Category Archive: 3) Swiss Markets and News

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Investec is a distinctive Specialist Bank and Asset Manager. We provide a diverse range of financial products and services to a niche client base in three principal markets, the United Kingdom, South Africa and Australia, as well as certain other geographies. Investec’s strategic goals are motivated by the desire to develop an efficient and integrated business on an international scale through the active pursuit of clearly established core competencies in the group’s principal business areas.

Swiss government cuts drug prices by 100 million francs

Switzerland’s Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH) recently announced it had reduced the price Swiss healthcare providers and patients will pay for 257 drugs by 16.3%. These lower prices, which take affect on 1 December 2019, are expected to save CHF 100 million annually.

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Minimum Swiss internet speed to triple in 2020

The Federal Council, Switzerland’s executive, has confirmed a decision made by parliament to raise the minimum speed of broadband internet connections in Switzerland. From 1 January 2020, the minimum download speed specified in Switzerland’s universal service agreement with Swisscom will rise from 3 to 10 megabits per second (Mbits/s) and the minimum upload speed will rise from 0.3 to 1 Mbit/s.

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Switzerland calls time on phone booths

The last telephone box in French-speaking Switzerland, on the shores of Lake Geneva, was dismantled on Thursday. Swisscom will remove the one in the country – in Baden, northern Switzerland – on November 28. An era in the history of Swiss telecommunications is thus coming to an end, an era that witnessed millions of declarations of love, tears and banal conversations in the little cabins that once stood on almost every street corner.

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Swiss commission supports new laws to protect whistleblowers

A commission of the Council of States, Switzerland’s upper house, is in favour of new rules to protect whistleblowers. The proposed rules, which would help to protect those who expose secretive information or activity that is deemed illegal or unethical, were supported by 6 commission votes to 2 with 4 abstentions.

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Credit Suisse results impress despite damaging spy scandal

Credit Suisse CEO Tidjane Thiam has reiterated that he had nothing to do with the spying scandal that recently rocked the bank. Thiam insisted that the debacle has not damaged business as the bank presented better than expected third quarter results.

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Campaign targets online gambling addicts

An awareness campaign has been launched to help addicted online gamblers in Switzerland cope with their compulsive behaviour. An independent foundation said it published a special digital programme, Gambling without Addiction, with the authorities in most cantons of German-speaking Switzerland.

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General Electric limits job cuts in Switzerland

The American industrial conglomerate General Electric has announced a reduction in the number of planned layoffs at its subsidiaries in Switzerland. The company said a maximum of 200 people would lose their jobs at two of its sites west of Zurich. In June it had announced a figure of some 450.

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Adventsfenster schmücken | UBS Topsy

Adventsfenster schmücken. Ein YouTube-Trickfilm von UBS Schweiz: UBS Schweiz – Ihre Bank seit über 150 Jahren. Zu Weihnachten wollen Topsy und seine Freunde die Fenster des Baumhauses dekorieren. Zum Spass machen sie einen kleinen Wettbewerb draus und überraschen sich gegenseitig mit ihren Kreationen… Spiel und Spass mit dem Sparfuchs Topsy – der Kinderwelt von …

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Decorare le finestre per l’Avvento | UBS Topsy

Decorare le finestre per l’Avvento Ein YouTube-Trickfilm von UBS Schweiz: UBS Schweiz – Ihre Bank seit über 150 Jahren. Il Natale si avvicina e Topsy e i suoi amici vogliono decorare le finestre della capanna sull’albero. Per divertirsi ancora di più decidono di fare a gara per le decorazioni più sorprendenti… Divertimento e giochi …

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Décorons les fenêtres de l’Avent | UBS Topsy

Décorons les fenêtres de l’Avent Dessin animé YouTube d’UBS Suisse: UBS Suisse – Votre banque depuis plus de 150 ans. Pour Noël, Topsy et ses amis veulent décorer les fenêtres de leur cabane. Pour s’amuser, ils organisent un petit concours et se surprennent les uns les autres avec leurs créations… Des jeux et de …

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Real wages set to rise in Switzerland for first time in three years

Employees in Switzerland are expected to receive above-inflation pay rises for the first time since 2016, according to a survey of companies. On average, workers are forecast to take home a 1.1% pay hike – a rise of 0.9% when taking inflation into account. These are the findings of research portal, as reported by the NZZ am Sonntag newspaper.

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UBS Digital Banking. Don’t miss a thing.

Investment ideas you won’t want to miss. Personalized – via push notification or SMS. Find out more:

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UBS Digital Banking. Ne rien manquer.

Des idées de placement à ne pas manquer. Personnalisées – par push ou SMS. En savoir plus:

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UBS Digital Banking. Nichts verpassen.

Anlageideen, die man nicht verpassen will. Personalisiert – per Push oder SMS. Mehr erfahren:

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UBS Digital Banking. Per non perdersi nulla.

Idee di investimento da cogliere al volo. Personalizzate – via push o SMS. Per saperne di più:

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Swiss central bank makes 388 million from negative interest rates

The Swiss National Bank (SNB), Switzerland’s central bank, has earned CHF 388 million from negative interest rates since introducing them in 2014 to tame the rising strength of the Swiss Franc, according to the newspaper SonntagsBlick.

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Swiss remain the richest in 2019

According to a recent report by the bank Credit Suisse, the Swiss are worth more on average than the residents of any other nation. The bank’s annual Global Wealth Report calculates average net worth per Swiss adult to be US$ 564,653 (CHF 560,643) at mid-2019. The median figure was US$ 227,891 (CHF 226,273).

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How pension payments are making Swiss housing unaffordable

Under pressure to invest, Swiss pension funds are ploughing money into real estate, considered a safe and profitable option. As this drives up housing prices, however, desperate residents are fighting back through direct democracy. Building land in central Switzerland is scarce, and apartments and houses expensive, especially in cities.

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Five things to come out of Zuckerberg’s Libra testimony

Mark Zuckerberg testified in front of the US Congress on Wednesday about his company’s plans to launch a new, global digital currency. During a marathon hearing, the Facebook chief executive and founder attempted to change the narrative surrounding Project Libra. The proposed currency has been beset by criticism from regulators and politicians, while support from corporate partners has dwindled.

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Zurich residents take on real estate investors to keep their homes

In a modest Zurich neighbourhood, long-time residents of a sprawling apartment complex will lose their homes if a planned renewal project backed by a pension fund goes ahead. Similar projects are happening across Switzerland as funds invest heavily in real estate amid low interest rates.

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