Category Archive: 3) Swiss Markets and News

Main Author Investec
Investec is a distinctive Specialist Bank and Asset Manager. We provide a diverse range of financial products and services to a niche client base in three principal markets, the United Kingdom, South Africa and Australia, as well as certain other geographies. Investec’s strategic goals are motivated by the desire to develop an efficient and integrated business on an international scale through the active pursuit of clearly established core competencies in the group’s principal business areas.

Access App registration

Short tutorial video that explains step by step how to activate the Access App on a device.

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Login mit der Access App – E Banking

Kurzes Tutorial Video, welches Schritt für Schritt den Loginprozess mit der UBS Access App ins E-Banking aufzeigt.

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Log in with the Access App – E Banking

Short tutorial video that shows you step by step how to log in to E-Banking with the UBS Access App.

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Login mit der Access App – Mobile Banking

Kurzes Tutorial Video, welches Schritt für Schritt den Loginprozess mit der UBS Access App ins Mobile Banking aufzeigt.

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Access App registration

Short tutorial video that explains step by step how to activate the Access App on a device.

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Login mit der Access App – E Banking

Kurzes Tutorial Video, welches Schritt für Schritt den Loginprozess mit der UBS Access App ins E-Banking aufzeigt.

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Log in with the Access App – E Banking

Short tutorial video that shows you step by step how to log in to E-Banking with the UBS Access App.

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Login avec l’app UBS Access – E Banking

Court tutoriel vidéo montrant étape par étape le processus de connexion à E-Banking avec l’app UBS Access.

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Login con l’app UBS Access – E Banking

Breve video tutorial che mostra passo dopo passo il processo di login all’E-Banking con l’app UBS Access.

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Login avec l’app UBS Access – Mobile Banking

Court tutoriel vidéo montrant étape par étape le processus de connexion à Mobile Banking avec l’app UBS Access.

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Come attivo l’app UBS Access

Breve video tutorial che spiega passo dopo passo come attivare l’app UBS Access su un dispositivo.

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Enregistrement dans l’app UBS Access

Court tutoriel vidéo expliquant étape par étape comment activer l’app UBS Access sur un appareil.

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Login con l’app UBS Access – Mobile Banking

Breve video tutorial che mostra passo dopo passo il processo di login al Mobile Banking con l’app UBS Access.

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Log in with the Access App – Mobile Banking

Short tutorial video that shows you step by step how to log in to Mobile Banking with the UBS Access App.

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Emergency funding made available for artists and designers

People who work in the cultural sector in Switzerland can now apply for funds to cushion the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. The Swiss government last month adopted a package of measures totalling CHF280 million ($287 million).

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Government urged to do more to help companies

The Swiss government should scale up its efforts to help businesses overcome the coronavirus crisis, according to the director of the KOF Swiss Economic Institute. Transport companies are also calling for more assistance.

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Recession is unavoidable, reckon Swiss finance bosses

The coronavirus pandemic has fundamentally changed the economic outlook for Switzerland within a very short period of time, with Swiss CFOs more pessimistic than ever before. Neither during the euro crisis nor during the Swiss franc shock were chief financial officers as negative about economic prospects as they are today, according to the latest half-yearly survey published on Monday by consultants Deloitte.

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Topsys Malmaschine | UBS Topsy

Topsys Malmaschine. Ein YouTube-Trickfilm von UBS Schweiz: UBS Schweiz – Ihre Bank seit über 150 Jahren. Topsy und seine Freunde möchten Tassen neu bemalen. Kreativ wie sie sind, erfinden sie dafür kurzerhand eine Malmaschine. Spiel und Spass mit dem Sparfuchs Topsy – der Kinderwelt von UBS für Kinder bis acht Jahren. Weitere tolle Trickfilme, …

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La machine à peindre de Topsy | UBS Topsy

La machine à peindre de Topsy. Un dessin animé d’UBS Suisse sur YouTube: UBS Suisse – votre banque depuis plus de 150 ans. Topsy et ses amis aimeraient repeindre des tasses. Créatifs comme ils sont, l’idée d’inventer une machine pour cela ne s’est pas faite attendre. Jouer et s’amuser avec Topsy – le monde …

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La macchina per dipingere di Topsy | UBS Topsy

La macchina per dipingere di Topsy. Un cartone animato YouTube di UBS Svizzera: UBS Svizzera – La vostra banca da oltre 150 anni. Topsy e i suoi amici non vedono l’ora di colorare delle vecchie tazze. Creativi come sono, subito inventano di sana pianta una macchina per dipingere. Divertimento e giochi sono assicurati con …

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