Category Archive: 3) Swiss Markets and News

Main Author Investec
Investec is a distinctive Specialist Bank and Asset Manager. We provide a diverse range of financial products and services to a niche client base in three principal markets, the United Kingdom, South Africa and Australia, as well as certain other geographies. Investec’s strategic goals are motivated by the desire to develop an efficient and integrated business on an international scale through the active pursuit of clearly established core competencies in the group’s principal business areas.

Ticket cheats in Switzerland soon to be listed in a national register

Tickets cannot be bought on public transport in Switzerland. Passengers are required to have a ticket before boarding. Those caught on public transport without one will soon have their names put into a national register. This will ensure progressively higher fines are issued to repeat offenders.

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Judicial complaint filed over PostBus scandal

The Federal Office of Transport has filed a legal complaint to the Attorney General’s office and judicial authorities of Bern canton in connection with the scandal hitting the Swiss PostBus company. The complaint for possible breaches of administrative law, fraud and mismanagement is filed against unnamed persons.

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Swiss public accounts better than expected in 2017

Swiss government accounts closed with a surplus of CHF2.8 billion ($3 billion) for 2017, compared with a forecast deficit of CHF250 million, Finance Minister Ueli Maurer said at a press conference in Bern on Wednesday. This was due mainly to higher-than-estimated tax revenues.

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UBS Long Term Themes Equity Fund kurz erklärt: Wasserknappheit

Die für den Menschen geeigneten Trinkwasservorräte sind begrenzt und die Ressource Wasser ist ungleichmässig verteilt. Trotzdem steigt die Nachfrage nach sauberem Wasser ständig. Weitere Informationen finden sie auf:

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UBS Long Term Themes Equity Fund kurz erklärt: Energieeffizienz

Weitere Informationen finden Sie auf: Strengere Regelungen und eine steigende Energienachfrage erhöhen den Bedarf an energieeffizienten Technologien. Nur mit wirksamen Energieeffizienzlösungen können Endabnehmer den Stromverbrauch an der Quelle senken.

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UBS LTT en bref: Efficacité énergétique

Pour plus d’informations, visitez: Le durcissement des réglementations et la hausse de la demande en énergie augmentent les besoins en technologies à haut niveau d’efficacité énergétique. Seules les solutions d’économie d’énergie efficaces permettent aux usagers de réduire leur consommation à la source.

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UBS Long Term Themes Equity Fund en bref: Raréfaction de l’eau

Les réserves d’eau potable sont limitées et les ressources hydriques inégalement réparties. Cela n’empêche pas la demande en eau salubre d’augmenter sans cesse. Pour plus d’informations, visitez:

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UBS LTT in short: energy efficiency

Stricter regulations and rising demand for energy drive the need for energy-efficient technologies. Effective energy efficiency is essential for enabling end-users to reduce power consumption at the source. For further information visit:

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UBS LTT in short: Water scarcity

The amount of water suitable for human consumption is limited and the resource is unevenly distributed. Despite this, demand for clean water is constantly growing. For further information visit:

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Börsen-Talk vom 16. Februar 2018

Steigende Inflationserwartungen und Verunsicherung werden Gold wieder begehrter machen, sagt Bellerive-Anlagechef Thomas Steinemann im Börsen-Talk. Er gibt auch Tipps zu Aktien, die noch immer attraktiv sind.

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Mark Steele | Strength and conditioning

Mark Steele speaks about the specifics of strength and conditioning . Find out more:

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Murray Mexted | The Importance of the academy

International Rugby Academy founder, Murray Mexted speaks about the importance of the Investec International Rugby Academy. Find out more:

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John Smit | Skills transfer

Investec International Rugby Academy coach, John Smit speaks about the importance of creating networks where skills are shared to enhance rugby coaches and players. Find out more:

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Andre Pretorius | Executing in the right environment

Investec International Rugby Academy coach, Andre Pretorius speaks about the importance of execution and the learning environment. Find out more:

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Investec International Rugby Academy | Passing on the knowledge

Investec International Rugby Academy, adapts as the game does, to provide specialized coaching for talented players. “The right knowledge and the right start and then it’s up to them” – Murray Mexted. Be inspired and learn more:

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Reinhold Harringer, Ökonom und Mitglied Vollgeld-Initiativkomitee

Im Juni wird über die Annahme der Vollgeld-Initiative abgestimmt. Im Interview mit cash sagt Initiant Reinhold Harringer, weshalb ein neues Geldsystem nötig sei und wie er sich die ablehnende Haltung der SNB erklärt.

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Swiss businesses in China upbeat after record export year

According to a survey, 72% of Swiss business leaders in China expect “higher” or “substantially higher” sales of goods from Switzerland to China and Hong Kong in 2018 than in 2017, when exports reached a record CHF16.7 billion ($17.9 billion). Just 5% of business leaders anticipated lower export figures this year, according to the preliminary results of the 2018 Swiss Business in China Survey, which were released Tuesday by Swiss Centers...

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Justice ministry confirms legal aid requests in Greece-Novartis scandal

Switzerland’s Federal Office of Justice has confirmed it has received two requests for legal assistance from Greece and the United States linked to probes into Novartis and alleged bribes involving the Swiss drugmaker and Greek doctors and public officials. The two requests for legal assistance linked to the Novartis-Greek scandal were received at the end of last year and in January 2018 and are being studied, a justice ministry official confirmed...

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Swiss Post CEO rejects blame for PostBus subsidies scandal

The head of Swiss Post, Susanne Ruoff, has refused to step down for errors she admits were made at the PostBus subsidiary company regarding the manipulation of accounts to claim tens of millions of francs worth of federal and cantonal subsidies. “I neither lied nor did anything wrong,” Ruoff declared in an interview on Sunday in the SonntagsBlick newspaper.

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A day in the life of an Investec CA trainee

A day in the life of an Investec CA trainee. Find out more about our programme here:

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