Tag Archive: newsletter

12 States That Keep Retirement Dollars in Your Pocket

“Will I outlive my money?” That’s one of the biggest concerns for most retirees. There’s the high cost of medical care, which gets more expensive all the time. There’s inflation, which raises the cost of goods and services, eating into your retirement budget.

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Clay Miller: An Entrepreneurial Journey to New Lands, New Organizational Designs, and New Value

The entrepreneurial instinct can be sparked in K-12 and around the family dinner table. An entrepreneurial culture is highly beneficial to society at the global, national, and local levels. We should examine how well we nurture the entrepreneurial instinct in K-12 schooling and in the discussions we have with our kids at home.

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The Saving Problem in America: Alternatives and Reforms

Since before covid-19 and the lockdown, I have written articles that touch on the purpose and importance of personal savings, and more importantly, why the lack of personal savings was going to make an economic crisis in the year 2020 potentially tragic for most Americans. As a result, I have been interviewed a couple of times specifically on the topic of personal savings. These interactions have indicated to me that people do not understand the...

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FX Daily, September 17: Powell Lets Steam Out of Equities and Spurs Dollar Short-Covering

Profit-taking after the FOMC meeting saw US equities and gold sell-off. The high degree of uncertainty without fresh stimulus did not win investors' confidence. The Fed signaled rates would likely not be hiked for the next three years, and without additional measures, that appears to be the essence of the switch to an average inflation target.

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Referendum: Swiss to vote on ending EU agreement

On 27 September 2020, Swiss voters have many decisions to make. This time the list of votes includes decisions on fighter jets, hunting, tax deductions for child care and paternity leave. Probably the most important among them is a decision on whether to accept a proposal to end the EU agreement on the free movement of people between Switzerland and the bloc, known as the Limitation Initiative.

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Medical Reimbursement Accounts

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The Evidence Keeps Piling up: Lockdowns Don’t Work

Extraordinary measures require extraordinary evidence. Have the advocates for lockdowns made their case? The data suggests they have not. This Audio Mises Wire is generously sponsored by Christopher Condon. Narrated by Michael Stack. Original Article: "The Evidence Keeps Piling up: Lockdowns Don’t Work".

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Crypto Nation Switzerland evades Covid’s clutches (for now)

The Swiss blockchain industry appears to be in rude health despite the economic fallout of the coronavirus pandemic. The number of new companies and jobs produced by the sector increased in the first six months of the year. Is this trend set to last?

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FX Daily, September 16: Dollar Eases Ahead of the FOMC

Overview:  The dollar has been sold against nearly all the world's currencies ahead of what is expected to be a dovish Federal Reserve, even if no fresh action is taken. The Scandis and Antipodean currencies are leading the majors. 

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Swiss Producer and Import Price Index in August 2020: -3.5 percent YoY, -0.4 percent MoM

The Producer and Import Price Index fell in August 2020 by 0.4% compared with the previous month, reaching 97.9 points (December 2015 = 100). This decline was due in particular to lower prices for chemical and pharmaceutical products. Compared with August 2019, the price level of the whole range of domestic and imported products fell by 3.5%.

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Sacrifice for Thee But None For Me

The banquet of consequences for the Fed, the elites and their armies of parasitic flunkies and factotums is being laid out, and there won't be much choice in the seating. Words can be debased just like currencies. Take the word sacrifice. 

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Merger rumours boost UBS and Credit Suisse shares

Shares of Credit Suisse and UBS moved to the top of SMI stocks on Monday morning after a media report said the Swiss banks were planning a merger.

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Coronavirus: no quarantine for people entering Switzerland from border regions

On 11 September 2020, Switzerland’s federal government announced that people entering Switzerland after spending time in regions next to the country’s national borders will be exempted from mandatory quarantine requirements should those regions end up with high rates of infection. Cross-border worker are already exempted from quarantine requirements.

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Gold is Looking Strong as it Tests Resistance

Since it’s sell-off from it’s early August high, gold has been stuck in an ever decreasing range. Having had a remarkable rally to an intra-day high of $2,078 on the 7th of August Gold has traded sideways and consolidated. This has been viewed by many market commentators as a healthy pause in gold’s bull rally as when markets go parabolic they tend to retrace just as fast.

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Swiss wind power held up by legal challenges

For a decade, wind energy in Switzerland has been stalled. Opponents have used every possible means to stop projects. At the end of September, one community will vote on the future of this kind of energy.

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China’s Hole Puzzle

One day short of one year ago, on September 16, 2019, China’s National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) reported its updated monthly estimates for the Big 3 accounts. Industrial Production (IP) is a closely-watched indicator as it is relatively decent proxy for the entire goods economy around the world. Retail Sales in the post-Euro$ #2 context give us a sense of the Chinese economy’s persistent struggle to try to “rebalance” without the pre-2008 boost...

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FX Daily, September 15: The Dollar Softens Ahead of the FOMC

The capital markets are relatively quiet so far today as the FOMC meeting gets underway. Equity markets in the Asia Pacific region, but Japan and Australia advanced, and the regional benchmark rose for the fourth consecutive session. European stocks are a little firmer. 

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Switzerland ranked 4th for economic come back, according to study

A report published this week places Switzerland fourth on a list of countries best positioned to make an economic rebound after the coronavirus downturn. The analysis looks at overall health resilience, pre-existing structural strengths and weaknesses in 122 countries.

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It’s Far Too Late to Think Lockdowns Can Make Covid-19 Go Away

In the early days of the coronavirus crisis, the rationale given for lockdowns was that it was necessary to stay at home for "fifteen days to slow the spread." The idea was that social distancing was necessary so that hospitals and other healthcare resources would not be overwhelmed.

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Inflation Karma

There is no oil in the CPI’s consumer basket, yet oil prices largely determine the rate by which overall consumer prices are increasing (or not). WTI sets the baseline which then becomes the price of motor fuel (gasoline) becoming the energy segment. As energy goes, so do headline CPI measurements.

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