Tag Archive: Featured

Coronavirus: contact tracers now unable to cope in parts of Switzerland

In parts of Switzerland contact tracers can no longer cope with the rising numbers of cases, according the newspaper SonntagsZeitung. Contact tracers have the task of identifying who has been in contact with people testing positive for SARS-CoV-2, contacting those people and requesting they test and self isolate in order to break chains of infection.

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Banks making slow progress on diversity issues

A recent story from the New York Times implied that the resignation of Ivory Coast-born Tidjane Thiam at the helm of Credit Suisse earlier this year had racist undertones, and he was the only Black CEO among the world’s biggest banks. How does the banking world – especially Credit Suisse – address the issue of diversity among its ranks?

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Swiss return frozen CHF36 million to South American football federation

Swiss authorities have returned about CHF36.6 million ($40 million) in funds frozen in Swiss bank accounts amid football corruption investigations into the South American football confederation CONMEBOL.

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Why We’re Doomed: Our Delusional Faith in Incremental Change

Better not to risk any radical evolution that might fail, and so failure is thus assured. When times are good, modest reforms are all that's needed to maintain the ship's course. By "good times," I mean eras of rising prosperity which generate bigger budgets, profits, tax revenues, paychecks, etc., eras characterized by high levels of stability and predictability.

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Pandemic Follies: Tyranny Won’t Keep Us Safe

Politicians have destroyed more than 13 million jobs this year in a deluge of edicts aimed to fight the covid-19 pandemic. More than two hundred thousand Americans still died from the coronavirus, but the anticovid government crackdowns probably did far more damage than the virus. The covid crisis has also shown how easy it is for politicians to fan fears to seize nearly absolute power.

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FX Daily, October 15: Markets Shake and Dollar Goes Bid

A combination of the surging virus, threatening the slow recovery that was already losing momentum, the lack of new stimulus in the US, and market positioning is seeing risk unwind in a big way today.  Equities are selling off. 

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Swiss Producer and Import Price Index in September 2020: -3.1 percent YoY, +0.1 percent MoM

The Producer and Import Price Index rose in September 2020 by 0.1% compared with the previous month, reaching 98.0 points (December 2015 = 100). The rise is due in particular to higher prices for scrap as well as for basic metals and semi-finished metal products.

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Coronavirus: record number of new cases reported in Switzerland

On 14 October 2020, the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH) reported 2,823 new cases of SARS-CoV-2 infection over 24 hours, a record number. In addition, FOPH reported 57 new Covid-19 hospital admissions and a further 8 deaths.

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Swiss government expects 2020 GDP to shrink less than feared

Swiss economic output will shrink by 3.8% this year, a less bad coronavirus-triggered slump than previously expected, the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) said on Monday.

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Covid and the Escalation of Medical Tyranny

Covid has exposed how easy it is for government to weaponize healthcare. How long will the doctor-patient relationship remain sacred?

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Dollar Bounce Remains Modest as Headwinds Build

The dollar is making a modest comeback; stimulus talks have hit a dead end; we get more US inflation readings for September. Brexit talks continue ahead of the EU summit Thursday and Friday; a new bill by the UK government could change the investment landscape in the country.

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Precious Metals Nowhere Near Cycle Highs – Brace for Gains!

In today’s video GoldCore’s Mark O’Byrne is interviewed by the Wealth Research Group, discussing the start of a new bull run for gold and silver and what we can expect.

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FX Daily, October 14: UK Blinks on Threat to Walk Away on Eve of EU Summit

Overview: Turn around Tuesday saw the dollar bounce, particularly against the Australian dollar and European currencies, among the majors.  Sterling pared earlier losses on reports that the UK would not walk away from the talks just yet, while the euro remains on its back foot.

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Techonology firm Ruag International to cut more jobs

The Swiss aerospace and armament company, Ruag, says it will shed up to 150 jobs by the end of next year due to the coronavirus crisis.

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The Second Act Will Be Worse Than the First: Lockdowns Are Not the Answer

Given the overt hostility that progressives have toward private enterprise in the first place, politicians will take shutdown-caused shortages and empty shelves as “proof” that private enterprise has failed.

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Dollar Bleeding Stanched as Markets Search for Direction

Markets have a bit of a risk-off feel today; the dollar bleeding has been stanched for now; IMF releases its updated World Economic Outlook. A stimulus package before the election appears doomed; Fed’s Barkin and Daly speak; a big data week for the US kicks off with September CPI today.

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Why These Gold Standardites Are Wrong, 13 October

On Friday, the price of silver went up from $24.25 to $25.20, or +4%. Let’s look at the graph of the price and basis (i.e. abundance) action. For the first part of the day, the action is from speculators, for the most part.

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Nasdaq im Höhenflug | Der Blick auf die Woche KW42

Nasdaq im Höhenflug | Der Blick auf die Woche KW42 Trage dich jetzt in unseren Newsletter ein, um den "Blick auf die Woche" am Montag noch vor allen anderen zu erhalten: https://mariolueddemann.com/aktuelles/#newsletter Basiskurs Trading: https://mariolueddemann.com/basiskurs-trading/ Screeningdienst für nur 1€ testen: https://mariolueddemann.com/screeningdienst/ Termine: 17.10. - 19.10.2020 Mastermind-Seminar Volatilität in Frankfurt...

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FX Daily, October 13: Markets Look for Fresh Incentives

The S&P 500 and NASDAQ gapped higher for the third consecutive session and continued to advance. The benchmarks reached their best level since early September. Hong Kong markets were closed due to a storm, but the MSCI Asia Pacific gained for the seventh consecutive session. Most markets were higher, though Taiwan and South Korea were exceptions.

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Forecast: 2020 economic slump less serious than feared

The Expert Group is expecting GDP adjusted for sporting events to fall by 3.8 % in 2020 and unemployment to average 3.2 % over the year as a whole. Prospects for 2020 are therefore less negative than feared in the middle of the year. The momentum is likely to weaken as time goes on.

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