Category Archive: 3) Swiss Markets and News

Main Author Investec
Investec is a distinctive Specialist Bank and Asset Manager. We provide a diverse range of financial products and services to a niche client base in three principal markets, the United Kingdom, South Africa and Australia, as well as certain other geographies. Investec’s strategic goals are motivated by the desire to develop an efficient and integrated business on an international scale through the active pursuit of clearly established core competencies in the group’s principal business areas.

2017 saw upswing in Swiss engineering jobs

The Swiss mechanical, electrical and metal industries are recovering, as indicated by increases in turnover and employment. The industry lobby group Swissmemexternal link reported on Thursday that 4,500 additional jobs were generated in 2017 compared to the previous year, taking the industry total to 322,100. In contrast, 12,600 jobs were cut in 2015 and 2016 combined.

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Quarter of Swiss companies fail to pay bills on time

23.3% of businesses in Switzerland did not pay their bills on time in 2017, found the business information service Bisnode D&Bexternal link in a survey published on Wednesday. That’s 0.3% less late-payers compared to 2016. The average delay of payments was also shorter in 2017, averaging 14.4 days, compared to 15.7 in 2016.

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Marc von Waldkirch, CEO Sensirion

Im Video-Interview sagt Sensirion-CEO Marc von Waldkirch, dass der Börsengang der Firma in den nächsten Wochen möglich ist. Das Unternehmen will mit der zusätzlichen Liquidität Übernahmen tätigen.

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Rosier economy should boost Swiss housing market

The economic upturn should drive demand for Swiss property after a period of record construction and lower rental prices, a survey claims. The improved economic situation should “revive demand in all segments” of the Swiss housing market, according to Credit Suisse’s Swiss Real Estate Market 2018 reportexternal link, published on Tuesday.

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Jobless in Switzerland after 55 – most end up longterm unemployed

Age discrimination in the Swiss job market appears to be getting worse. Between 2010 and 2016, the number of over 55s on welfare increased by 50.5%, something that cannot be fully explained by an aging population. The population aged between 56 and 64 only increased by 11.6% over the same period.

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Average expat in Zurich earns more than $200,000

Zurich and Geneva are among the top cities in the world for expat salaries, according to this year’s HSBC expat salary survey. The average expat can look forward to a pay packet of $206,875 (CHF191,960) in third-place Zurich and $184,942 in fifth-place Geneva.

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E-franc pipe dream fails to arouse Switzerland

Mounting calls for Switzerland to introduce a blockchain-based national cryptocurrency continue to fall on deaf ears at the Swiss National Bank (SNB). Romeo Lacher, chairman of the SIX Groupexternal link that runs the Swiss stock exchange, recently added his voice to the debate by advocating such a virtual currency.

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Jan Jenisch, CEO LafargHolcim

Laut CEO Jan Jenisch hatte LafargeHolcim ein gutes Geschäftsjahr, die Aktie gibt nach der Bekanntgabe der Zahlen aber nach. Im cash-Video-Interview äussert sich Jenisch zur Dividendenpolitik und zur neuen Strategie 2022.

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First of new Bombardier trains makes maiden voyage

After years of delay, the double-decker train named ‘FV-Dosto’ completed its first rail journey on Monday. The fate of the rest of the 62-train fleet still pends on a court decision following a legal challenge by disabled groups.

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Investec partners with Startup School

Startup School is an initiative that is partnered by Investec to support and encourage the South African entrepreneurial ecosystem. It is a 12 week online entrepreneurial learning programme which contains interactive learning activities that will guide an entrepreneur from the ideation phase of their business through to the completion and investor presentation of a comprehensive …

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Thomas Mayer, Ex-Chefönom der Deutschen Bank

Thomas Mayer, Ex-Chefökonom der Deutschen Bank, ist bekannt für seine scharfen Analysen. Auf kurze Sicht werden sich die Börsen durchaus halten. Dann könnten aber dunkle Wolken aufziehen, wie er im cash-Talk erklärt.

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Swiss rail cargo to cut over 750 jobs in the hunt for efficiency

The cargo division on the Swiss Federal Railways has announced plans to cut 760 jobs in the coming years. The company currently employs around 2,300 staff in Switzerland. Company boss Nicolas Perrin revealed the job cut measures on Saturday in the weekly Schweiz am Wochenende. According to him, the administrative section of the firm is still too big despite already planning a reduction of 80 posts.

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Swiss Sugar Industry Calls for Action as Prices Crumble

The Swiss sugar industry is facing stiff competition from Europe and is calling for political measures to save the industry. At a press conference in Bern on Friday, industry representatives warned that the scrapping of European quotas had flooded the Swiss market with cheap European products.

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Experience Investec CA Pathfinder

Investec CA Pathfinder Programme is a week long programme for students in their final year of their undergraduate degree studying towards a CA at a SAICA accredited university under the guidance of international experts in finance. Find out more:

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Johannes Müller, Deutsche Bank

Solange die Wirtschaftsdaten stimmen, bleiben Investments in Aktien erste Wahl, sagt Johannes Müller von der Deutschen Bank im cash-Video-Interview. Eine Einschränkung macht er allerdings.

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Patrick Frost, CEO Swiss Life

Swiss-Life-CEO Patrick Frost erwartet für das laufende Jahr steigende Zinsen: Dies birgt Chancen und Risiken. Weitere Dividendenerhöhungen seien indessen möglich, sagt der Chef des Versicherungskonzerns.

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Exports sweeten turnovers for Swiss chocolate makers

Despite a decline in domestic consumption, sales of Swiss chocolate grew by 3.1% in 2017 thanks to foreign demand. On Thursday, the Federation of Swiss Chocolate Manufacturers (Chocosuisse) reported total sales of CHF1.85 billion ($1.98 billion) for the year. The volume of chocolate sold also increased by 2.7% to 190,731 tons.

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Lake Geneva Region Attracts Most Cross-Border Workers

Switzerland continues to attract large volumes of cross-border workers, notably in the Lake Geneva region and around the city of Basel. At the end of last year, 318,002 people were crossing the border each day to work in Switzerland, according to data published by the Federal Statistics Officeexternal link on Friday. This is an increase of 1.7% compared with December 2016.

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Swiss federal finances – surplus of billions in 2017

While many national governments, such as the US and UK, regularly spend more than they collect, Switzerland managed a CHF 2.8 billion surplus in 2017. In addition, CHF 2 billion of withholding tax is expected, which would push the surplus up to CHF 4.8 billion.

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Jamil Baz, Pimco

An den Märkten mag wieder so etwas wie Ruhe eingekehrt sein, meint der Anlagestratege Jamil Baz von Pimco im Video-Interview. Doch zwei Themen lassen ihn etwas besorgt in die Zukunft blicken.

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