Category Archive: 3) Swiss Markets and News

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Investec is a distinctive Specialist Bank and Asset Manager. We provide a diverse range of financial products and services to a niche client base in three principal markets, the United Kingdom, South Africa and Australia, as well as certain other geographies. Investec’s strategic goals are motivated by the desire to develop an efficient and integrated business on an international scale through the active pursuit of clearly established core competencies in the group’s principal business areas.

Swiss corporate tax rates ‘likely to fall’ in some cantons

Impending corporate tax reforms are likely to reduce rates in higher tax cantons, such as Geneva, Vaud and Basel City, according to KPMG. Overall, the business consultancy group expects Switzerland to remain an attractive location for multinational corporations.

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cash-Talk vom 6. April 2018

Laut Hypotheken-Vermittler Giampiero Brundia können Immobilienbesitzer noch lange mit tiefen Zinsen rechnen. Bei der Wahl der richtigen Strategie gelte es allerdings einiges zu beachten, sagt er im cash-Talk.

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Four ways to get your employees “change fit”

There’s a reason why 84% of companies fail at digital transformation. Mike Perk, MD of WWC, shared four ways to future-proof your employees. Speaking at a recent Investec Cash Investments Business Matters event, Mike Perk, from digital transformation advisory firm World Wide Creative (WWC), highlighted four important steps to manage digital change in your organisation. …

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The Swiss National Bank owns more A-class Facebook shares than Zuckerberg

At the end of March 2018, the Swiss National Bank (SNB), held 8.93 million A class shares compared to Mark Zuckerberg’s holding of 8.91 million, according to the newspaper Handelszeitung. However, most of Zuckerberg’s shares are B class shares, a class of shares which is not quoted and give the founder control of the business. Zuckerberg holds 393.9 million of these.

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Thomas Eisenring, Hochdorf

Der Milchverarbeiter Hochdorf verfolgt ehrgeizig Wachstum, steckt aber auch in einer Übergangsphase. Im Interview mit cash sagt CEO Thomas Eisenring, worauf sich Firma und die Anleger dabei einstellen müssen.

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French strike affects Swiss rail connections

Nationwide strikes in France against railway reforms have resulted in all rail connections to Switzerland being cancelled on Tuesday. The so-called Black Tuesday marked the first day of a series of strikes expected to last until the end of June. Rail employees have been called upon to stop work on two out of five days every week until June 30.

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French-speaking Swiss artists take the rap scene by storm

In the past, the French-speaking Swiss rap scene was dominated by Sens Unik and Stress. Today’s stars are Slimka, Makala and Di-Meh. What makes their music so popular? (RTS/ — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on Switzerland and to provide a Swiss perspective on …

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Food consumes far less of Swiss budgets than it did 25 years ago

Comparing the most recent statistics on Swiss consumer inflation to those in 1993 reveals a steep drop in the percentage of spending allocated to food. When statisticians calculate consumer price rises they look at the prices of a standard basket of goods. In 1993, food and non-alcoholic beverages made up 14.3% of the value of this standard basket. By 2018, the percentage had fallen to 10.4%, a 27% drop.

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Bringing everyone to the table

When politics polarise, solutions become difficult and blockades form. How to cope? Get people together and let them speak freely. — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on Switzerland and to provide a Swiss perspective on international events. For more articles, interviews and videos visit …

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Trilogie des Fiatgeldes (II): Das fraktionelle Reservesystem, die Mutter aller Finanzkrisen und die Quelle der Ohnmacht der Notenbanken

Genial aus der Sicht der Banken war, dass sie das fraktionelle Reservesystem in das Zeitalter des FED hinüberretten konnten – sie waren selber erstaunt, dass ihnen dies gelang und der Geniestreich nur von einigen wenigen Senatoren und Beobachtern durchschaut wurde. So konnten sie ihr eigenes Buchgeld weiterhin emittieren und dies einzig und allein mit dem Versprechen, es jederzeit in Bargeld umzutauschen.

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EasyJet foresees Swiss market growth

In an interview given to the SonntagsZeitung on Sunday, EasyJet CEO Johan Lundgren described the company's strategy for increasing its already-growing share of passengers in the Swiss market. Lundgren told the German-language paper than in recent years, the low-cost British airline has counted about one million additional passengers in the Swiss market annually, and anticipates continued growth thanks to a combination of targeted advertising and...

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Tax and spend – canton of Geneva generates a surprise budget surplus

When Geneva’s finances make the news it is typically bad. At the end of 2016, the canton had debts of CHF 12.5 billion, equal to 153% of its income. In January 2018, the rating agency Standard and Poors gave Geneva a negative outlook citing risks related to the canton’s poorly funded public pension scheme.

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Shell accuses former executive of hiding bribes in Switzerland

Royal Dutch Shell has filed a criminal complaint against a former employee it suspects of stashing kickbacks from the sale of a Nigerian oil field in Swiss bank accounts. The energy company is already being investigated over another deal there.

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Bankrupt Petroplus climate payments ‘non-refundable’

Climate fund payments made to now-bankrupt Swiss oil refiner Petroplus cannot be reclaimed by creditors as they constituted a business arrangement that brought benefits to contributors as opposed to a gift. This ruling from Zurich’s highest court has stopped a CH15 million ($16 million) claim in its tracks, barring an appeal to the federal courts.

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Credit Suisse boss earned less last year

Credit Suisse Chief Executive Tidjane Thiam earned slightly less in 2017 during his third year on the job, the bank said on Friday. The news comes at a time of scrutiny over executive pay and bonuses. Thiam earned CHF9.7 million ($10.26 million) last year, a 5.3% drop on 2016, Switzerland’s second-biggest bank said.

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IMF forecasts 2.25 percent Swiss GDP growth in 2018 while pointing to risks

A boost to investment and net exports from the tailwind of strong external demand, together with faster expansion of household spending owing to rising employment, are forecast to lift GDP growth to around 2¼ percent in 2018, said the IMF in a statement referring to Switzerland issued on 26 March 2018.

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Budget Speech 2018 – insights from Investec.

A panel of Investec experts summarises the outcomes of the 2018 Budget Speech, and the effects on business and the consumer. Journalist and political commentator, Justice Malala, chairs the panel consisting of Annabel Bishop, Investec chief economist; David Gracey, head of currency and derivatives trading at Investec Corporate and Institutional Banking (ICIB), and Ronelle Hutchinson, …

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Börsen-Talk vom 29. März 2018

Christian Gattiker, Leiter Research Bank Julius Bär, schätzt die Perspektiven der Schweizer Börsenschwergewichte Nestlé, Novartis und Roche ein.

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Rising yields and inflation expectations in developed nations

Aside from the concern over governance at our SOEs, what are the biggest risks facing SA’s macro environment in 2018? Investec’s Ronelle Hutchinson says that even though the SA dynamic has improved, the global environment is shifting, and a rish factor for South Africa is the change in liquidity dynamic. Annabel Bishop adds: Looking at …

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Budget Speech 2018: Domestic risk assets attractive to foreign investors

Will SA benefit from the increasing popularity of emerging market equities? With emerging markets back in favour, Ronelle Hutchinson, Investec portfolio manager believes South African equities will also see investment. With recent positive developments, she says there is potential for inflows into the local equity market. Get more insights from the Investec #Budget2018 panel discussion …

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