Category Archive: 3) Swiss Markets and News

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Investec is a distinctive Specialist Bank and Asset Manager. We provide a diverse range of financial products and services to a niche client base in three principal markets, the United Kingdom, South Africa and Australia, as well as certain other geographies. Investec’s strategic goals are motivated by the desire to develop an efficient and integrated business on an international scale through the active pursuit of clearly established core competencies in the group’s principal business areas.

Swiss central bank can cut rates further if needed, says bank president Jordan

The Swiss National Bank can cut interest rates further into negative territory if needed, President Thomas Jordan said. “We have still some room to go further if necessary,” Jordan said Saturday in an interview in Washington with Bloomberg Television’s Francine Lacqua. Jordan, who is attending the annual meetings of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, noted that the bank has already pushed rates quite far.

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George Friedman: Eurasia Is Undergoing Massive Destabilization

Download a FREE transcript of George Friedman’s speech from the Strategic Investment Conference 2016 here:

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Manufacturing opportunities with robots

Swiss manufacturing is often associated with quality and precision. Automation could soon be part of the equation too. (srf/ According to an index by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), Switzerland is top in the world when it comes to innovation, but it’s also faced with some of the highest labour costs in the world. …

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Swiss Freiberg breed fights for recognition

The Swiss Freiberg breed is trying to shake off its work horse image. The pedigree that used to be popular with the army and famers was recently on show at the Marché-Concours horse show in Saignelégier, canton Jura. (SRF/ — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to …

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Too proud to go on welfare

The Brogers have been entitled to welfare for the past 20 years but have never taken payments. It’s a matter of pride for the couple. It would also mean giving up their 13 dogs. (SRF/ — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on Switzerland and …

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Fragenkatalog für Privathaftpflichtversicherungen

Privathaftpflichtversicherungen in der Schweiz sind sehr intransparent. Oft steckt der Teufel im Detail, irgendwo in den AGB. Zum Abschluss einer neuen Versicherung sende ich diesen Fragebogen zu verschiedenen Anbietern.

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Weekly Swiss Markets: Stocks fluctuated on central bank statements

The Swiss Market Index is set to finish the week mainly unchanged, outperforming global stocks modestly while markets fluctuated on speculation that the US Fed will increase interest-rate later this year.

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Switzerland’s central bank offers a glimpse behind the curtain

The Swiss National Bank is offering a rare look into how it sets monetary policy. A video of SNB President Thomas Jordan and fellow members of the governing board shows them beginning their quarterly policy assessment discussing the state of the economy with about 30 people.

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cash-Talk vom 7. Oktober 2016

Der Verkauf von Einfamilienhäusern oder Eigentumswohungen ist ein stufenweiser Vorgang, der Geduld erfordert. Tipps dazu gibt Immoscout24-Direktor Martin Waeber im cash-Talk, der dem Thema Immobilienverkauf gewidmet ist.

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Stephen Macklow-Smith, Portfoliomanager J.P. Morgan Asset Management

Im Hinblick auf die US-Präsidentschaftswahlen sind Pharma-Aktien unter Druck geraten. Stephen Macklow-Smith von J.P. Morgan glaubt aber an die Branche und an die beiden Schweizer Big Shots, wie er im cash-Video sagt.

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Rebecca Chesworth, ETF-Marktstrategin State Street Global Advisers

Entscheidung für das Weisse Haus: Wie werden Aktien reagieren? Rebecca Chesworth, ETF-Marktstrategin State Street Global Advisers, mit einer Einschätzung.

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Investec UK: Sport for Success

We launched our research on how beneficial playing sport can be for women’s careers.

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3D printers help surgeons do a better job

Surgeons in Bern now practise risky procedures on models created by 3D printers, before trying them on real patients. (SRF/ — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on Switzerland and to provide a Swiss perspective on international events. For more articles, interviews and videos visit …

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Vancouver tops list of cities at risk of housing bubble. Zurich 9, Geneva 11.

Vancouver, London and Stockholm rank as the cities most at risk of a housing bubble after a surge in prices in the past five years, according to a UBS Group AG analysis of 18 financial centers. Sydney, Munich and Hong Kong are also facing stretched valuations, UBS said in its 2016 Global Real Estate Bubble Index report, released Tuesday. San Francisco ranked as the most overvalued housing market in the U.S., while not yet at bubble risk.

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Secret Alpine gold vaults are the new Swiss bank accounts

Deep in the Swiss Alps, next to an old airstrip suitable for landing Gulfstream and Falcon jets, is a vast bunker that holds what may be one of the world’s largest stashes of gold. The entrance, protected by a guard in a bulletproof vest, is a small metal door set into a granite mountain face at the end of a narrow country lane. Behind two farther doors sits a 3.5-ton metal portal that opens only after a code is entered and an iris scan and a...

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Switzerland’s best paid bosses

The Ethos Foundation recently published a list of Switzerland’s highest paid employees in 2015. The figures are striking and may leave some wondering what someone would do with such large sums. Ethos looks at the pay of the managers of the 204 largest companies listed on the Swiss stock exchange.

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Swiss stocks slump on Deutsche Bank trouble

The Swiss Market Index is set to finish the week notably lower, underperforming global stocks, as financial sector stocks sell off on questions over Deutsche Bank’s solvency.

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Switzerland stays most competitive nation as WEF warns on trade

The World Economic Forum named Switzerland the most competitive nation for an eighth straight year as it warned less open trade was threatening economic growth globally. Switzerland was ahead of Singapore and the U.S. in the annual rankings of 138 countries, with Netherlands overtaking Germany to take the fourth spot.

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Johann Gevers, CEO und Gründer von Monetas

Johann Gevers über seine Gespräche an der Finanzmesse Sibos

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Stephan Widrig, Flughafen Zürich

Der CEO über das Unternehmen Flughafen Zürich.

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