Tag Archive: Featured

Artificial Intelligence vs The Rise of Robots w/Martin Ford

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David Morgan: The Fed’s Tightening Because the Dollar Is in Big Trouble

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Metals Flirt with Breakout; New Electronic Money Crackdowns

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Strukis Einführung

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Call Optionen

Was ist eine Call option? Wir erklären Ihnen was eine Call Option ist.

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Michael Pento: Gold Sniffing Out Coming Central Bank Failure; $2000+ Per Ounce?

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How to Tell if Gold is Real: 4 Easy Tests to Spot Fake Gold or Silver

(Learn 1 More Test to Avoid Fake Gold Here) .⇒ https://goo.gl/icuGMv Buy REAL 1 Oz Krugerrand Coins here ⇒ https://www.moneymetals.com/south-african-krugerrand-gold-coin-one-ounce/20 See the Krugerrand Gold Coin here ⇒ Check gold prices here ⇒ https://www.moneymetals.com/precious-metals-charts/gold-price Learn how to know if your gold or silver is fake! Just about all bullion investors worry about counterfeits. Those concerns are magnified...

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BofA CEO on Economy, Bank, the Environment

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Retail Isn’t Dead

Coach, Burlington Stores, PVH and L Brands can withstand the Amazon threat, says Dana Telsey, retail analyst and founder of Telsey Advisory Group. Thanks for Watching!!!!! -----------------------------------------------------

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Trump’s Democrat Deal on Debt Ceiling Hits Dollar, Boosts Metals

As a massive storm bears down on Florida, concerns about political and financial storms emanating from Washington D.C. are helping drive precious metals markets higher. This week Democrat leaders convinced President Donald Trump to kick the can down the road another three months on raising the debt ceiling. So, in December Congress will have to come up with another funding scheme that will undoubtedly punt again and add hundreds of billions of...

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The Secret History Of The Banking Crisis

Accounts of the financial crisis leave out the story of the secretive deals between banks that kept the show on the road. How long can the system be propped up for? It is a decade since the first tremors of what would become the Great Financial Crisis began to convulse global markets. Across the world from China and South Korea, to Ukraine, Greece, Brexit Britain and Trump’s America it has shaken our economy, our society and latterly our politics.

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The Fiat System Is Coming To An End – CLAUDIO GRASS

#dollarcollapse2017, #geraldcelente

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Börsen-Talk vom 21. Juli 2017

Der Wirtschaft der Euro-Zone läufts gut wie lange nicht mehr. Auch der Sorgenfall Griechenland stabilisiert sich, wie Anlagestratege Anastassios Frangulidis sagt. Eine neue Rezession wäre aber immer noch gefährlich.

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Pictet Perspectives – Equity markets set for a pause

Economic cycles have resynchronised, but this looks to be only a temporary phenomenon. Christophe Donay, Head of Asset Allocation and Macro Research at Pictet Wealth Management, discusses the implications for equity markets.

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Keith Weiner – The Fed Rate Hike Gold

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Peter Boockvar: Trump Will Perpetuate This Bubble for Political Reasons

Claim your SIC 2017 bundle here: http://www.mauldineconomics.com/go/v34ktq/MEC

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Svensk skola: 175 år av ofrihet – Rickard Dahlin – Freedomfest 2017

Ludwig von Mises-Institutet i Sverige: http://www.mises.se ---- Skolan har alltid varit ett viktigt verktyg för staten för att forma det uppväxande släktets åsikter och säkerställa dess samtycke. Rickard Dahlin kommer tala om förstatligandet av skolan. Och hur staten, trots kommunaliseringen, via läroplanerna faktiskt ökat centralstyrningen, med fallande resultat som följd. Slutligen förslag på hur man som förälder kan skydda sina barn. Rickard...

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2017 06 19 COT Marktanalysen Gold, Öl, Zucker, Weizen, Kakao

Profitrader Martin Goersch analysiert im Livewebinar Rohstoffmärkte und Währungen. Diesmal Gold, Öl, Zucker, Weizen, Kakao. Die genutzte Handelsplattform ist der AgenaTrader: http://bit.ly/ATmain Zusammen mit dem COT AddOn: http://bit.ly/COTinsti Trader-Coachings und mehr findet ihr auf der DaytradingCoach Website: https://daytradingcoach.de Zu den Seasonals von EquityClock: http://www.equityclock.com/seasonality/ Zu den Seasonal von...

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Pictet Perspectives – Dealing with complacency

Cesar Perez Ruiz, Chief Investment Officer at Pictet Wealth Management, discusses the synchronised global recovery, political and geopolitical risks, and the need to protect portfolios against market complacency.

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Mark Yusko: Tech Stocks Today Remind Me of the Dot-Com Bubble

Claim your SIC 2017 bundle here: http://www.mauldineconomics.com/go/v34ktq/MEC

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