Category Archive: 2) Swiss and European Macro

Main Author George Dorgan
George Dorgan
George Dorgan (penname) predicted the end of the EUR/CHF peg at the CFA Society and at many occasions on and on this blog. Several Swiss and international financial advisors support the site. These firms aim to deliver independent advice from the often misleading mainstream of banks and asset managers. George is FinTech entrepreneur, financial author and alternative economist. He speak seven languages fluently.

Frank Schäffler – Parteitagsrede 08.12.2012

Frank Schäffler spricht auf dem Landesparteitag der NRW-FDP am 08.12.2012.

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Peter Bofinger beim Zinsgespräch 2013

Peter Bofinger, Professor für Volkswirtschaft an der Universität Würzburg, erklärt im VOL.AT-Interview anlässlich des Raiffeisen Zinsgesprächs 2013 die Ursachen der Euro-Krise und wagt einen Blick in die Zukunft der Gemeinschaftswährung.

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Viva la Democrazia! The Reign of the Spread is Finished!

Claudio Messora, one of most well known critics during the "Reign of the spread" between Italian and German bonds.He happy about the return of democracy.

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The Full List of Monti Reforms: Which Have Been Really Implemented?

Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti passed 30 billion euros ($40.3 billion) in tax hikes (17 billion), pension and spending cuts (13 billion).

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The Euro Crisis: Details and chronology and the German Perspective on it

The history of EU reforms, bailouts during the euro crisis and the German perspective on them

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In conversation with Jacques Noels, Founder, Crocus Technology

In this video interview, Jacques Noels explains the required skills and knowledge necessary to manage successfully a tech startup – in this case, a hardware company active in the field of secured memory chips.

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Euro Morons: Hyperinflation Successfully Avoided, Stagflation Successfully Created

Keeping Greece in euro zone, eurocrats or better “euro morons” have successfully avoided a weak drachma and a following Greek hyperinflation. Instead they successfully created stagflation. Currently European HICP inflation is at 2.5%, far above the max. 2.0% official ECB mandate, but the euro is becoming weaker and weaker. German salaries are rising with 2.6% …

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Frank Schäffler – Rede anlässlich der Änderung des zweiten Anpassungsprogramms für Griechenland

Frank Schäffler (FDP) redet im Plenum des Deutschen Bundestages anlässlich der Änderung des zweiten Anpassungsprogramms für Griechenland am 30.11.2012.

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Das Beste von Ludwig Poullain: Das Ende des Euros, der Beginn des Nordeuros

Ludwig Poullain: Das Ende des Euro rückt näher. Er treibt Völker wieder auseinander. Neid, Missgunst, Verachtung, selbst Hass sind wieder lebendig geworden.

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Prof. Dr. Bofinger: Nächste Quartale werden sehr schwi

Prof. Dr. Peter Bofinger, Mitglied im Sachverständigenrat, blickt skeptisch auf die weitere Konjunkturentwicklung in Deutschland. Sogar eine Rezession sei wieder möglich.

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The Eurozone crisis between euro-morons and zombie-bankers

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Falling Unit Labour Costs, but Rising Production Prices in the Periphery. Is this Competitiveness?

Currently European HICP inflation is at 2.5%, far above the 2.0% official ECB mandate, but the euro is becoming weaker and weaker. German salaries are rising with 2.6% per year. At the same time, the ECB cannot hike interest rates, because it wants to provide cheap money to the periphery.   The periphery continues to buy German products, even …

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Swiss and German Economic Indicators, Update November 1

Euro Crisis Has Affected Germany, Switzerland Still Immune    Most Recent Events The Swiss SVME PMI has risen from 43.9 to 46.1. This PMI  is dominated by machinery, metallurgical and electric equipment exporters organized in the Swissmem organization. As opposed to the chemical industry, they were not innovative enough to adapt to the stronger franc; but …

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Euro Crisis Has Affected Germany, Switzerland Still Immune

Swiss and German Economic Indicators, October 2012   Both Swiss and German economic indicators show continued signs of stability, but the German situation has become worse and might affect the Swiss. Especially low unemployment, rising real wages and strong trade balances are signs of robustness. Despite that, Germany’s industrial production is weaker than last year, …

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Frank Schäffler – Rede zum Altersvorsorgeverbesserungsgesetz (Drs. 17/10818)

Frank Schäffler (FDP-Fraktion) redet anlässlich der ersten Lesung vom 19.10.2012 zum AltvVerbG im Bundestag.

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74.8 percent of Norwegians Say No to EU Membership

In the latest poll, 74.8 percent of the Norwegian population says no to EU membership, while 17.2 said they would vote yes in any referendum. 7.9 percent have not decided. Seven out of ten voters of the ruling party do not share the party’s views on the EU and would have voted no in a possible referendum, … Continue reading...

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Frank Schäffler Seitenweise: Smart Investor

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