Found 1,377 search results for keyword: label

Real Wages Fall for Two Years Straight as “Transitory” Inflation Turns Stubborn

The federal government’s Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) released new price inflation data last week, and according to the report, price inflation during the month decelerated slightly, coming in at the lowest year-over-year increase in twenty-three months. According to the BLS, Consumer Price Index (CPI) inflation rose 5.0 percent year over year in March before seasonal adjustment. That’s down from February’s year-over-year increase of 6.0...

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Wie geht es weite in China? – Podcast mit Moritz Rehmann

Nach Zero-Covid und Problemen im Immobiliensektor, klingen die jüngsten Wirtschaftsnachrichten aus China zunehmend positiv. In Sachen Taiwan wiederum schien sich die Situation zuletzt zu verschärfen. Wie ist die Lage insgesamt zu bewerten, insbesondere aus Anlegersicht? Im aktuellen Podcast gibt DJE Fondsmanager und Analyst Moritz Rehmann, der gerade erst von seiner Hongkong-Reise zurückgekehrt ist und vor Ort zahlreiche Hintergrundgespräche führen...

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Waco 30 Years Later: It Is Not an Atrocity if the Feds Do It

Thirty years ago, FBI tanks smashed into the ramshackle home of the Branch Davidians outside Waco, Texas. After the FBI collapsed much of the building atop the residents, a fire erupted and 76 corpses were dug out of the rubble. Unfortunately, the American political system and media have never honestly portrayed the federal abuses and political deceit that led to that carnage. What lessons can today’s Americans draw from the FBI showdown on the...

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Die Ironie der Börse – DJE-plusNews April 2023 mit Mario Künzel und Moritz Rehmann

(Marketing-Anzeige) Was ist los an den Börsen? Märkte reagieren auf negative Wirtschaftsdaten positiv, positive Nachrichten ziehen negative Reaktionen nach sich. Und was bedeutet das für die Notenbanken und die weitere Zinsentwicklung? Mario Künzel und Moritz Rehmann von DJE werfen einen scharfen Blick auf das aktuelle Börsengeschehen. #börse #märkte #zinsen ► Webseite: ► Podcast: ► Impressum:...

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Elon Musk benennt nun die Staats-Medien mit Labels auf Twitter und die flippen völlig aus haha 💰 Aktiendepot einrichten! Meine Empfehlung ► * 👉🏽5 Euro Startbonus bei Bondora ►► * 📊 Tracke deine Dividenden mit dieser App 📒 Mein Buch! Der Rationale Kapitalist ►► 🎧JETZT auch als Hörbuch bei Audible ►►

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Arbitrary Use of Power: Punishing Those Who Expose Not-So-Secret Government Secrets

Most readers might not remember Daniel Ellsburg, but for those of us who came of age during the Vietnam War, the maelstrom that formed around him and his actions helped to define that era. Ellsburg, of course, is famous because he leaked a number of internal government documents called the Pentagon Papers in which the writers expressed skepticism about the chances for U.S. success in the Vietnam War. Ellsburg chose to leak to the New York Times and...

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Agiert die US-Notenbank jetzt vorsichtiger? – Podcast mit Dr. Ulrich Kaffarnik

Nachdem sich erste wirtschaftliche Auswirkungen der strikteren Notenbankpolitik im Bankensektor bemerkbar gemacht haben, steht die Frage im Raum, ob die Fed ihren Kurs beibehalten kann. Womöglich ist der Zinsgipfel also nicht mehr weit, wenngleich die weiterhin steigende Kerninflationsrate den Druck auf die Notenbank hoch hält. Welche Auswirkungen des auf die Kapitalmärkte hat, ob der saisonale Trend anhält und vieles mehr diskutieren DJE...

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The Income Tax: Lessons from the Sixteenth Amendment

The income tax is “undoubtedly the most totalitarian of all taxes.1 —Murray Rothbard At the founding of our country, the framers of our Constitution wisely withheld the right to tax incomes from the federal government. With the recent Revolutionary War in mind, the States were reluctant to cede strong taxing powers to a central state. Given the enormous change in how this country regards the income tax, it is instructive to consider its origins....

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Hacking Humanity: Transhumanism

[This piece is an excerpt from The Great Reset and the Struggle for Liberty.] The notion that the world can be replicated and replaced by a simulated reality says a great deal about the beliefs of those who promote the metaverse [treated in the previous chapter]. The conception is materialist and mechanistic at base, the hallmarks of social engineering. It represents the world as consisting of nothing but manipulable matter, or rather, of digital...

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Why Do Most Countries Have their Own Currency? Governments Wanted It that Way.

Among the many facts of modern life that are accepted without question by most ordinary people is that it is somehow perfectly natural, expected, and unremarkable that every sovereign state should have its own currency. We see this everywhere in names such as "the U.S. dollar" or "the Chinese yuan" or "the Japanese yen." Indeed, among the 203 sovereign states of the world, there are nearly as many separate national...

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Kapitalmarktausblick von Dr. Jens Ehrhardt, Gründer DJE Kapital AG, Vortrag Fondskongress 2023

(Marketing-Anzeige) War das schon das Börsentief? Sind die Rentenmärkte über den Berg? DJE-Gründer Dr. Jens Ehrhardt analysiert in seinem Vortrag auf dem Fondskongress am 30.03.2023 die aktuelle Lage an den Kapitalmärkten und wirft einen Blick auf die Faktoren, die das restliche Börsenjahr bestimmen könnten. ► Webseite: ► Podcast: ► Impressum: Seit über vier Jahrzehnten...

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Cloud-Computing: Infrastruktur und Zukunftsplattform: Podcast mit Mike Glöckner

Marketing-Anzeige - Cloud-Technologie ist mittlerweile weder aus unserem privatem noch unserem beruflichen Alltag wegzudenken. Und obwohl sie bereits so weit verbreitet ist, sind ihrer zukünftigen Entwicklung kaum Grenzen gesetzt. Das sagt bzw. schreibt auf jeden Fall unser aktueller Podcast Gast in seinem aktuellen Artikel zum Cloud-Sektor: DJE Analyst Mike Glöckner. Welche Trends den Sektor zukünftig prägen werden und ob die mutmaßlich...

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Presidents Are Legally Immune for Their Most Dangerous Crimes

Manhattan district attorney Alvin Bragg has charged former president Donald Trump with thirty-four felonies tied to his payments to two women prior to the 2016 election. Some pundits are outraged that a former president is facing charges, and others are jubilant that Trump now has a mug shot. But this case will do nothing to curtail the most dangerous immunities that presidents possess. Neither presidents nor any federal officials were entitled to...

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Positives Momentum – Marktausblick April 2023 mit Markus Koch & Stefan Breintner (Marketing-Anzeige)

Marketing-Anzeige - Die Inflationsentwicklung und die Notenbankpolitik bleiben auf absehbare Zeit die bestimmenden Themen für die Börsen. Nachrichten aus dem Banken- und Immobiliensektor stehen im Fokus. Die Probleme im Bankensektor und eine nachlassende Inflationsdynamik machen es wahrscheinlicher, dass wir nun langsam am Ende des Zinserhöhungszyklus angekommen sind. Erfahren Sie mehr zur aktuellen Marktsituation im Video-Interview mit DJE...

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The RESTRICT Act Will Only Restrict Our Liberties

Earlier this month, Senator Mark Warner (D-VA) introduced the Restricting the Emergence of Security Threats that Risk Information and Communications Technology Act, or the RESTRICT Act. The bill is being floated as a possible means for the federal government to ban TikTok over its connection to the Chinese government. However, the RESTRICT Act’s vague language and broad scope has many voicing concerns about the bill’s threat to free speech and...

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What Our Energy Future Be? A Few Ideas

Access to energy has long been taken for granted as society became quite used to relatively stable prices and the ample abundance of energy. Meanwhile, the business side of energy was relegated to industry insiders, policymakers, and market traders dealing with the matter as a profession. However, the perceptible rise in prices and the fear of supply shortages have pushed energy considerations to the forefront of societal consciousness. This crunch...

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With the Trump Indictment, America Is a Step Closer to Being a Banana Republic

When Rudy Giuliani was pursuing his infamous Wall Street prosecutions in the 1980s, his aides admitted that they were indicting people on “novel legal theories” that had not been used before. A Giuliani lieutenant bragged to a group of law students that prosecutors in his office ...were guilty of criminalizing technical offenses. . .. Many of the prosecution theories we used were novel. Many of the statutes that we charged under . . . hadn’t been...

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Starke Partnerschaften in der Anlageberatung – der Praxischeck für Sparkassen

Anlageberatung wurde über die letzten Jahre hinweg immer herausfordernder und starke Partner sind entscheidend. Deshalb haben Allianz Global Investors und DJE Kapital AG etablierte Dienstleister für die Sparkassen in Deutschland für eine einstündige Online-Veranstaltung gewinnen können. Erfahren Sie unter anderem Details darüber, wie die Finanzdienstleister Dericon und Fondsconsult einen Mehrwert für die Sparkassenwelt in der Praxis generieren...

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The Last Lie Government Will Ever Tell

The more powerful a government, the more likely it is to engage in war and conquest. Case in point: US involvement in Ukraine. In 2014 the US led a coup that displaced a “democratically elected” president, Viktor Yanukovych. In November 2013, . . . Yanukovych rejected a major economic deal he had been negotiating with the EU and decided to accept a $15 billion Russian counteroffer instead. That decision gave rise to antigovernment demonstrations...

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The Myth of “Economic Power”

A very common criticism of the libertarian position runs as follows: Of course we do not like violence, and libertarians perform a useful service in stressing its dangers. But you are very simpliste because you ignore the other significant forms of coercion exercised in society—private coercive power, apart from the violence wielded by the State or the criminal. The government should stand ready to employ its coercion to check or offset this...

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