Category Archive: 3) Swiss Markets and News

Main Author Investec
Investec is a distinctive Specialist Bank and Asset Manager. We provide a diverse range of financial products and services to a niche client base in three principal markets, the United Kingdom, South Africa and Australia, as well as certain other geographies. Investec’s strategic goals are motivated by the desire to develop an efficient and integrated business on an international scale through the active pursuit of clearly established core competencies in the group’s principal business areas.

Access App – Problemi con la scansione del codice QR

Breve video tutorial che mostra i passaggi da seguire per risolvere il problema se non si riesce a scansionare il codice QR durante il login.

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Access App – Probleme beim Scannen des QR Codes

Kurzes Tutorial Video, welches einem die Lösungsschritte aufzeigt, welche man anwenden soll, wenn man beim Login den QR-Code nicht scannen kann.

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Access App – Problems scanning the QR code

Short tutorial video, which shows you the solution steps, which you should follow, if you cannot scan the QR Code when logging in.

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Access App – Problèmes lors du scan du QR Code

Court tutoriel vidéo montrant les étapes à suivre quand il n’est pas possible de scanner le code QR pendant la connexion.

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Collegare l’Access Card Display Bluetooth

Breve video tutorial che spiega passo dopo passo come accoppiare l’Access Card Display con il Bluetooth con lo smartphone.

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Access Card Display mit Bluetooth Koppeln

Kurzes Tutorial Video, welches Schritt für Schritt erklärt, wie man seine Access Card Display mit Bluetooth mit seinem Smartphone koppelt.

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Login con l’Access Card – Mobile Banking

Breve video tutorial che spiega passo dopo passo il processo di login al Mobile Banking con l’Access Card UBS.

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Login avec l’Access Card – Mobile Banking

Court tutoriel vidéo expliquant étape par étape le processus de connexion à Mobile Banking avec l’UBS Access Card.

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Collegare l’Access Card Display Bluetooth

Breve video tutorial che spiega passo dopo passo come accoppiare l’Access Card Display con il Bluetooth con lo smartphone.

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Synchroniser l’Access Card Display via Bluetooth

Court tutoriel vidéo expliquant étape par étape comment connecter son Access Card Display à son smartphone via Bluetooth.

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Pair Access Card Display Bluetooth

Short tutorial video that explains step by step how to pair your Access Card Display with Bluetooth with your smartphone.

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Access Card Display mit Bluetooth Koppeln

Kurzes Tutorial Video, welches Schritt für Schritt erklärt, wie man seine Access Card Display mit Bluetooth mit seinem Smartphone koppelt.

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Login con l’Access Card – Mobile Banking

Breve video tutorial che spiega passo dopo passo il processo di login al Mobile Banking con l’Access Card UBS.

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Login avec l’Access Card – Mobile Banking

Court tutoriel vidéo expliquant étape par étape le processus de connexion à Mobile Banking avec l’UBS Access Card.

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Swiss firm helps reduce shortage of disinfectant in Bavaria

The Swiss chemical company Clariant has started monthly production of two million litres of disinfectant at its facilities in neighbouring Germany amid the coronavirus pandemic. In a joint venture with Germany’s CropEnergies, Clariant is using its available infrastructure in Bavaria to blend the necessary ingredients, notably ethanol, into disinfectant, the Swiss company said.

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Login mit der Access Card – Mobile Banking

Kurzes Tutorial Video, welches Schritt für Schritt den Loginprozess mit der UBS Access Card ins Mobile Banking erklärt.

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Login with the Access Card – Mobile Banking

Short tutorial video that explains step by step how to log in to Mobile Banking with the UBS Access Card.

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Login mit der Access Card – Mobile Banking

Kurzes Tutorial Video, welches Schritt für Schritt den Loginprozess mit der UBS Access Card ins Mobile Banking erklärt.

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Login with the Access Card – Mobile Banking

Short tutorial video that explains step by step how to log in to Mobile Banking with the UBS Access Card.

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Access App Registration

Kurzes Tutorial Video, welches Schritt für Schritt erklärt, wie man die Access App auf einem Gerät aktiviert.

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