Category Archive: 9a.) Real Investment Advice

Is a Surge in Unemployment Coming?

(5/15/23) Markets have gone nowhere for past 45-days; Debt Ceiling discussions resume this week, providing possible impetus. Is Ai the next dot-com phenomenon? The latest NFIB Confidence Index: Markets ignoring howe people feel. The NFIB latest survey says... Is the economy slowing? Why is Markets' view not negative? Markets tend to lead the economy by 6-to-9-months; economic data should improve by late summer. There's always buyers and sellers,...

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Where (Not) to Move for Retirement

(5/12/23) Janet Yellen & Jerome Powell to not always agree; the Physical Longevity Test; Jimmy John's underwear reprise, and getting used to inflation; As go Regional Banks so goes the market; the danger of investing to headline news; there are not crises of confidence; Wall Street is a marketing machine: The noise of Bitcoin, Artificial Intelligence, and Regional Banks. Money Malaise preview; the best states for Retirement do not include...

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Inflation Eases…will the Fed?

(5/11/23) Markets are beginning to resolve higher; the NASDAQ will drag the S&P along. Upside, however, is limited. Positive bias to stock prices remains, despite calls for Recession; the passive indexing effect. What will be the next sector rotation, and what will be its cause? What's the Fed going to do next? Jul-Aug-Sep CPI will matter most, ex housing/rent component; why would Fed cut rates? Stimulus cash is still in circulation. When will...

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Inflation Increased .4% in April

(5/10/23) It's Inflation Day: This morning's CPI Report recorded a .4% inflation increase in April (this show was broadcast prior to the numbers' release). The pressure is on to raise the debt ceiling to avoid "dire" results; the 2011 debt debacle resulted in a momentary market dip, follow by an upward surge; meanwhile NFIB Confidence is at a low ebb; The Debt Ceiling Dance: Dire or no? Why Bill Gross isn't worried. Why the gloom from...

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#Inflation Report Preview (5/9/23): Technical Market Analysis & Commentary from RIA Advisors Chie…

➢ Listen daily on Apple Podcasts: ➢ Watch Live Mon-Fri, 6a-7a Central on our Youtube Channel: ➢ Upcoming personal finance free online events: ➢ Sign up for the Newsletter: ➢ RIA SimpleVisor: Analysis, Research, Portfolio Models, and More....

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What Happens If the Debt Ceiling Is Not Raised

(5/8/23) Our obligatory Mother's Day alert; no recent bank fail (yay); Employment report beat estimates for 13th straight month; market rallies 2% on Friday, but ends with a down week; markets moving sideways despite higher interest rates, bank failures, and weakening economy (or is it?); the two types of default, and why no one is going to repossess the US. Janet Yellen is wrong about the Debt Ceiling; what happens if the Debt Ceiling is not...

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Why Affordable Healthcare is an Oxymoron

(5/5/23) Will there be a mass-exodus from bank stocks in the wake of the latest round of bank failures? It's hard to tell the baby from the bath water. Getting out of the market vs the price of reinvestment risk: the perils of financial quicksand. short-term vs long-term debt: What are the rates telling us? What does the Fed really control? Apple, GI Joe, & Barbie: Why everything you buy has velcro. Why Affordable Healthcare is an oxymoron;...

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Is the Fed Done?

(5/4/23) The Fed hikes rates...again...and markets pull back; tighter bank lending standards are defacto constraints on the economy. The burning questions are, 'is the Fed done,' and 'when will the Fed cut rates?' Jerome Powell's word salad results in more market volatility; Jobs numbers and CPI will factor into to market moves next week. Instead of rate cuts, sticky inflation could actually result in more rate increases. Jerome Powell is...

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Are We Already in Recession?

(5/3/23) Markets have stagnated somewhat in anticipation of this afternoon's Fed announcement, anticipating a 25-bp interest rate hike. What matters more will be the language from Jerome Powell relating the Fed's mood and future direction. Oil prices are now falling on weakening demand: What if we're already in Recession? A key indicator is oil prices, which have fallen on weakening demand. Meanwhile, expectations of a market disaster have failed...

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How to Choose Careers AI Cannot Replace

(5/2/23) The FOMC meets today with their interest rate announcement tomorrow afternoon; most important will be the language in the Fed's statement. With sticky, stubborn inflation still rampant, no rate cut is in sight, but the Fed could decide to pause after a final 25bp rate hike tomorrow. Joe Biden's Good Credit Mortgage Penalty program begins; the unintended consequences; why housing is really unaffordable; the ObamaCare case study; increased...

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JP Morgan Gets Bigger (5/1/23): Market Analysis & Commentary from RIA Advisors Chief Investment S…

➢ Listen daily on Apple Podcasts: ➢ Watch Live Mon-Fri, 6a-7a Central on our Youtube Channel: ➢ Upcoming personal finance free online events: ➢ Sign up for the Newsletter: ➢ RIA SimpleVisor: Analysis, Research, Portfolio Models, and More....

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10 Mistakes in Your 401k You Should Avoid

(4/28/23) With the apparent, increasing socialization of banks and markets, what's the best play for investors? Preview of our upcoming Lunch & Learn, "Transitioning to Medicare:" Medigap vs Medicare Advantage; implications of early retirement on your Medicare plan. Powerball Lottery winner lifestyle: What would you do first? Poking Lance; 10 Mistakes you should avoid in your 401k; why a Roth 401k is better for younger savers; the...

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Using Good Credit to Subsidize Poor Credit

(4/27/23) The new Biden FHA Mortgage Rule will penalize borrowers with "good" credit with a 1% fee to subsidize borrowers with less-than-optimal credit, helping place them into homes they likely cannot really afford (did we not learn this lesson before??) How is this not a violation of the Fair Housing Act of 1968, and discrimination against borrowers w good credit scores? Hosted by RIA Advisors Chief Investment Strategist Lance Roberts,...

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Will Artificial Intelligence Be the Next Industrial Revolution?

(4/26/23) The Big Debate is whether the economy is stronger than expected, owing to pockets of consumption, or if warnings from transportation sector of a slowing economy are to be heeded. The evolution of Technology and Ai: What do Tech earnings say about the economy; At work communication mis-fires: The future of working from home. Implications of Ai technology on worker productivity: What jobs cannot be replaced by Ai? Will Ai be the equivalent,...

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Investing is like Chess: Thinking One Step Ahead

(4/25/23) Joe Biden announces run for re-election, and markets continue regardless, awaiting the end of earnings season and the next Fed meeting. More importantly, what will companies say about the months ahead? Markets are stuck in mid-air; sell in April instead of May, and go away? Despite negative news and the Fed's hiking rates, markets continue to exhibit signs of stability; until employment rises, economy will remain flat. As markets defy bad...

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Upending the Fair Housing Act of 1968

(4/24/23) Earnings Season begins to wrap, as stimulus spending unwinds; when will the economic cycle trough? Earnings estimates for 2024 are starting to ratchet-up again; prepare for the weaker months of Summer; the "crash magnet" is October. The new Biden FHA Mortgage Rule will penalize borrowers with "good" credit with a 1% fee to subsidize borrowers with less-than-optimal credit, helping place them into homes they likely...

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To Roth or Not to Roth?

(4/21/23) Markets are rationalizing; this will be a White Collar Recession; economic metrics are 'whacked-out;" no "Fed Pivot" by summer: Inflation is here to stay. Twinkies are shrinking. Elon Musk & Space-X launch: Why the extreme criticism? To Roth or Not to Roth: they may not be for everyone. Lunch & Learn preview; Buc-ee Beaver archaeology. Should you avoid a Roth? labor market trends: Job losses coming in a "White...

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Word of the Day: “Rehypothecate”

(4/20/23) Regional Banks seem to be fine as their earnings reports continue to roll-out this week, indicating the turmoil created around SVB and Credit Suisse were a one-off event, and not necessarily a systemic crisis. The interesting correlation between risk-on/risk-off rotation and market performance; we're looking for companies with poor earnings but good stock performance. Is the Worst behind us? Markets remain entrenched in a bullish trend....

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Could the Markets Run Out of Gas?

(4/19/23) Despite the past "rolling disasters" repeatedly hitting markets, the bullish mood persists. Could markets run out of gas? A normal, 10% correction is not out of the question. How the Government is wasting your tax dollars; the most important strategies for Retirees now; how higher interest rates are impacting retirement, both good and bad. What does retirement even look like, anymore? Locking in returns w Treasuries at higher...

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There’s No Such Thing as ‘Money on the Sidelines’

(4/18/23) Banks boost stocks as earnings season continues; markets remain in a trading range. Expect a pullback. Volatility Index (VIX) significantly down, closing Monday at 17. Rolling Recession vs The Big Event. Mounds of Cash: Who really owns it? Where does it come from (and where does it go)? The explosion of Money Market Funds in 2020: There is no such thing as "money on the sidelines." In the markets, for every buyer there is a...

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