Category Archive: 2) Swiss and European Macro

Main Author George Dorgan
George Dorgan
George Dorgan (penname) predicted the end of the EUR/CHF peg at the CFA Society and at many occasions on and on this blog. Several Swiss and international financial advisors support the site. These firms aim to deliver independent advice from the often misleading mainstream of banks and asset managers. George is FinTech entrepreneur, financial author and alternative economist. He speak seven languages fluently.

Yanis Varoufakis (Former Greek minister of finance) | «Vote yes!» / Swiss basic income referendum

Varoufakis will speak at the conference «Future of Work» on 3 May 2016 at the Gottlieb Duttweiler Institute in Ruschlikon/Zurich, Switzerland. Further top-class speakers: – Former US minister of work Robert Reich – Natalie Foster (former advisor to Barack Obama) – MIT professor Erik Brynjolfsson. Learn more: © GDI Gottlieb Duttweiler Institute Werden Sie …

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European Court of Justice Ruling Weighs on Italian Banks

ECJ uphold principle of bailing in junior creditors before the use of public funds. Italian banks shares snap a three-day advance. The EBA/ECB stress test results at the end of next week are the next big event.

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9. Industriekongress: Keynote Prof. Dr. Heiner Flassbeck

Heiner Flassbeck sprach zum Thema “Europa in der Dauerkrise – , welche Wirtschaftspolitik braucht der Kontinent?” am Industriekongress 2016.

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Politischer Salon mit Prof. Bofinger Juni 2016

Politischer Salon mit Prof. Dr. Peter Bofinger am 22. Juni 2016 in der Dreieichschule. Das erste Mal ausschließlich produziert von Dreieichschule TV.

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Brexit – schwarzer Freitag für Deutschland. Austeritätswahn & Exportnationalismus | Heiner Flassbeck

Der Brexit als schwarzer Freitag für Deutschland? Deutscher Sparzwang, Austeritätswahn, Leistungsbilanzüberschuss und Lohndumping haben Europa in die Krise gestürzt. Es regiert die volkswirtschaftliche Dummheit! Das dumme schwäbische Hausfrauenmodell wird explodieren. Es gibt keine Wirtschaft ohne Schulden. Jedes Jahr braucht Deutschland 250 Mrd € neue Schulden des Auslands. Ein Blick in das Makroskop mit Heiner Flassbeck …

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Swiss Producer and Import Price Index, June 2016: +0.1 percent MoM, -1.0 percent YoY

The Producer and Import Price Index rose in June 2016 by 0.1% compared with the previous month, reaching 99.9 points (base December 2015 = 100). Whereas the Producer Price Index declined by 0.2%, the Import Price Index rose by 0.8%. The slight increase of the overall index is due in particular to higher prices for petroleum products. Compared with June 2015, the price level of the whole range of domestic and imported products fell by 1.0%.

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Three Developments in Spain

Favorable initial ruling for Spanish banks that overcharged on mortgages. The EC may be lenient on Spain (and Portugal) for the excessive deficits in 2015. There is a window of opportunity for Rajoy to form a minority government.

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Pictet Perspectives – Polarisation poses risks

Cesar Perez Ruiz, Chief Investment Officer at Pictet Wealth Management, explains the impact of the current polarisation in politics and markets on investment strategy.

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Pictet Perspectives – Polarisation poses risks

Cesar Perez Ruiz, Chief Investment Officer at Pictet Wealth Management, explains the impact of the current polarisation in politics and markets on investment strategy.

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New Wrinkle in European Bail-In Efforts

European Court of Justice could rule on July 19 that private investors do not have to be bailed in before public money can be used to recapitalize banks. Italy stands to gain the most, at least immediately, from such a judgment. Italian bank shares recovered after initial weakness.

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Great Graphic: More Thoughts on Banks

Italian banks have done worse that European banks. Italian banks outperformed Germany banks from end of H1 12 through H1 15. US banks and financials more broadly have outperformed Europe.

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Swiss Consumer Price Index in June 2016: -0.4 percent against 2015, +0.1 percent against last month

The Swiss Consumer Price Index (CPI) increased by 0.1% in June 2016 compared with the previous month, reaching 100.7 points (December 2015=100). Inflation was -0.4% in comparison with the same month in the previous year. These are the findings of the Federal Statistical Office (FSO).

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Return of the Repressed: Europe’s Unresolved Banking Crisis

The IMF identified three banks that posted the most significant systemic risks. It has been overshadowed by new pressure on Italy's banks, and Three UK commercial real estate funds have been frozen to prevent redemptions.

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Tourism accommodation statistics in May 2016: Increase in overnight stays during May 2016

The Swiss hotel industry registered 2.7 million overnight stays in May 2016, which corresponds to a growth of 1.3% (+35,000 overnight stays) compared with May 2015. Domestic visitors recorded 1.1 million overnight stays, representing an increase of 1.9% (+21,000). Foreign demand registered 1.5 million overnight stays, i.e. an increase of 0.9% (+15,000). These are provisional results from the Federal Statistical Office (FSO).

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Yanis Varoufakis on all the good stuff that cannot be measured | DiEM25

Published for the first time on Feb 7, 2015 The interview was made during the time Yanis Varoufakis was visiting Zagreb as participant of the 6th Subversive festival “Utopia of Democracy” (4-18th May 2013). interviewed by: Martin Beroš You can find other recordings of talks by Varoufakis from the 2013 Zagreb visit here: keynote “Confessions …

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Swiss Retail Sales -2.3 percent nominal (YoY) and -1.6 percent real (YoY)

Turnover in the retail sector fell by 2.3% in nominal terms in May 2016 compared with the previous year. This decline has been ongoing since January 2015. Seasonally adjusted, nominal turnover fell by 0.1% compared with the previous month. These are provisional findings from the Federal Statistical Office (FSO).

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Swiss Social Security Accounts 2014: Social security expenditure accounted for 24.5percent of GDP

In 2014 expenditure on social benefits from the Swiss social security system amounted to CHF 157 billion. This corresponds to a 24.5% share of the gross domestic product (GDP).

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Yanis Varoufakis über Grundeinkommen, Kapitalismus und Schweizer Demokratie

Interview mit Yanis Varoufakis (ehem. Griechischer Finanzminister) im Tesla auf dem Weg vom Flughafen ans GDI (Konferenz «Future of Work») über das bedingungslose Grundeinkommen, die Schweizer Demokratie und den Fall des Kapitalismus.

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Natural population change 2015: Swiss population increases not only thanks to immigration

The Swiss population not only increases thanks to immigration, but also with the natural change: More live births than deaths. This is different from countries like Russia, Germany or Italy.

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Yanis Varoufakis on the European Constituion, Economic Disintegration and Orwellianism

In this video the former finance minister of Greece and founder of DiEM25 (Democracy in Europe Movement 2025), Yanis Varoufakis, provides us an insight into why the European constitution does not represent the people of Europe and lacks substance. He also talks about disintegration of the European Union, what forces are driving its demise and …

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