Category Archive: 3) Swiss Markets and News

Main Author Investec
Investec is a distinctive Specialist Bank and Asset Manager. We provide a diverse range of financial products and services to a niche client base in three principal markets, the United Kingdom, South Africa and Australia, as well as certain other geographies. Investec’s strategic goals are motivated by the desire to develop an efficient and integrated business on an international scale through the active pursuit of clearly established core competencies in the group’s principal business areas.

Power company Alpiq decides not to sell Swiss hydro assets

Swiss energy concern Alpiq has changed its mind about selling up to 49% of its hydropower portfolio due to a tough market environment. In March 2016, Alpiq declared that it was planning to sell a large share of its hydropower assets to investors, provoking strong reactions in the power sector and media. Hydropower is a central pillar of the Swiss electricity supply – some 60% of Switzerland's energy is produced by water.

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Il y a plus d’esclaves aujourd’hui qu’il n’y en a eu du XVIe au XIXe siècle, par Annie Kelly

« La vie humaine est devenue plus sacrifiable » : pourquoi l’esclavage n’a-t-il jamais rapporté autant d’argent. Une nouvelle étude montre que l’esclavage moderne est plus lucratif que jamais, les trafiquants du sexe engrangeant des bénéfices records.

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Parents of murdered au pair get compensation

The parents of a 16-year-old au pair who was murdered in canton Aargau eight years ago have received compensation from the canton in an out-of-court settlement. The authorities have admitted that they made mistakes.

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The Swiss who sends satellites into space

Daniel Neuenschwander oversees the launching of rockets taking satellites into space. The 42-year-old is the first Swiss director at the European Space Agency, ESA. (SRF/ Since the foundation of the European Space Agency, ESA over 40 years ago, Switzerland has collaborated on developing rockets and research programmes, and contributes to ESA’s budget.  Since September 2016, ESA has also had a Swiss …

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A Swiss parliamentary commission wants to get rid of imputed rent

In Switzerland, home owners have to add a theoretical rent to their taxable income. This means home ownership can increase your annual tax bill, sometimes substantially.

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Swisscom accused of huge roaming charge rip-off

The Swiss consumer protection agency says it will file criminal charges against Swisscom for an alleged roaming charge rip-off that is said to have netted the telecommunications giant millions of francs at customers’ expense.

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Swiss gender pay gap only 2 percent, says study

The report says that while it is true that, as a group, women get paid less than men, it is not because they receive less for the same work. It is because they don’t get the highest-paying jobs in the highest-paid industries.

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Why language is not just about talking

Tama Vakeesan was born in Switzerland – to Tamil parents from Sri Lanka. This week, she visits a summer camp for young Vietnamese people growing up in Switzerland and talks to camp leader, Tri, about the importance of language, not only as a means of communication but also as part of one’s identity. (SRF Kulturplatz/ …

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Börsen-Talk vom 25. August 2017

Im Börsen-Talk äussert sich cash-Guru Alfred Herbert zum Verlauf der Börsen und sagt Anlegern, ob sie lange gut gelaufene Aktien nun verkaufen sollen oder nicht.

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Have you heard of Unspunnen?

Every dozen years or so, crowds flock to the Unspunnen Festival that features the best of Swiss traditions: alphorn music, Schwingen wrestling, flag throwing and a feat of strength to see who can throw an 83.5kg stone the furthest. This year it’s in Interlaken. (SRF/ — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation …

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Nobel prize-winning Swiss surgeon celebrated

Theodor Kocher, who died 100 years ago, was the first Swiss to win a Nobel Prize in medicine and was the founder of modern surgery. He was internationally famous, thanks to his research into the thyroid gland. (SRF/  — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on Switzerland …

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Small Swiss firms struggle to recruit qualified staff

One in four small and medium-sized Swiss firms (SMEs) suffers due to a serious lack of qualified staff, a new Credit Suisse survey reveals. The economic situation in Switzerland is generally favourable to most SMEs, which are slightly more optimistic about the future than they were last year, a Credit Suisse report published on Thursday stated. But difficulties recruiting qualified staff are worrying.

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Japan’s Swiss-style nuclear bunkers

With nearby North Korea stepping up missile launches and nuclear tests, people in Japan are preparing for the worst by building private nuclear shelters using Swiss technology. (SRF/  — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on Switzerland and to provide a Swiss perspective on international events. …

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Alfred Egg, Leiter Schaden Axa Winterthur

Schadenspezialist Alfred Egg über Chancen und Risiken des autonomen Fahrens.

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Swiss firms face greater shareholder opposition

Shareholder rebellion over executive pay at Credit Suisse earlier this year is just one example of growing dissent by Swiss company owners. While annual general meetings are hardly a hotbed of revolutionary unrest, shareholders are slowly - but perceptibly - demanding more accountability.

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Swiss business lobby rejects idea of ‘robot tax’

The Swiss Business Federation (economiesuisse) rejects imposing a so-called robot tax on companies to make up for lost income taxes as workers are gradually replaced by machines. Rather than focusing on a robot tax, Switzerland should encourage the development of a faster internet network and cooperation between business and Swiss research institutes, declared a new economiesuisse reportexternal link on the digital economy, which was published on...

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Walter Oberhänsli, CEO Zur Rose

Im Interview mit cash äussert sich Zur-Rose-Chef Walter Oberhänsli zum mageren Kursverlauf der Aktie und erklärt, weshalb Zur Rose eine Strategie mit stationären Apotheken verfolgt.

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Payerne Airport Finally Starts to take off

After years of negotiations, Payerne’s regional civilian airport and future business aviation hub is starting to take shape. The first stone of an airport building in northwest Switzerland has been laid. “It’s a day of celebration and joy,” Fribourg businessman Damien Piller told reporters at a ceremony to mark the start of construction of the main airport building on Monday. Work should last 18 months.

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Michel Santi: comment achever la bête immonde?

Quelle est la raison profonde – intime –des crises financières ? Comment sont provoqués les kracks et pourquoi les bulles implosent-elles ? Toujours pour une simple et unique raison qui est que les paris irraisonnés et démesurés entrepris par le monde de la finance le sont avec de l’argent emprunté !

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Pagare ai distributori automatici con il codice QR | UBS TWINT

UBS TWINT – il suo portamonete digitale Pagare con lo smartphone in modo semplice e sicuro. Gratuitamente. Anche senza conto UBS. Quali funzioni offre UBS TWINT? – Inviare e richiedere denaro in modo rapido e sicuro – Pagare gli acquisti alla Coop e accumulare superpunti – Pagamenti online semplificati – Acquistare gli snack senza contanti …

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