Tag Archive: Featured

DANN geht die Inflation wieder weg! | Mit Prof. Heiner Flassbeck

Selten gab es in der Geschichte solch wirtschaftlich unsicheren Momente wie derzeit. Die Pandemie ist kaum verdaut und dazu kommen die Auswirkungen des Kriegs. Vor der Tür stehen eine Lohn-Preis-Spirale und Austeritätspolitik. Was taugen die die Antworten aus Politik und Ökonomie darauf? Gast: Heiner Flassbeck war Chefvolkswirt der UNCTAD, Professor für Volkswirtschaftslehre an der Universität Hamburg und Staatssekretär im Bundesfinanzministerium...

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What Will the Fed Say Tomorrow? | 3:00 on Markets & Money

(5/3/22) The next Fed meeting is tomorrow, at which the FOMC is expected to hike rates 50-basis points, and reduce its balance sheet by $90-Billion starting in June. But what if they don't? What if the Fed says it's raising rates by 75-basis points, and issues a much more hawkish view on inflation? That's the risk markets are facing as they try to position ahead of the meeting. With markets so negatively biased, any news that matches expectations...

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Symrise Hauptversammlung 2022 – Leben von Dividenden – www.aktienerfahren.de

Link zu meinen Onlinekursen: https://thomas-anton-schuster.coachy.net/lp/finanzielle-unabhangigkeit Vortrags- und Seminartermine, sowie kostenlose Anforderung des Aktienbewertungsblatts: https://aktienerfahren.de

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Will Markets Rally Following the Fed Meeting?

(5/3/22) The FOMC meets tomorrow, and while many are anxiously awaiting the Fed's pronouncements on Thursday; in reality, markets may have already "baked-in" an expected 50-basis point rate hike and $90-B balance sheet taper to begin in June. Dragons are real; How Investors are positioning for the rest of the summer; YouTube influencers and the end of bad advice; S&P earnings estimates continue to climb, even as corporate forecasts...

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To Fight Russia, Europe’s Regimes Risk Impoverishment and Recession for Europe

Politicians have become accustomed to conjuring whatever they want through the “miracle” of printing money. But in the real world, it’s still necessary to produce oil and gas through actual physical production. Original Article: "To Fight Russia, Europe's Regimes Risk Impoverishment and Recession for Europe" This Audio Mises Wire is generously sponsored by Christopher Condon.

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Press freedom: why you should be worried | The Economist

Global press freedom is facing its greatest challenge in decades—not just in authoritarian countries, but in democracies too. Governments are using more subtle tactics to muzzle the media. What’s going on and why is it so worrying? 00:00 – Introduction: global press freedom is in decline 01:08 – How journalists are being harassed and silenced in India 04:00 – The decline of press freedom in democracies 06:53 – Press freedom in Malta: the murder...

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RBA Surprises with a 25 bp Hike

Overview: The large bourses in Asia Pacific except Hong Kong eased.  Japan and China's mainland markets are closed for the holiday.  Europe's Stoxx 600 is up about 0.6%.  It gapped lower yesterday and has not entered the gap today.  US futures are a little softer. 

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Der große Marktausblick mit Top-Handelschancen | 02.05.2022

► Wenn du beim nächsten großen Marktausblick LIVE mit dabei sein möchtest, dann melde dich hier KOSTENLOS an: https://mariolueddemann.com/aktuelles/ ► Von 50.000 € auf 1 Million in 10 Jahren Willst du wissen, wie das auch für dich geht? Dann melde dich hier zum kostenfreien Beratungsgespräch an: https://deinmillionendepot.com/termin-buchen/ - - - ► Für Trader: sicher dir hier kostenfrei mein E-Book, damit du dein kleines Konto groß tradest:...

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Gold: A use case for the modern era

Part I of II For decades, physical gold investors have had to contend with superficial, naive and wholly ahistorical “arguments” from the mainstream financial press, from economists and experts of all stripes, claiming that gold is nothing but a barbarous relic. To them, the yellow metal is akin to investment superstition. It has no yield, it serves no practical purpose and the only attraction they could conceive of is merely symbolic, or...

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Quertanker- weitere offene Briefe u.a.von US Geheimdienstveteranen, Max Otte aus der CDU 03.Mai 2022

Quertanker- weitere offene Briefe u.a.von US Geheimdienstveteranen, Max Otte aus der CDU 03.Mai 2022

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Wie das unsolide Finanzsystem extreme Kreditzyklen auslöst, die zum Kollaps führen

Ein staatliches Fiat-Währungssystem mit einer nur teilweisen Deckung des Geldumlaufs durch die Bankreserven macht es möglich, dass die Geschäftsbanken mehr Geld als in Umlauf bringen als sie an Bargeld halten. Das sogenannte Giralgeld wird als Bankeinlagen gleichsam aus dem Nichts geschaffen.

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What Really ‘Raises’ The Rising ‘Dollar’

It’s one of those things which everyone just accepts because everyone says it must be true. If the US$ is rising, what else other than the Federal Reserve. In particular, the Fed has to be raising rates in relation to other central banks; interest rate differentials.

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Interim results of the Swiss National Bank as at 31 March 2022

The Swiss National Bank reports a loss of CHF 32.8 billion for the first quarter of 2022. The loss on foreign currency positions amounted to CHF 36.8 billion. A valuation gain of CHF 4.2 billion was recorded on gold holdings. The profit on Swiss franc positions was CHF 10.6 million.

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Rising prices put pressure on Swiss consumers and industry

Consumers in Switzerland are much more pessimistic about the general economic situation, with households feeling the strain as prices continue to rise, a new survey shows.

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Weekly Market Pulse: Welcome Back To The Old Normal

Stagflation. It’s a word that strikes fear in the hearts of investors, one that evokes memories – for some of us – of bell bottoms, disco, and Jimmy Carter’s American malaise. The combination of weak growth and high inflation is the worst of all worlds, one that required a transformational leader and a cigar-chomping central banker to defeat the last time it came around.

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Alasdair Macleod Mean America and London are Paper Gold

Alasdair Macleod 📢 Mean America and London are Paper Gold Thank you so much for watching! 👇 Checkout These Similar Videos👇 #newsrio credits : Silver Bullion TV https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqmToXM7x2tD7-2rs0KvObA ► Subscribe to NewsRio's new channel ✪ Help NewsRio Channel Reach 100 000 Sub! ✉Mail: [email protected] ✪ Thank you for watching my clip. Please click register to support me! https://www.youtube.com/c/NEWSRio?sub_confirmation=1...

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Illuvium Revealed: The GameFi Revolution – [Cryptoverse Ep.13]

Host Robb LeCount and expert Jim Lecci are joined by the co-Founder of Illuvium, Keiran Warwick to discuss the beginnings of Illuvium and what impact it's having on the blockchain gaming world. Kieran is a proven serial entrepreneur. Working alongside his brother Kain Warwick in e-commerce, Kieran was exposed to Bitcoin and Ethereum early on. His enthusiasm for the crypto space led to his joining Blueshyft. While there, Kieran successfully...

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“CURRENCIES Will Collapse By The End Of 2023”, Starvation Ahead | Alasdair Macleod

"CURRENCIES Will Collapse By The End Of 2023", Starvation Ahead | Alasdair Macleod, Economy News, Food Shortages, Supply Chain Issues, Financial Crisis, Interest rates. ---------------------------------------------------- 🛎️ For more Economy and Financial videos please SUBSCRIBE to our channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/LifeWorthLivings And press the bell icon to get a notification, when our new video will be published. ===============...

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China-Aktien: Die große Trendwende?

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