Tag Archive: newsletter

Audio Alert: Gold Stocks & Bullion Rally on Fundamentals, Fed | June 10th, 2016

Jim Rickards, author of the book The New Case for Gold. Jim reports on some alarming evidence of a gold supply shortage developing across the world and the increasingly dangerous folly of central bankers. (https://www.moneymetals.com/images/ilb-weekly-wrap-itunes-banner.jpg) (https://feeds.feedblitz.com/_/28/157869960/weekly-market-wrap-itunes)   (https://feeds.feedblitz.com/_/30/157869960/weekly-market-wrap-itunes)  ...

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Audio Alert: Gold & Silver May Be Unstoppable Now | June 17th, 2016

This week we’ll hear from Dan Norcini, who joins us to break down the markets like no else one can. Dan discusses some of the wild moves in the markets of late, the thing he focuses on the most when trying to predict what’s ahead for gold. (https://www.moneymetals.com/images/ilb-weekly-wrap-itunes-banner.jpg) (https://feeds.feedblitz.com/_/28/159357780/weekly-market-wrap-itunes)  ...

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Audio Alert: Billionaire Investors Warn of Coming Financial Crash | June 3rd, 2016

Michael Rivero of WhatReallyHappened.com updates us on some of the key developments in the ongoing attempt by the central planners to bring about a one world government, when and why we’re likely to see a massive inflationary uptick in the not too distant future, and how gold and silver may end up being the key beneficiaries as the masses discover them as the safe haven assets to own....

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Audio Alert: Could EVERYTHING Be Rigged? | July 29th, 2016

This week we hear from Michael Rivero of WhatReallyHappened.com. He gives us his opinions on the concluded political conventions, why he sees this as a crucial election for the future of our Republic, & why he views precious metals as a must-own asset. (https://www.moneymetals.com/images/ilb-weekly-wrap-itunes-banner.jpg) (https://feeds.feedblitz.com/_/28/170721164/weekly-market-wrap-itunes)  ...

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Urgent Audio Alert: Globalism Train Wreck Ignites Precious Metals | June 24th, 2016

John Rubino of DollarCollapse.com shares his insights on the likelihood that negative interest rates are coming to us here in the U.S. & other factors that could be very bearish for economic growth, but an environment that could be very bullish for gold. (https://www.moneymetals.com/images/ilb-weekly-wrap-itunes-banner.jpg) (https://feeds.feedblitz.com/_/28/160954852/weekly-market-wrap-itunes)  ...

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Audio Alert: Insolvency, Social Chaos, and Silver | July 22nd, 2016

Chris Martenson gives us insights on the real reasons behind the recent & surprising stock market rally, what to expect in the precious metals markets in the weeks & months ahead & the steps you can take to prepare. (https://www.moneymetals.com/images/ilb-weekly-wrap-itunes-banner.jpg) (https://feeds.feedblitz.com/_/28/167472410/weekly-market-wrap-itunes)   (https://feeds.feedblitz.com/_/30/167472410/weekly-market-wrap-itunes)  ...

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Audio Alert: Trump Unloads on the Fed’s Political Manipulation | September 16th, 2016

This week, Michael Rivero shares his insights on Hillary’s health & what it all means for the presidential election. He also gives us his thoughts on the future of the U.S. dollar & why the gold manipulators are having a harder time achieving their goals. (https://www.moneymetals.com/images/ilb-weekly-wrap-itunes-banner.jpg) (https://feeds.feedblitz.com/_/28/198092446/weekly-market-wrap-itunes)  ...

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Audio Alert: Fed Emphatically Denies Accusations of Political Decision-Making | September 23rd, 2016

Guy Christopher enlightens us as only he can on a couple of well-known but very misunderstood stories – Robin Hood & The Wizard of Oz – and explains how both underwent changes and ultimately developed either a socialistic or an anti-sound money narrative. (https://www.moneymetals.com/images/ilb-weekly-wrap-itunes-banner.jpg) (https://feeds.feedblitz.com/_/28/201691700/weekly-market-wrap-itunes)  ...

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Audio Alert: Gerald Celente Predicts Market Crash, Gold Spike, War | August 19th, 2016

This week, we speak with Gerald Celente of the Trends Journal. Gerald has some extremely interesting comments on the upcoming presidential election, the bizarre disconnect between some dismal economic reports and the roaring stock market, and the key level he’s looking for for gold to break through on its way to new all-time highs. (https://www.moneymetals.com/images/ilb-weekly-wrap-itunes-banner.jpg)...

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Audio Alert: Precious Metals Slammed, Financial Establishment Ridicules | October 7th, 2016

David Smith gives precious metals investors some tremendously useful advice in the face of some difficult market action for gold & silver & he also tells us why he believes 2017 will be the year that general public discovers gold & silver in a big way. (https://www.moneymetals.com/images/ilb-weekly-wrap-itunes-banner.jpg) (https://feeds.feedblitz.com/_/28/208374900/weekly-market-wrap-itunes)  ...

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Audio Alert: Sham Markets, Sham Economy, and the Coming Breakdown | September 9th, 2016

This week, we’ll hear a tremendous interview with Craig Hemke of the TF Metals Report. Craig discusses why he believes the bullion banks are finding it harder and harder to suppress the price of gold and silver so far in 2016. (https://www.moneymetals.com/images/ilb-weekly-wrap-itunes-banner.jpg) (https://feeds.feedblitz.com/_/28/194123376/weekly-market-wrap-itunes)   (https://feeds.feedblitz.com/_/30/194123376/weekly-market-wrap-itunes)  ...

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Audio Alert: New Mega Bank Problems & Other Scams | September 30th, 2016

Due to popular demand, we’ll hear a replay of my conversation with Steve Forbes. Earlier this year, Mr. Forbes gave a fascinating interview about the presidential election & why he believes the time is now for America to restore gold in our monetary system. (https://www.moneymetals.com/images/ilb-weekly-wrap-itunes-banner.jpg) (https://feeds.feedblitz.com/_/28/205259768/weekly-market-wrap-itunes)  ...

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Audio Alert: Gold/Silver Stabilize as Fed Worries about Credibility | October 14th, 2016

There’s been some big news out of China lately, and today we’ll dive deeper into the discussion when we hear a recent interview I did with Gordon Chang. He’ll tell us why he believes an epic collapse is imminent. (https://www.moneymetals.com/images/ilb-weekly-wrap-itunes-banner.jpg) (https://feeds.feedblitz.com/_/28/211377792/weekly-market-wrap-itunes)   (https://feeds.feedblitz.com/_/30/211377792/weekly-market-wrap-itunes)  ...

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Audio Alert: Precious Metals Market Winning a REAL Gold Medal | August 12th, 2016

This week we hear from Paul-Martin Foss of The Carl Menger Center for the Study of Money and Banking and former legislative assistant for Congressman Ron Paul. He shares his firsthand account of what those on Capitol Hill think of our monetary system. (https://www.moneymetals.com/images/ilb-weekly-wrap-itunes-banner.jpg) (https://feeds.feedblitz.com/_/28/178448516/weekly-market-wrap-itunes)  ...

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Audio Alert: Dollar Strength Smacks Metals; 2017 Market Crash? | November 18th, 2016

Michael Pento tells us whether or not the correction in metals is going to last much longer & also makes predictions about a Trump presidency & the breaks down what he sees as the most likely scenario when it comes to inflation and interest rates. (https://www.moneymetals.com/images/ilb-weekly-wrap-itunes-banner.jpg) (https://feeds.feedblitz.com/_/28/228093842/weekly-market-wrap-itunes)  ...

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Audio Alert: Negative Signals Flashing; Hillary & Trump to BOTH Expand Debt | October 21st, 2016

Gold and silver markets moved higher ahead of Wednesday night’s presidential debate, led by gold mining stocks. (https://www.moneymetals.com/images/ilb-weekly-wrap-itunes-banner.jpg) (https://feeds.feedblitz.com/_/28/214537842/weekly-market-wrap-itunes)   (https://feeds.feedblitz.com/_/30/214537842/weekly-market-wrap-itunes)   (https://feeds.feedblitz.com/_/29/214537842/weekly-market-wrap-itunes,)  ...

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Audio Alert: Polls, Stocks, and Gold All Signal Trump Surge | November 4th, 2016

This week we hear from the one & only Gerald Celente of the Trends Journal and TrendsResearch.com. He goes off on the Fed & the presidential reality show as he calls it and also gives us a look into how gold & silver will do after the election. (https://www.moneymetals.com/images/ilb-weekly-wrap-itunes-banner.jpg) (https://feeds.feedblitz.com/_/28/220329234/weekly-market-wrap-itunes)  ...

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Audio Alert: Banks & Wall Street Money Junkies on Edge about Trump | October 28th, 2016

Michael Rivero of WhatReallyHappened.com as he shares his unfiltered insights on the home stretch of the upcoming election. He’ll also give us his thoughts on what could happen in the financial markets in the wake of the election results. (https://www.moneymetals.com/images/ilb-weekly-wrap-itunes-banner.jpg) (https://feeds.feedblitz.com/_/28/217538312/weekly-market-wrap-itunes)  ...

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Audio Alert: Are Gold & Silver Gains Being Stolen by the Grinch? | December 23rd, 2016

Bill Holter of JSmineset.com, gives an explosive interview on the drivers for higher gold & silver prices moving forward, how Trump will preside over a bankruptcy & has a stern warning for those considering getting out of Precious Metals. (https://www.moneymetals.com/images/ilb-weekly-wrap-itunes-banner.jpg) (https://feeds.feedblitz.com/_/28/248224318/weekly-market-wrap-itunes)  ...

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Audio Alert: Trump Floats JP Morgan Chief for Treasury Secretary | November 11th, 2016

Craig cautions everyone to not get ahead of themselves when declaring happy days are here again and discusses what he sees as very real market turmoil uncertainties that a Trump presidency is going to have an impossibility in avoiding. (https://www.moneymetals.com/images/ilb-weekly-wrap-itunes-banner.jpg) (https://feeds.feedblitz.com/_/28/223724428/weekly-market-wrap-itunes)  ...

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