Category Archive: 2) Swiss and European Macro

Main Author George Dorgan
George Dorgan
George Dorgan (penname) predicted the end of the EUR/CHF peg at the CFA Society and at many occasions on and on this blog. Several Swiss and international financial advisors support the site. These firms aim to deliver independent advice from the often misleading mainstream of banks and asset managers. George is FinTech entrepreneur, financial author and alternative economist. He speak seven languages fluently.

Yanis Varoufakis answers Alfredo on the next financial/economic crisis

Yanis Varoufakis, Former Greek Minister of Finance (2015), DiEM25 co-founder Subscribe! ► JOIN THE CONVERSATION! Website: Twitter: Facebook:

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Daytrader – ein Traumjob?

► TIPP: Sichere Dir wöchentlich meine Tipps zu Gold, Aktien, ETFs & Co. – 100% gratis: In diesem Video möchte ich ganz kompakt darstellen, wie und warum ich eigentlich Trader geworden bin und weshalb im Laufe der Zeit, das Trading alleine mich nicht mehr glücklich gemacht hat. Wer also Lust hat auf ein paar … Continue...

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Switzerland Unemployment in August 2018: Unchanged at 2.4percent, seasonally adjusted unchanged at 2.6percent

Registered unemployment in August 2018 - According to SECO surveys, at the end of August 2018, 107,893 unemployed people were enrolled in the Regional Employment Centers (RAV), 1,841 more than in the previous month. The unemployment rate remained at 2.4% in the month under review. Compared to the same month of the previous year, unemployment fell by 27,685 people (-20.4%).

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Was kostet ein Flüchtling wirklich? Die Generationenrechnung Hans Werner Sinn 1

Quelle: Politikbildung de Am 15.05.2018 veröffentlicht Der bekannteste Ökonom Deutschlands hat anhand der Generationenrechnung von Bernd Raffelbüschel die Kosten pro Migranten (Flüchtlinge und Armutswanderer) für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland auf 450.000 € kalkuliert. “18% aller Hartz4 Empfänger sind Ausländer, während der Anteil der Ausländer bei 7,3% liegt.” – Hans-Werner Sinn (ifo Institut) Mehr wichtige Informationen über...

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Festivaletteratura 2018 – Intervista a Yanis Varoufakis

Yanis Varoufakis economista, accademico e politico greco, ministro dell’economia della Grecia da gennaio 2015 all’inizio di luglio dello stesso anno chiacchiera insieme alla redazione di Festivaletteratura.

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Switzerland GDP Q2 2018: +0.7 percent QoQ, +3.4 percent YoY

The Swiss economy once again recorded dynamic growth in the 2nd quarter of 2018. GDP (+0.7%) expanded at an above-average rate for the fifth quarter in a row. This ex-pansion was largely supported by manufacturing, which has been experiencing a re-markable upturn since spring of 2017. Exports of goods increased accordingly.

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Raus aus US-Aktien?

► TIPP: Sichere Dir wöchentlich meine Tipps zu Gold, Aktien, ETFs & Co. – 100% gratis: Jetzt raus aus US-Aktien? Aus Sicht eines Antizyklischen Investors kann die Antwort eigentlich nur JA lauten. Warum man es sich aber an der Börse auch nicht ganz so einfach machen sollte, möchte ich in diesem Video erläutern. Schaut´s …

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Stürmischer Herbst an den Aktienmärkten?

Gleich vier Krisen – sozusagen das Quattro Infernale – scheinen auf den ersten Blick auf deutliche Aktienverluste im Herbst hinzudeuten. Konkret wird ein Handelskrieg, eine schmutzige Scheidung der Briten von Europa, eine Schuldenkrise im wichtigen Euro-Land Italien und eine neue Krise der Schwellenländer befürchtet. Doch sollte auch der zweite Blick nicht zu kurz kommen. Robert …

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#RawPolitics | Euronews interviews former Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufakis

#RawPolitics |Greece’s former finance minister Yanis Varoufakis (@yanisvaroufakis) draws some unsettling comparisons between the Europe of today and the one of its not so distant fascist past.

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Swiss Consumer Price Index in August 2018: +1.2 percent YoY, Stable MoM

Neuchâtel, 4 September 2018 (FSO) - The consumer price index (CPI) remained stable in August 2018 compared with the previous month, remaining at 101.8 points (December 2015 = 100). Inflation was 1.2% compared with the same month of the previous year. These are the results from the Federal Statistical Office (FSO).

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Pussy Riot’s Maria Alyokhina with Yanis Varoufakis at the Edinburgh International Book Festival

‘To back down an inch is to give up a mile,’ says Maria Alyokhina in Riot Days, her account of Pussy Riot’s extraordinary rise to infamy in 2012. Following an iconoclastic balaclava-clad performance in a Moscow cathedral, Alyokhina and two of her collaborators were arrested and sentenced to two years in a prison in the …

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Tesla: Warum ich die Aktie nicht kaufe!

► TIPP: Sichere Dir wöchentlich meine Tipps zu Gold, Aktien, ETFs & Co. – 100% gratis: Warum ich Elon Musk für einen genialen Kopf unserer Zeit halte, aber die Tesla-Aktie keinesfalls kaufen würde, verrate ich euch in diesem Video. ——– ➤ Link zur Webseite von Sion: ➤ Mein YouTube-Kanal zum Thema Trading: …

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Swiss Retail Sales, July 2018: +0.3 percent Nominal and -0.3 percent Real

Turnover in the retail sector rose by 0.3% in nominal terms in July 2018 compared with the previous year. Seasonally adjusted, nominal turnover fell by 0.9% compared with the previous month.

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Yanis Varoufakis w/ Scotland Tonight – (1/5) Socialism / Democracy

Yanis Varoufakis with Bernard Ponsonby on STV’s Scotland Tonight – 19.8.18. I do not own this content – Credit: STV

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Italian 2019 draft budget: a bumpy road ahead

Tensions between Rome and Brussels could lead to significant market volatility before an agreement is found. September will be a key month for gauging the Italian government’s budgetary plans for 2019. The government has communicated neither a precise timeline for implementing the measures announced in its ‘contract for government’ nor a precise cost analysis for these measures.

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KOF Economic Barometer: Falling

In August 2018, the KOF Economic Barometer fell slightly by 1.4 points to a new reading of 100.3. It thus now pints to a level that is only marginally above its long-term average. Accordingly, in the near future Swiss growth should hover around its average over the last ten years.

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Was kauft Buffett jetzt?

► TIPP: Sichere Dir wöchentlich meine Tipps zu Gold, Aktien, ETFs & Co. – 100% gratis: In diesem Video wollen wir uns das Portfolio von Altmeister Warren Buffett ganz genau ansehen. So viel kann ich schon vorweg nehmen: Er liebt Apple, er mag Banken, er mag Ketchup und Cola. Ob die Aktie von Berkshire … Continue...

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Italien ist wie Griechenland, nur viel schlimmer

Wenn die griechische Schuldenkrise ein Maulwurfhügel ist, dann ist die italienische der Mount Everest. Unter normalen Bedingungen ist Italien nicht mehr zu retten und theoretisch nicht mehr weit von der Pleite entfernt. Tatsächlich zweifeln die Finanzmärkte die Schuldentragfähigkeit Italiens bereits an. Aber wie wahrscheinlich ist eine italienische Schuldenkrise? Robert Halver mit seiner (finanz-)politischen Einschätzung

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Yanis Varoufakis on the Volcker Study Group plan

Frmr Greece finance minister Yanis Varoufakis explains Paul Volcker’s report to Kissinger; “Paul Volcker as a young man worked for Henry Kissinger before Kissinger became the foreign minister, Secretary of State for the United States (when he was still National Security Advisor0. Volcker was working for him. Kissinger asked Volcker, who was a young banker, …

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Employment Barometer in the Q2 2018: Sharp Rise in Employment in Switzerland

In the 2nd quarter 2018, total employment (number of jobs) rose by 2.1% in comparison with the same quarter a year earlier (+0.4% with previous quarter). In full-time equivalents, employment in the same period rose by 2.0%. The Swiss economy counted 14 000 more vacancies than in the corresponding quarter of the previous year (+22.6%) and the employment outlook indicator is also indicating an upward trend (+1.1%). These are some of the findings from...

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