Category Archive: 3) Swiss Markets and News

Main Author Investec
Investec is a distinctive Specialist Bank and Asset Manager. We provide a diverse range of financial products and services to a niche client base in three principal markets, the United Kingdom, South Africa and Australia, as well as certain other geographies. Investec’s strategic goals are motivated by the desire to develop an efficient and integrated business on an international scale through the active pursuit of clearly established core competencies in the group’s principal business areas.

Average Swiss rent barely rises over 7 years

Recently published data show that close to 60% of households in Switzerland rented their home at an average cost of CHF 1,329 per month in 2017. Average monthly rents ranged from CHF 752 for a studio up to CHF 2,323 for 6 rooms or more.

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Börsen-Talk vom 22. Februar 2019

In der Schweiz werden werden wir noch lange rekordtiefe Zinsen haben, sagt Chefökonom Tom Gitzel im Börsen-Talk. Zudem erwartet er 2019 weitere US-Zinserhöhungen und bezeichnet die Konjunktursorgen als überzogen.

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Declining trend of cross-border workers continues

The number of cross-border workers in Switzerland – except those from France – has dropped for the second consecutive quarter. This marks the second year-on-year decline by quarter in 20 years. According to numbers released by the Federal Statistical Office on Thursday, the fourth quarter of 2018 saw 2,000 fewer people commuting to Switzerland to work compared to the same period the year before.

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Budget 2019 | Tito’s tough talk and tightrope walk

Tito Mboweni’s maiden Budget may be enough to stave off a credit negative response from Moody’s but the risk remains that the agency may still downgrade SA’s outlook from stable to negative later this year, albeit not the rating.

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Switzerland’s first female fighter pilot takes to the skies

Fanny Chollet is the first woman to qualify as a fighter pilot in Switzerland, having started her training in 2012. --- is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on Switzerland and to provide a Swiss perspective on international events. For more articles, interviews and videos visit or subscribe to our YouTube channel: Website: Channel:...

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Switzerland’s first female fighter pilot takes to the skies

Fanny Chollet is the first woman to qualify as a fighter pilot in Switzerland, having started her training in 2012. — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on Switzerland and to provide a Swiss perspective on international events. For more articles, interviews and videos visit …

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UBS to appeal record €3.7 billion French tax fraud fine

A French court on Wednesday found Swiss bank UBS guilty of illicit solicitation and laundering of the proceeds of tax fraud, imposing a hefty fine of €3.7 billion (CHF4.2 billion). The bank was convicted of illegally helping wealthy French clients evade tax authorities in France. UBS, its French subsidiary and three of its former executives have also been ordered to pay civil damages of €800,000.

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UBS Shares Tumble As French Judge Slaps Bank With $5.1 Billion Tax Evasion Fine

In a landmark ruling that sent a clear message to other banks battling misconduct investigations in French courts, a Paris court on Wednesday found UBS guilty of having actively helped some of its wealthy French clients hide money from French tax authorities in undeclared Swiss bank accounts, and ordered the bank to pay a $5.1 billion fine.

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La Dépossession façon BNS. Entretien ORBIS TERRAE

L’ouvrage de Vincent Held aborde une série de sujets brûlants : la politique d’affaiblissement du francs suisse menée par la Banque nationale suisse (BNS), l’imbrication de cette politique avec celles des banques privées suisses, la politique d’acquisition d’obligations d’Etat en dollars et en euros au détriment de la constitution d’un véritable fonds souverain… Le livre de M. Held touche au cœur nucléaire de la prospérité helvétique. Et ce qu’il...

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Ministers make the case for tax and pension reform package

The Swiss government has launched its campaign in favour of the upcoming national vote on a reform of the corporate tax and pension systems. Ministers for health and finance, Alain Berset and Ueli Maurer, presented their case at a press conference on Monday, urging citizens to vote ‘yes’ on May 19.

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Martin Buyle, CEO Orell Füssli

Martin Buyle spricht über die wichtigsten Meilensteine der langen Firmengeschichte, über das Orell Füssli der Zukunft und er definiert, was sein Nachfolger mitbringen sollte.

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The Reformed Church welcomes career changers

The Reformed Church is low on new recruits. It has now launched a special training course to attract the next generation. The Reformed Church is low on new recruits. It has now launched a special training course to attract the next generation, offering them the chance to become a vicar in just three years, rather … Continue...

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Older jobless struggle to find work

The long-term unemployed have a tough time finding a new job, especially if they’re over 50. An estimated 100,000 people in Switzerland are jobless and no longer qualify for unemployment benefit, so they’re on welfare. — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on Switzerland and …

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Wabco car systems manufacturer moves HQ to Switzerland

Car systems manufacturer Wabco Automotive has opted to move its global headquarters from Brussels to the Swiss capital, Bern. The company has plans to set up a competence centre in autonomous driving in collaboration with Swiss universities. “Switzerland is world-renowned for providing a highly favorable environment for breakthrough innovations and offers many distinct advantages for corporate headquarters,” said chairman and CEO Jacques Esculier...

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BLS train group to shelve 170 jobs by 2023

The BLS train company, which operates several routes in the regions around Bern, is to cut some 170 positions over the coming four years, for reasons of efficiency and automation. In a move criticized on Thursday by rail unions, BLS announced the cuts as part of planned efficiency gains that aim to save between CHF50-60 million ($49.8-59.2 million) by 2023.

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Swiss unemployment rate rises

There are various ways to measure unemployment. Switzerland’s standard measure looks at the number of people registered with unemployment offices across the country. By this measure Switzerland’s unemployment recently reached a 10 year low of 2.6%. Today, another unemployment measure was published. It shows a 0.1% increase in unemployment over the fourth quarter of 2018 to 4.6% or 227,000 people.

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flight shaming

Young Swedish activist Greta Thunberg and the thousands of young Swiss who are striking for the climate have drawn the public’s attention to air traffic pollution. More and more people are deciding not to fly anymore and some Swiss universities are issuing rules on flights for business and study trips. The phenomenon has been called “flight shame”, from the Swedish “flygskam”, which was on the list of Swedish neologisms for 2018. Here we explain...

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flight shaming

Young Swedish activist Greta Thunberg and the thousands of young Swiss who are striking for the climate have drawn the public’s attention to air traffic pollution. More and more people are deciding not to fly anymore and some Swiss universities are issuing rules on flights for business and study trips. The phenomenon has been called … Continue reading...

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Refugees at work

While waiting for a decision on their asylum request, refugees are placed in asylum centres throughout the country. In some of them, cantons offer professional integration projects also accessible to social welfare recipients. This is to keep people busy and help them regain access to the job market. Nouvo brings you short videos about Switzerland, …

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Börsen-Talk vom 15. Februar 2019

Aus dem Pessimismus an den Börsen sei ein fast übertriebener Optimismus geworden, sagt Stefan Frischknecht. Im Börsen-Talk analysiert der Schroders-Aktienexperte auch die Jahreszahlen von Schweizer Unternehmen.

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