Category Archive: 3) Swiss Markets and News

Main Author Investec
Investec is a distinctive Specialist Bank and Asset Manager. We provide a diverse range of financial products and services to a niche client base in three principal markets, the United Kingdom, South Africa and Australia, as well as certain other geographies. Investec’s strategic goals are motivated by the desire to develop an efficient and integrated business on an international scale through the active pursuit of clearly established core competencies in the group’s principal business areas.

Three Swiss Farms Close a Day

The trend for fewer but larger farms continued in Switzerland last year, with the total number dropping by 990 to 52,263. While small and conventionally farmed businesses were throwing in the towel, organic agriculture flourished.

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Syngenta deal will ‘drive modernisation’ of Chinese farming

Syngenta, the Swiss agribusiness group which is being acquired by ChemChina in the biggest foreign takeover by a Chinese company, will help Beijing modernise China's farm sector while simultaneously remaining firmly a "western company", its chairman has said. Michel Demaré told The Financial Times that, under its new owners, Syngenta would become "a partner of the Chinese government to basically drive the modernisation of Chinese agriculture – so...

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Börsen-Talk vom 19. Mai 2017

Für Daniel Lenz ist der Einstiegszeitpunkt bei Europa-Nebenwerten derzeit ideal. Im cash-Börsen-Talk nennt der Schroders-Fondsmanager attraktive Einzeltitel – aus der Schweiz und ganz Europa.

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Cabinet sees no need to regulate social media

Remain vigilant, continue to monitor, but no need for concerted federal action. This was the conclusion of a cabinet report Wednesday on social media and the problems it can provoke, including “fake news” and distorting public opinion. The cabinet decided that, for now, more regulation is not the solution.

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Swiss export products banned as toxic at home

In the wake of a Chinese takeover of the Swiss agribusiness group Syngenta, a Swiss advocacy group raises concerns about Switzerland's regulatory role. Switzerland exports two powerful herbicides, atrazine and paraquat, to developing countries. However, these products, manufactured by Basel giant Syngenta, are prohibited in the Swiss territory.

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UBS Digital Banking. Ganz praktisch.

Sollte uns Digital nicht das Leben erleichtern? Schnell und sicher ins UBS E-Banking mit der UBS Access App. Erfahren Sie mehr über UBS Online Banking, UBS Mobile Banking und die UBS E-Banking Apps: UBS Digital Banking. Praktisches und sicheres E-Banking.

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UBS Digital Banking. Totally practical.

Shouldn’t digital services make our lives easier? Log in to UBS online banking quickly and securely with our UBS Access app. For more information about UBS online banking, UBS mobile banking and UBS online banking apps, please visit: UBS Digital Banking. Totally practical and safe online banking.

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UBS Digital Banking. Très pratique.

Le numérique ne devrait-il pas nous simplifier la vie? Accès rapide et sûr à UBS e-banking avec l’app UBS Access. Pour plus d’informations sur UBS online banking, UBS mobile banking et les app UBS e-banking, veuillez consulter : UBS Digital Banking. E-Banking pratique et sûr.

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UBS Digital Banking. Assolutamente pratico.

Il digitale non doveva semplificarci la vita? Accesso a UBS-e-banking in tutta rapidità e sicurezza con l’app UBS Access. Per saperne di più su UBS Online Banking, UBS Mobile Banking e sulle app UBS e-banking: UBS Digital Banking. Online banking assolutamente pratico e sicuro.

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What are the top 3 reasons for M&A exit process failure?

Christian and his team conducted research tracking all companies that have been up for sale or mandated advisors spanning 10 years to uncover interesting insight and data into the M&A market and clients. Series two of Pulse Insight delves into the top 3 reasons why M&A deals fail and explores the possible solutions to prevent …

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Investec East Asian Basket

Investec’s new offshore investment – giving you a minimum return similar to a cash investment, plus double the returns of world markets.

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The Road to the Investec Derby: The Dante Stakes

All the key racing facts and figures you’ll need to know for the Investec Derby trials.

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Swiss awarded stolen tax CD payment

Switzerland will receive most of the money paid by the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) to a man who provided the state with stolen Credit Suisse client data, it has been confirmed.

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André Thali, Leiter Client Group Schweiz Axa IM

Eine Umfrage von Axa Investment Managers zeigt: Eine Grosszahl von Bankkunden will im Fall von Negativzinsen das Konto plündern. Ob sie dann wirklich zur Tat schreiten, steht allerdings in den Sternen.

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Swiss engineers wanted – nerds need not apply

Too many students turn their backs on engineering thinking it is a career for “nerds”, according to a leading Swiss business lobbyist. Changing this perception is key to plugging an expected shortfall of 50,000 engineering professionals in Switzerland.

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New 20 Swiss franc note officially launched

The Swiss National Bank is the process of issuing new bank notes. A new 50 franc note hit the streets last year. Now it is the new 20 franc note’s turn. Officially launched today, it will enter circulation on 17 May 2017.

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Swiss-German ‘spy’ drama raises hackles – and questions

The sale of stolen Swiss banking data has centered on the German state of North Rhine Westphalia(Keystone) The arrest of a suspected Swiss spy in Germany has raised questions about what roles the Swiss secret service, the state public prosecutor and UBS bank played in the affair. The 54-year-old man, known as Daniel M, is accused of spying on the German tax authorities to find out who sold stolen Swiss banking data.His arrest...

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How companies in Switzerland become best places to work

A new ranking shows the best firms to work for in Switzerland – with Google topping the large companies for a third time in a row. Important to employees in all categories: a respectful and motivational work culture. In all, 29 companies were awarded Best Workplaces in Switzerland in the Great Place to Work® Award Ceremony in Zurich on Thursday evening.

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Easyjet expands in Geneva adding a new aircraft

On Friday, Easyjet added a 14th aircraft to its Geneva-based fleet. The new Airbus A320 will allow it to add new destinations. The new aircraft will create 36 new jobs on top of the current 500 at the airline’s Geneva base, Thomas Haagensen, Easyjet’s director of northern Europe, told Le Matin Dimanche.

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How The US Government Let A Giant Bank Pin A Scandal On A Former Employee

The following is an excerpt from David Enrich's nonfiction financial and legal thriller The Spider Network: The Wild Story of a Math Genius, a Gang of Backstabbing Bankers, and One of the Greatest Scams in Financial History. (Read part of the prologue here; another excerpt can be found here) This excerpt takes place shortly after the accused mastermind of the Libor scandal, Tom Hayes, is fired from his job at Citigroup, kicking government...

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