTY) is at the bottom band of a potential bear flag but we are in the green and buyers may protect this touch point, and buy, which would expedite the short covering. The stop loss would be close, in relation to the take profit target, making this area interesting for a bull. https://www.forexlive.com/technical-analysis/russell-2000-technical-analysis-and-trade-idea-long/

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Swiss National Bank President Jordan warned of persistently higher inflationary pressure

Swiss National Bank President Thomas Jordan spoke at the Federal Reserve’s annual Jackson Hole symposium on Saturday.“Structural factors such as the transition to a greener economy, rising sovereign debt worldwide, the demographic transition and ultimately also the fact that globalization appears to have peaked -- at least temporarily -- could lead to persistently higher inflationary pressure in the coming years”

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The path to my success came through my making mistakes

Pain + Reflection = Progress. #pain #reflection #progress #principles #raydalio #shorts

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What exactly did Powell say at Jackson Hole?

The short but sweet speech by Chair Powell was firm and unambiguous. Here is the review of his comments

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Das MINDSET zum Vermögensaufbau und WOHLSTAND

Der #DividendenDienstag Livestream findet jeden Dienstag um 19:00 Uhr auf YouTube statt, zusammen mit Johannes Lortz philosophieren wir über #Dividenden #Aktien, das Investieren, die Börse und vieles mehr.

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Warum Strompreis und Gaspreis fallen werden! Marktgeflüster

Der Strompreis für Deutschland stieg heute auf ein neues Allzeithoch über 1000 Euro - während der Gaspreis heute seit Handelsbeginn deutlich gefallen ist (nach Aussagen von Habeck am Sonntag, wonach die deutschen Gasspeicher viel früher gut gefüllt sind als geplant.

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Ende der Tech-Aktien?

► Sichere Dir meine Tipps zu Gold, Aktien, ETFs - 100% gratis: http://lars-erichsen.de/ ► Höre Dir auch meinen Podcast an! Hier findest Du ihn: https://lars-erichsen.de/podcasts.html Wer in den nächsten 10 Jahren überwiegend oder ausschließlich auf Wachstumswerte setzt, der wird mit Sicherheit eine weit unterdurchschnittliche Rendite einfahren. Es gibt eine sehr interessante Studie die gut belegt, wieso der Zyklus der Tech- und Wachstumswerte...

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Hat dir das Video gefallen? Gib mir nen DAUMEN HOCH 👍 bzw. TEILE dieses Video um gemeinsam AT, DE und CH cryptofit zu machen! #JulianHosp #Bitcoin #Blockchain 👌 Kein Video mehr verpassen? ABONNIERE meinen Kanal: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCseNUrq7mUUWqTspr4QJ9eg?sub_confirmation=1 UND klicke die GLOCKE 🔔 - WICHTIG! ⏰ E-MAIL ERINNERUNG beim nächsten Video erhalten: https://i-unlimited.de/youtube —————— ► Alles rund um DeFiChain...

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Reicht unser Gas? Energiekrise und Energiewende selbst gemacht?

✘ Werbung: Mein Buch Allgemeinbildung ► https://amazon.de/dp/B09RFZH4W1/ Teespring ► https://unterblog.creator-spring.com/ Unser Gas reicht nicht. Heute eine Zusammenstellung der Problematik mit 4 Szenarien. Gas 3 ► Gas 2 ► -78wfA Gas 1 ► _IDuw BDEW ► https://bdew.de/service/daten-und-grafiken/monatlicher-erdgasverbrauch-deutschland/ Bundesnetzagentur ►...

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Why is Inflation in USA Higher than across World? [Ep. 281, Eurodollar University]

The San Francisco Fed reveals why US consumer prices accelerated more than other nations (i.e. stimulus checks). Also, the SF Fed explains why and when prices accelerated during 2020-22 (i.e. demand collapse and surge; supply shocks). At no point was it the Fed 'money printer go brr'.

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NQ technical analysis update after market opened on 28 Aug

See the full analysis at https://www.forexlive.com/technical-analysis/nasdaq-technical-analysis-a-contrarian-long-on-nasdaq-20220829/

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Dow Dumps in Response to Powell | 3:00 on Markets & Money

Markets sold off on Friday as the Fed withheld an expected pivot in policy, and actually suggested remaining more aggressive in addressing inflation. Jerome Powell also specifically stated such action would lead to slower economic growth and job losses--a necessary evil in the fight to curb the rate of inflation.

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The USD is seeing some selling in early NY trading.

The USD is seeing a move to the downside in early US trading. Recall that the UK is off today in observance of the summer bank holiday so liquidity conditions may be less.  Nevertheless, the EURUSD is squeezing back toward the 200 hour MA at 1.00177.  The USDJPY is still higher on, the day but off its highs. The pair in the short term intraday chart is below the 100 bar MA and testing the 200 bar MA.  The GBPUSD traded to the lowest level...

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Markus Krall Minis Gastbeitragssätze fressen das Finanzsystem auf – nur Tricks können den Kollaps

Dirk Müller, Banken Deutschland, Sparkassen Deutschland, Wirtschaft Deutschland, Finanzen Deutschland , Geld Deutschland , Kapital Deutschland, Aktien Deutschland , Börse Deutschland , Immobilien Deutschland , Politik Deutschland ,

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Jackson Hole Failure (8/29/22): Market Analysis & Commentary from RIA Advisors Chief Investment S…

#Markets #Money #Investment_Advice

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Steigende Zinsen sind Gift für die Börsen | Blick auf die Woche | KW 35

Steigende Zinsen werden von den Börsen momentan wie Gift wahrgenommen. 😨 Zum Wochenausklang am Freitag hat es nochmal richtig gerappelt an Börsen. 📉 Woran das lag und was bevorstehen könnte, erfährst du in meinem heutigen Video. ► INFOWEBINAR: 90 Tage Trader-Ausbildung von Börsenexperten. Informiere dich jetzt in unserem kostenlosen Webinar. https://mariolueddemann.com/90tt_info1/ ► Jetzt Termin vereinbaren und vom Experten beraten lassen!...

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The Story of War and Peace in the Currency Markets

There is a story of war and peace in the contemporary currency markets. It has a main plot and many subplots. As yet, the story is without end. That may come sooner than many now expect. The narrator today has a more challenging job than the teller of the story about neutral, Entente, and Central Power currencies during World War I. (See Brown, Brendan “Monetary Chaos in Europe” chapter 2 [Routledge, 2011].)

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Natural gas (NATGAS) technical analysis and trade idea (short)

Reward vs risk is quite attractive for a 3 part short trade here on natural gas futures. See the full Natgas futures technical analysis at: https://www.forexlive.com/technical-analysis/natural-gas-futures-natgas-technical-analysis-and-trade-idea-short/

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Stocks and Bonds Sell Off, while the Dollar Rallies

Overview: The reverberations from last week continue to roil the capital markets today. Equities and bonds have been sold and the greenback bought. Most of the large markets in Asia Pacific fell by more 2%, including Japan’s Nikkei, Taiwan’s Taiex, and South Korea’s Kospi.

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