Category Archive: 3) Swiss Markets and News

Main Author Investec
Investec is a distinctive Specialist Bank and Asset Manager. We provide a diverse range of financial products and services to a niche client base in three principal markets, the United Kingdom, South Africa and Australia, as well as certain other geographies. Investec’s strategic goals are motivated by the desire to develop an efficient and integrated business on an international scale through the active pursuit of clearly established core competencies in the group’s principal business areas.

Le prix de l’or est manipulé. Egon von Greyerz

La léthargie estivale des marchés a tendance à insuffler un sentiment de fausse sécurité. Les actions et l’immobilier approchent de leurs plus hauts historiques, les taux d’intérêt sont à un plus bas de 72 ans, et la plupart des investisseurs se sentent plus riches que jamais. Les banques centrales envoient les signaux d’économies fortes en annonçant des hausses de taux et une réduction de leurs bilans.

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Forging the dance talents of tomorrow

There is no magic formula to make it to the top in the world of dance. One thing that’s for certain, is that it needs innate talent and relentless hard work. The Zurich Dance Academy trains young dancers with an all-round approach that has brought the school international acclaim. (Carlo Pisani,    Diana Georgia Ionescu from Romania and Michele Esposito from Italy have …

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UBS Alpsommer: Dung Shifting Manager

Wir suchen Helfer für die Alp. Jetzt für zweiwöchigen Sommerjob bewerben und Gutschein im Wert von 5000 Franken gewinnen:

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UBS alpine summer – Dung Shifting Manager

We are looking for helpers on the Alp. Apply now for a two-week summer job and win a voucher worth 5,000 francs:

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Estate in alpeggio UBS – Dung Shifting Manager

Cerchiamo aiutanti per l’alpeggio. Candidatevi subito per un lavoro estivo di due settimane e vincete un buono da CHF 5000:

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Un été à l’alpage UBS: Dung Shifting Manager

Nous cherchons des assistants pour l’alpage. Postulez maintenant pour un job d’été de 2 semaines et gagnez un bon d’une valeur de 5000.-

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Investec Manchester Cricket Challenge 2016

England Cricket stars Steven Finn and Chris Woakes challenged members of the public to see who could bowl faster than them for a chance to win tickets to the 2016 Investec Test Series.

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Adult habits in line with global average

In Switzerland, 21% of the adult population on average are daily smokers, according to a report from the World Health Organisation. That is firmly in line with average rates of current smoking among adults globally, which have declined to 21% in 2015 down from 24% in 2007.

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Robert Oudmayer, CEO von Cembra

Die Cembra-Aktie fällt nach den Halbjahreszahlen deutlich. Im Interview mit cash sagt CEO Robert Oudmayer, wieso er mit dem Ergebnis dennoch zufrieden ist und wie häufig er auf den Aktienkurs schaut.

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Boris Collardi, CEO Julius Bär

Boris Collardi über die Zahlen von Julius Bär im ersten Halbjahr 2017.

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Italy demands data on billions in suspect Swiss accounts

Italian financial crime investigators have asked the Swiss authorities for help in tracking down the beneficial owners of €6.7 billion (CHF7.4 billion) held in Switzerland. The information came to light during an investigation by the Milan authorities into the activities of Credit Suisse.

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Official: Internal review clears Swiss arms shipments

The head of a Swiss federal office says its handling of export permits for arms manufacturers is improving in the wake of a criminal probe into past shipments. An internal review cleared a federal employee of wrongdoing after prosecutors questioned the handling of a Bernese arms manufacturer’s requests to ship weapons to Kazakhstan in 2008 and to New Zealand in 2009, said Marie-Gabrielle Ineichen-Fleisch, director of the State Secretariat for...

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Pharma remains king of Swiss exports

Pharmaceutical and chemical goods pushed Swiss exports to record highs in the first half of this year. The value of goods sold abroad peaked at CHF109.6 billion ($105 billion) in the first six months of 2017 - a 4.4% rise on the previous year. Swiss exports were further boosted by resurgence in demand from China that saw a 20% increase in value of goods sold.

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Swiss banker admits to helping Americans cheat taxes

A former Credit Suisse banker pleaded guilty on Wednesday to charges of aiding Americans in hiding millions of dollars from US tax authorities. Susanne Rüegg-Meier, who worked in the Zurich office of Credit Suisse between 2002 and 2011, entered the guilty plea while on trial in a federal court in Alexandria, Virginia, for conspiring to defraud the United States, said the US Justice Department in a statement.external link.

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Swiss-US meeting focuses on vocational education and jobs

Swiss Economics Minister Johann Schneider-Ammann on Tuesday expressed satisfaction with his two days of meetings with senior Trump administration officials, capping efforts to boost cooperation between Switzerland and the United States on education, jobs and trade. He also invited Ivanka Trump, the daughter and adviser to US President Donald Trump, and other Trump administration officials to visit Switzerland so that they can "explore ways of...

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Swiss government to take aim at high Swiss prices

Switzerland’s Federal Council wants to introduce new measures to lower prices in Switzerland to curb cross-border shopping, something that it says hurts Swiss businesses. Minister for Economic Affairs, Johann Schneider-Ammann, said in an interview with the newspaper Schweiz am Wochenende that he’s working on a package of measures to tackle high retail prices in Switzerland.

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Court sentence in multimillion fraud scheme

A massive money laundering case unfolded on Tuesday in a Swiss cantonal court where an Englishman, his wife and a financial adviser were found guilty in an elaborate multimillion-franc scheme. The district courtexternal link in the canton of Vaud sentenced the unidentified Englishman to a year in prison on charges of laundering nearly CHF7 million ($7.34 million), the Swiss News Agency reported.

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Börsen-Talk vom 21. Juli 2017

Der Wirtschaft der Euro-Zone läufts gut wie lange nicht mehr. Auch der Sorgenfall Griechenland stabilisiert sich, wie Anlagestratege Anastassios Frangulidis sagt. Eine neue Rezession wäre aber immer noch gefährlich.

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Börsen-Talk vom 21. Juli 2017

Der Wirtschaft der Euro-Zone läufts gut wie lange nicht mehr. Auch der Sorgenfall Griechenland stabilisiert sich, wie Anlagestratege Anastassios Frangulidis sagt. Eine neue Rezession wäre aber immer noch gefährlich.

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Switzerland Hosts Meeting on Tax Transparency

An international meeting on transparency and exchange of tax data is underway in the Swiss city of Geneva. The five-day gathering of the Global Forum peer review group is to examine the implementation of so-called group requests and the issue of the identification of beneficial owners, according to the State Secretariat for International Financial Matters.

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