Category Archive: 2) Swiss and European Macro

Main Author George Dorgan
George Dorgan
George Dorgan (penname) predicted the end of the EUR/CHF peg at the CFA Society and at many occasions on and on this blog. Several Swiss and international financial advisors support the site. These firms aim to deliver independent advice from the often misleading mainstream of banks and asset managers. George is FinTech entrepreneur, financial author and alternative economist. He speak seven languages fluently.

Bofinger: Keine guten Perspektiven für deutsche Wirtsc

Im Rahmen des Fondskongress 2013 sprach Prof. Dr. Peter Bofinger mit DAF-Moderator Christoph Damm über die konjunkturelle Lage in Deutschland. Sowohl der Gfk- als auch der Ifo-Index wiesen positive Tendenzen für die deutsche Wirtschaft aus. Außerdem wird über die Situation auf dem amerikanischen Markt diskutiert, hier zieht das Thema Fiscal Cliff noch immer negative Effekte …

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Frank Schäffler – Rede zum Altersvorsorge-Verbesserungsgesetz (31.01.2013)

Frank Schäffler spricht vor dem Deutschen Bundestag in der Debatte zur Verbesserung der steuerlichen Förderung der privaten Altersvorsorge (Altersvorsorge-Verbesserungsgesetz).

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Deflationary Risks? Comparing Swiss, Swedish and Norwegian Inflation and Exchange Rates

When the Swiss National Bank introduced the 1.20 lower limit, it wanted to eliminate the deflationary risks for Switzerland. For a certain period, namely when a global recession was looming in Autumn 2011, and the Swiss franc was hovering around 1.10, this risk was really present. In this post we would like to know if …

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Pictet on the sudden EUR/CHF Appreciation

While we blamed FX traders, that were waiting months for some good European news to push down the CHF, Pictet finds some more explanations.

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2012 Posts on Swiss Macro

Swiss Statistical Dashboard

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Swiss Purchasing Manager Index

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The Euro Crisis: the Reasons

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Ways to the Northern Euro

Two ways for building the Northern euro, exit of Southern members or slow creation of Northern euro with currency interventions of central banks.

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2012 Posts on Euro Crisis and Euro Macro

Staatskrieger Peter Bofinger Austerität und Schuldenmacher in Lichtgeschwindigkeit 2585

Staatskrieger Peter Bofinger Austerität und Schuldenmacher in Lichtgeschwindigkeit 2585 — Mittwoch, 26. Dezember 2012 von Dr. Dietmar Moews als IT-Soziologe und Künstlergelehrter Einzelheiten zur Lage – live und ungeschnitten — aus Alphons Silbermann Zentrum Berlin Piratenthema heute: Der in der deutschen Volkserziehung zum goldenen Vordenker gepushte sozialdemokratisch durchwirkte Propagandist Jürgen Habermas verbreitet mit einer...

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Who Says No to Austerity and Global Imbalances, Must Say Yes to the Northern Euro

Eventually the euro will be abolished, a Northern Euro introduced: politicians and their economic advisors might just be waiting for a calm moment, especially with upcoming German inflation.

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The Upcoming Spanish Lost Decade(s)

To us, the big theatre surrounding Greece was just a preview of a much bigger crisis that will happen in the coming years in Spain, the upcoming Spanish lost decade(s). Greece was an absolutely desperate case; therefore, everything was quick. It took just two years till we arrived at the official sector participation and yearly German transfer …

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The Fairy Tale of Rising Competitiveness in the European Periphery

In our post we look on two questions concerning competitiveness for the European periphery: When will local production be cheaper than imported products? Do people have the money to buy these local products? It does not help reducing labor costs if local production costs still more than imported products. The second aspect is: even if …

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Who is the Biggest Debt Time Bomb: Japan, France, the UK or the United States?

Some must reads: According to the Economist the biggest time bomb in the euro zone crisis is France. We wonder why the United States and Britain, that have same weak trade balances, the same weak competitiveness and a debt overhang, shouldn't have a problem? Just because France must do austerity according to the German Fiscal Compact wish, and the US and Britain do not need to do this? Or like Ray Dalio called it, are the US and Britain...

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4 Different Solutions for the Euro Crisis: Can it Be the Northern Euro? A Discussion

The discussion about the future of the Euro: Among a Post-Keynesian, a European Etatist, an Austrian economist and an advocate of a Northern Euro on the French website The French paper is asking: “Sommet européen : créer un euro du Nord est-il le seul moyen de sauver l’Europe de l’austérité ?” Is the creation of …

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Ach Heiner Flassbeck war mal…

Wussten ihr schon, dass Flassbeck früher der Berater von Oskar Lafontain war?

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