Category Archive: 3) Swiss Markets and News

Main Author Investec
Investec is a distinctive Specialist Bank and Asset Manager. We provide a diverse range of financial products and services to a niche client base in three principal markets, the United Kingdom, South Africa and Australia, as well as certain other geographies. Investec’s strategic goals are motivated by the desire to develop an efficient and integrated business on an international scale through the active pursuit of clearly established core competencies in the group’s principal business areas.

The US military plane crash that led to better rescues

In November 1946 an American military airplane made an emergency landing on the Gauli glacier in the Bernese Alps. All 12 people on board were rescued in a spectacular mission that marked the birth of the Swiss air rescue service REGA. (SRF/ On its way from Munich to Marseille a Douglas DC-3 Dakota US military …

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Terminating a nuclear power plant

This is how the Mühleberg nuclear power station near Bern will be taken off the grid in 2019. (SRF/ — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on Switzerland and to provide a Swiss perspective on international events. For more articles, interviews and videos visit …

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Canton Geneva’s treasure box

A letter from Voltaire, Rousseau’s apprenticeship contract and the police files for Benito Mussolini are among the treasures stored in Geneva’s ancient safe. (SRF/ — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on Switzerland and to provide a Swiss perspective on international events. For more articles, …

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Switzerland tops talent table despite high cost of living

Switzerland retains its number one spot in IMD‘s most recent 2016 World Talent Report. Unlike the other 60 nations in the study, which have seen their performance gyrate, a plot of Switzerland’s rank over the last ten years is a perfectly straight line. First ten years in a row.

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Swiss banks taking more risks to compensate for record-low interest rates

Swiss banks focused on property lending are taking more risks to compensate for the impact of record-low interest rates, increasing the threat of a real-estate bubble, Swiss National Bank Vice President Fritz Zurbruegg said.

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Didier Le Menestrel, Gründer und CEO La Financière de l’Echiquier

Didier Le Menestrel über die Chancen auf dem Schweizer Markt für Vermögensverwaltung.

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Swiss stocks down as the US dollar hits decade high

Swiss pharmaceutical and luxury goods giants pulled the Swiss Market Index (SMI) down again this week as investors dropped large cap firms. Global stocks however continued to rise, along with energy prices, on the promise of Trump’s reflationary administration. The US dollar headed further up, reaching decade highs.

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Steep price increases for Swiss Rail passengers despite deflation

Today, Swiss Rail announced big price increases on some tickets and passes. The new prices will apply from 11 December 20161. According to the Swiss government consumer price index, average prices declined by 2.1% between October 2010 and October 20162.

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Börsen-Talk vom 25. November 2016

Der SMI steuert nach 2015 heuer schon wieder auf eine negative Jahresperformance zu. Für ZKB-Anlagechef Christoph Schenk ist das kein Grund zum Hadern, sondern eine Einstiegsmöglichkeit, wie er im Börsen-Talk sagt.

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Shuttered Geneva offices show impact of lost banking secrecy

Three years after Lloyds Banking Group Plc sold its private bank in Geneva, the only signs of life at the now-empty building are piles of cigarette butts and nutshells lying on its dirty window ledges. The riverside offices at Place de Bel-Air are a short walk away from the remaining private banks, hedge-fund managers and luxury-goods stores in the heart of the Swiss city. The locked entrance, where millionaire clients used to come and go, is a...

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Global Wealth Update: 0.7 percent Of Adults Control $116.6 Trillion In Wealth

Today Credit Suisse released its latest annual global wealth report, which traditionally lays out what is perhaps the biggest reason for the recent "anti-establishment" revulsion: an unprecedented concentration of wealth among a handful of people, as shown in its infamous global wealth pyramid, an arrangement which as observed by the "shocking" political backlash of the past few months suggests that the lower 'levels' of the pyramid are...

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Swiss watch exports have biggest monthly drop in seven years

Shipments fell to 1.68 billion francs ($1.7 billion), the Federation of the Swiss Watch Industry said in a statement Tuesday. The decline was much greater than expected and was made worse because October was the weakest month of last year, according to Zuzanna Pusz, an analyst at Berenberg.

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Switzerland risks power independence as nuclear vote looms

The nation faces losing a third of domestic supplies and becoming a net buyer of power if it opts to start closing its five nuclear plants as early as next year. The Swiss will vote on Sunday and the anti-nuclear proposal has a slender lead in opinion polls.

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Swiss are the world’s wealthiest, says report

According to a recent report by the bank Credit Suisse, the Swiss are worth more on average than the residents of any other nation. The bank’s annual Global Wealth Report calculates average net worth per Swiss adult to be US$ 561,900 (CHF 567,500). Switzerland’s combined personal wealth of US$ 3.5 trillion represents 1.4% of the global total, while the nation’s population represents 0.1% of the global total.

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Jörg de Vries-Hippen, Aktienchef Europa bei Allianz Global Investors

Jörg de Vries-Hippen, Aktienchef Europa bei Allianz Global Investors, lässt momentan die Finger von den ganz grossen Aktien. Welche Sektoren hingegen zum Einstieg locken, verrät er im Interview mit cash.

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Swiss regulator does not want to loosen mortgage restrictions

Swiss financial markets regulator Finma is not planning to loosen mortgage lending directives, according to its director Thomas Bauer, after the bank Raiffeisen expressed a desire for looser lending rules. In an interview with Zentralschweiz am Sonntag, Bauer said that this could allow certain households to get mortgages that they wouldn’t be able to service over the long term.

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How is success measured in M&A deals?

Christian Hess (Investec Bank plc) discusses the success of M&A deals.

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Foro Global sobre Democracia Directa Moderna | DÍA 3

Ciudadanía activa y gobiernos participativos son características esenciales de toda democracia moderna. A la hora de abordar importantes desafíos globales – desde educación a bienestar, emigración a cambio climático – los movimientos sociales y los gobiernos locales sirven de equipos prácticos de rescate de derechos y libertades fundamentales recogidos en el concepto de gobierno abierto …

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Global Forum on Modern Direct Democracy | DAY 3

The 6th world conference on active citizenship and participatory democracy is a timely event indeed. Just days after perhaps the most suprising election result in modern history, and after a US presidential campaign full of lies, accusations and stupidities, we are gathering in this beautiful spot of the Basque Country for four days of sharing, …

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Breaking through media echo chambers

Stefan Klauser, the lead strategist of the ETH Zurich’s Digital Society initiative, offers his thoughts on how digital media consumers can break out of polarizing bubbles for better democracy. ___ is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on Switzerland and to provide a Swiss perspective on …

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