Found 1,381 search results for keyword: label

With the Trump Indictment, America Is a Step Closer to Being a Banana Republic

When Rudy Giuliani was pursuing his infamous Wall Street prosecutions in the 1980s, his aides admitted that they were indicting people on “novel legal theories” that had not been used before. A Giuliani lieutenant bragged to a group of law students that prosecutors in his office ...were guilty of criminalizing technical offenses. . .. Many of the prosecution theories we used were novel. Many of the statutes that we charged under . . . hadn’t been...

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Starke Partnerschaften in der Anlageberatung – der Praxischeck für Sparkassen

Anlageberatung wurde über die letzten Jahre hinweg immer herausfordernder und starke Partner sind entscheidend. Deshalb haben Allianz Global Investors und DJE Kapital AG etablierte Dienstleister für die Sparkassen in Deutschland für eine einstündige Online-Veranstaltung gewinnen können. Erfahren Sie unter anderem Details darüber, wie die Finanzdienstleister Dericon und Fondsconsult einen Mehrwert für die Sparkassenwelt in der Praxis generieren...

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The Last Lie Government Will Ever Tell

The more powerful a government, the more likely it is to engage in war and conquest. Case in point: US involvement in Ukraine. In 2014 the US led a coup that displaced a “democratically elected” president, Viktor Yanukovych. In November 2013, . . . Yanukovych rejected a major economic deal he had been negotiating with the EU and decided to accept a $15 billion Russian counteroffer instead. That decision gave rise to antigovernment demonstrations...

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The Myth of “Economic Power”

A very common criticism of the libertarian position runs as follows: Of course we do not like violence, and libertarians perform a useful service in stressing its dangers. But you are very simpliste because you ignore the other significant forms of coercion exercised in society—private coercive power, apart from the violence wielded by the State or the criminal. The government should stand ready to employ its coercion to check or offset this...

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Climate Activism: The Second Children’s Crusade

Modern secular society embraces a new religion complete with prophets, crusaders, commandments, contrition, and even a holy land: East Anglia, United Kingdom. These congregants will behave idiosyncratically in the economy. The activist green movement increasingly parallels Western religious structure, even generating a modern version of the medieval Children’s Crusade. Motivated by hope, the first Children’s Crusade assembled in 1212 under the...

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8 Hot DeFi Startups in Europe to Watch in 2023

Despite slumping markets, the decentralized finance (DeFi) industry continued to grow last year, driven by sustained funding activity and increased user adoption. In 2022, DeFi users growth averaged 44% quarter-over-quarter (QoQ), according to a report by crypto fund HashKey Capital. In Q3 2022, the industry reached a milestone, surpassing the five million DeFi wallet threshold. This growth came amid sustained support from investors in the...

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DJE Kapital AG: Vermögensverwalter und Fondsgesellschaft mit fast fünfzig Jahren Börsenerfahrung

Als eine der erfahrensten Vermögensverwalter und Fondsgesellschaften im deutschsprachigen Europa setzt die DJE Kapital AG Maßstäbe in der Vermögensverwaltung und bei Fonds. Das hauseigene Research und der DJE-spezifische Investmentansatz sind das Herzstück von DJE und Basis für eine wertorientierte, risikobewusste Anlagepolitik. ► Webseite: ► Podcast: ► Impressum: Seit...

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Bleibt Europa mittelfristig wettbewerbsfähig? Podcast mit Dr. Ulrich Kaffarnik

Die Inflationsraten kühlen langsam ab, die Kerninflation jedoch bleibt hartnäckig. Für die Federal Reserve bedeutet das weiterhin Handlungsdruck. Mit der Pleite der Silicon Valley Bank machen sich erste Auswirkungen der restriktiveren Notenbankpolitik allerdings bereits bemerkbar. Wie kritisch sind die Entwicklungen im Bankensektor? Nicht nur die Notenbank, auch die US-Regierung sucht nach Antworten auf die Inflation. Mit dem Inflation Reduction...

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Reparations Are a Statist Cudgel for Bludgeoning Property Owners

San Francisco’s panel on reparations has issued a recommendation that qualified black residents in that city receive $5 million in reparations for the financial effects of slavery and/or racial discrimination. There was never slavery in the city of San Francisco, but the panel nevertheless suggested that city inhabitants must atone for racial discrimination. Such calls for reparations to black people are based on the notion of collective white...

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Gewinnrendite oder Zins? DJE-plusNews März 2023 (Marketing-Anzeige)

In dem monatlichen DJE-plusNews reflektiert Mario Künzel, Referent Investmentstrategie, das aktuelle Marktgeschehen. Aktuell: Gewinnrenditen und #Zinsen - was sollten Anlegerinnen und #Anleger wissen und beachten? Heute mit dabei ist der Anleihenexperte und Co-Fondsmanager des DJE - Short Term Bond Peter Lechner. ► Webseite: ► Podcast: ► Impressum: Seit über vier...

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Marx’s Terrifying Vision of “Raw Communism”

[This article is excerpted from volume 2, chapter 10 of An Austrian Perspective on the History of Economic Thought (1995).   Another important reason for Marx's failure to publish was his candid depiction of the communist society in the essay "Private Property and Communism." In addition to its being philosophic and not economic, he portrayed a horrifying but allegedly necessary stage of society immediately after the necessary violent...

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Is the Silicon Valley Bank’s Failure Another “Canary in the Coal Mine”?

If you watched the Fed Chair Jerome Powell testify before the senate and the House, you heard over and over that banks are well capitalized. The non-sequitur should inspire the Shakespearean quote “Methinks you protest too much.” The very next day after the hearings, shares of SVB Financial Group, parent of Silicon Valley Bank, fell 60 percent (and another 30 percent in afterhours trading at this writing) after a Wall Street Journal article...

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S&P 500 technical analysis for 10 March, 2023

CORECTION: There is a mistake in the March 3rd label on the video. This is an update for 10 March. In this video, we provide an update regarding the mistake in the label for our previous video. We then focus on the area of double support and its significance for swing and buy-and-hold traders. We outline the line in the sand for a bullish reversal and potential bearish trends and provide our thoughts on the current market conditions.

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A Permanent Wartime Economy

“Governments create money all the time. We do that for war.” “This whole notion that you run government like you run a household…is a complete myth”Economist Prof Mariana Mazzucato tells #Newsnight Government’s should address social issues through tax— BBC Newsnight (@BBCNewsnight) March 6, 2023This is the argument for more money printing, and perhaps unlimited money printing, recently advanced by...

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What Would Happen If American Elites Told the Truth?

What if America’s elite told the truth? It seems a ridiculous question to ask. It’s obvious to most of us here that our politicians, bureaucratic managers, and state-associated business leaders hardly ever tell the truth. What use is it for us to ask, “What if?” There seems to be a considerable amount of social pressure urging us to abandon our better judgment, not for the sake of reason, but for cooperation. If we don’t, the uncritical mob will...

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What If There Are No Solutions?

The unencumbered realist concludes that there are no solutions within a status quo structure that is itself the problem. Realists who question received wisdom and conclude the status quo is untenable are quickly labeled pessimistsbecause the zeitgeist expects a solution is always at hand--preferably a technocratic one that requires zero sacrifice and doesn't upset the status quo apple cart.

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Schweizer Bitcoin Startup Relai schliesst $4.5M Finanzierungsrunde ab

Relai, die Schweizer Bitcoin-App, gibt eine Investitionsrunde in Höhe von 4,5 Millionen US-Dollar bekannt, die von ego death capital angeführt wird. Weitere Investoren sind Timechain, Cabrit Capital und Lightning Ventures. An der Investitionsrunde beteiligten sich auch der Hauptinvestor von Relai, Redalpine, und der Seed-Stage-Investor Fulgur Ventures, die beide erneut investierten. In Juni 2021 hatte Relai deren Series A (2.5Mio CHF) abgeschlossen...

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Gustave de Molinari, First Anarcho-Capitalist

Of all the leading libertarian French economists of the mid- and late nineteenth centuries, the most unusual was the Belgian-born Gustave de Molinari (1819-1912). Born in Liege, the son of a Belgian physician and a baron who had been an officer in the Napoleonic army, Molinari spent most of his life in France, where he became a prolific and indefatigable author and editor in lifelong support of pure laissez-faire, of international peace, and in...

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Zinsen bleiben wohl länger höher – DJE- Marktausblick März 2023 mit Markus Koch & Stefan Breintner

Nach einer differenzierten Analyse der Inflation und ihrer Einflussfaktoren rechnen wir mit einer bis auf weiteres anhaltend hohen Kerninflation und Zinsen auf einem Niveau, das über längere Zeit höher bleiben dürfte. Die Sektoren Banken und Versicherungen könnten davon profitieren. Erfahren Sie mehr zur aktuellen Marktsituation im Video-Interview mit DJE-Researchleiter Stefan Breintner und dem Wallstreet-Experten Markus Koch. #zinsen #aktien...

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Altruism vs. Materialism in Market Exchange

[Excerpted from chapter 6 "Antimarket Ethics: A Praxeological Critique" of Power and Market.] One of the most common charges levelled against the free market (even by many of its friends) is that it reflects and encourages unbridled “selfish materialism.” Even if the free market—unhampered capitalism—best furthers man's “material” ends, critics argue, it distracts man from higher ideals. It leads man away from spiritual or intellectual...

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