Category Archive: 3) Swiss Markets and News

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Investec is a distinctive Specialist Bank and Asset Manager. We provide a diverse range of financial products and services to a niche client base in three principal markets, the United Kingdom, South Africa and Australia, as well as certain other geographies. Investec’s strategic goals are motivated by the desire to develop an efficient and integrated business on an international scale through the active pursuit of clearly established core competencies in the group’s principal business areas.

Geneva unveils big tax changes

After nearly ten years of European Union opposition to preferential company tax deals, Switzerland’s government agreed in 2014 to do away with such arrangements. Under current rules Swiss cantons can offer preferential tax rates to certain companies, mostly multinationals with most of their activity abroad. In Geneva, these special rates mean certain companies pay tax at a rate of 11.7%, while all others must pay 24.2%.

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Global Forum on Modern Direct Democracy | DAY 2

The 6th world conference on active citizenship and participatory democracy is a timely event indeed. Just days after perhaps the most suprising election result in modern history, and after a US presidential campaign full of lies, accusations and stupidities, we are gathering in this beautiful spot of the Basque Country for four days of sharing, …

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Foro Global sobre Democracia Directa Moderna | DÍA 2

Ciudadanía activa y gobiernos participativos son características esenciales de toda democracia moderna. A la hora de abordar importantes desafíos globales – desde educación a bienestar, emigración a cambio climático – los movimientos sociales y los gobiernos locales sirven de equipos prácticos de rescate de derechos y libertades fundamentales recogidos en el concepto de gobierno abierto …

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SMI up on post Trump rally

Swiss stocks continued to rise this week, in line with other global stocks thanks to a strong performance from financials which gained as investors weighted the prospects of higher interest rates in the US.

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China fines Swiss-based packager Tetra Pak for breaking monopoly rules

According to Reuters, following an investigation, China’s State Administration for Industry and Commerce (SAIC) said, it found out that Tetra Pak violated some provisions in China’s anti-trust law and will impose a fine of 668 million yuan ($97 million) on Tetra Pak for “abuse of dominant market position”.

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Electric cars could travel on the hard shoulder

Transport minister Doris Leuthard is considering letting electric and driverless vehicles use the hard shoulder of motorways, in a bid to promote the new technologies. But will that compromise motorway safety? (RTS/ — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on Switzerland and to provide a …

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Swisscom promises to put an end to unwanted sales calls

Swisscom’s fixed line (remember those) customers will be given the option of blocking unwanted calls from 28 November. The service will be free and can be activated by checking a box online or by calling the Swisscom hotline (0800 800 800). Sunrise and UPC are expected to follow Swisscom by mid 2017, according to 24 Heures.

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Global Forum on Modern Direct Democracy | DAY 1

The 6th world conference on active citizenship and participatory democracy is a timely event indeed. Just days after perhaps the most suprising election result in modern history, and after a US presidential campaign full of lies, accusations and stupidities, we are gathering in this beautiful spot of the Basque Country for four days of sharing, …

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Keith Wade, Chefökonom Schroders

Im Interview mit cash erklärt Schroders-Chefökonom Keith Wade, warum von Donald Trump ausgelöste Handelskriege mit anderen Ländern schädlich für die US-Wirtschaft und die Börsen sein könnten.

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Swiss National Bank won’t cut record low interest rate again, survey shows

The Swiss National Bank, which has the lowest interest rate among the world’s major central banks, may be done cutting. SNB President Thomas Jordan and his fellow policy makers will keep the deposit rate unchanged at minus 0.75 percent until at least the end of the first quarter of 2019, according to the median forecast in Bloomberg’s monthly survey of economists. That would mean ignoring the International Monetary Fund’s advice to fend off inflows...

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Martin Neff, Chefökonom Raiffeisen Schweiz

Raiffeisen-Chefökonom Martin Neff sieht klare Anzeichen für einen gesättigten Immobilienmarkt. Die Vergabekriterien für Hypotheken sind ihm aber zu streng, wie er im Interview mit cash sagt.

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Those with less are worth more in Schwyz than Geneva

Last Friday, the federal Swiss tax office published the latest statistics covering the wealth and earnings of the nation’s more than 5 million tax payers – Switzerland has wealth tax, so net worth is included in tax returns. The highest percentage of the very wealthiest (CHF 10 million plus) lived in Schwyz. Geneva also made the top five cantons in this category.

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Which Government System Is The Best For People’s Wealth?

We have created a map which shows the per-capita GDP based upon the type of government in a country. The larger the country appears on the map, the higher the GDP per capita.

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Swiss National Bank agrees to pay out 1 billion francs annually

Today, the Swiss National Bank (SNB) announced a new agreement with the Federal Department of Finance, to pay the Swiss confederation and cantons CHF 1 billion per year, as was previously the case. The deal will run from 2016 to 2020, according to an official press release.

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SMI: Trump win boosts pharma and financials

A rally in pharmaceutical and banking shares helped boost the Swiss Market Index this week as investors weighed the prospect of a Trump’ presidency in the United States. Stocks in the healthcare sector jumped after Donald Trump’s victory as drug pricing reforms, proposed by Hillary Clinton, are now unlikely to materialize.

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The cost of quitting nuclear energy

Is Switzerland ready to phase out nuclear power? Experts weigh in on the November 27 nationwide vote on the country’s nuclear plants. (SRF/ Banning construction of nuclear power plants and limiting the use of existing ones to 45 years: that’s what the people’s initiative from the Green Party proposes. This would mean that the stations …

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How Switzerland came top of the 2016 young worker’s index

Where you are born makes a big difference to the chances of getting a job when you leave school. In 2015, youth unemployment rates in some OECD countries such as Greece (49.8%), Spain (48.3%) and Italy (40.3%) were all close to 50%. In others such as Germany (7.2%), Austria (10.6%) and Switzerland (8.6%), youth unemployment was far lower. Why? The Young Workers Index 2016, an annual report by PWC, offers some insights.

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Investec UK: A Day in the Life of our Graduate Programme

Our Graduate Employees take you through a day in their lives at Investec.

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When weather extremes cause plants to climb mountains

Swiss scientists are carrying out a long-term study into the effects of climate change on Alpine plants. (RTS/ The research, centred in the Glarus Alps, is taking place just as 20 thousand participants meet in Morocco to agree the details for implementing the global Paris accord to combat global warming. Biologists from the Federal Technology …

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Swiss government opposes initiative to transform monetary system

The Swiss government urged rejection of a popular initiative that would transform the monetary system and end fractional-reserve banking, according to its dispatch to Parliament. The measure seeks to put the central bank solely in charge of money supply and forbid commercial banks from granting loans that aren’t fully backed by deposits, effectively ending the way banking has been conducted for centuries.

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