Category Archive: 9) Personal Investment

Kleiner Frühlings Balkon Garten ?? | Sparkojote

?? Du willst mich unterstützen? Mintos P2P-Kredite: EstateGuru P2P Immobilien Kredite: Coinbase Krypto-Wallet: Audible Hörbücher: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ⭐ Meine Empfehlungen Langfristige Asset-Allokation: Finanzblog aufbauen Ebook auf Amazon: PortfolioPerformance: ? Social...

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Gerd Kommer über Anlegerfehler und Herdenverhalten | Teil 2/3

Gerd Kommer: “Souverän Investieren” ► Infos zu den Kommer Weltportfolios 2018 ► Zu Kommer Portfoliovorschlägen ► ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Anfang März 2018 erschien die 5., vollständig aktualisierte Auflage des beliebten Werkes „Souverän investieren mit Indexfonds & ETFs“ von Dr. Gerd Kommer. Neu in dieser Ausgabe ist vor allem, dass es keine Tabelle mehr mit...

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3a für Millennials

Wie gehen - oder sollten - Millenials mit 3a Produkten umgehen? Mehr zum Thema erfahren? Besuchen Sie uns auf 👉🏽 Auf diesen Kanälen könnt ihr uns erreichen: ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– ►Unsere Website: ►Unser FACEBOOK: ►Unser LinkedIn: ►Unser INSTAGRAM:

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From Zero to 100k ???‍♂ | Sparkojote

?? Du willst mich unterstützen? Mintos P2P-Kredite: EstateGuru P2P Immobilien Kredite: Coinbase Krypto-Wallet: Audible Hörbücher: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ⭐ Meine Empfehlungen Langfristige Asset-Allokation: Finanzblog aufbauen Ebook auf Amazon: PortfolioPerformance: ? Social...

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Principles for Success | An ultra mini series adventure in 30 minutes and in 8 episodes

Ray Dalio’s bestselling book Principles is now a 30 minute ultra mini series adventure and a free app in the iOs app store. For more from Ray: Principles | #1 New York Times Bestseller: Buy his new book, Principles for Success: Connect with him on Facebook: Follow him on Twitter: Follow …

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Principles for Success: “Your Two Biggest Barriers” | Episode 6

In Episode 6 of Principles for Success, “Your Two Biggest Barriers,” Ray Dalio discusses what these barriers are and why if you understand them and how to get around them, you will accelerate your progress. Ray Dalio’s best-selling book Principles is now an animated ultra mini series adventure. For more from Ray: Principles | #1 …

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Principles for Success: “The Abyss” | Episode 4

The 4th episode in the Principles for Success series is “The Abyss.” In it, Ray Dalio shares the story of his biggest mistake and the lesson he learned: Bad things will happen to all of us, and it’s how we deal with them that determines whether we succeed or fail. Ray Dalio’s best-selling book Principles … Continue...

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Principles for Success “Be Radically Open-Minded” | Episode 7

Episode 7 of Principles for Success is called, “Be Radically Open-Minded.” In it, Ray Dalio reveals that there are many dangerous risks and wonderful opportunities all around you that you just don’t see—and explains how you can. Ray Dalio’s best-selling book Principles is now an animated ultra mini series adventure. For more from Ray: Principles …

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Principles for Success: “Everything is a Machine” | Episode 5

In episode 5 of the Principles for Success series, Ray Dalio explains that once you understand that “Everything is a Machine,” you can go above yours and design it well to achieve your goals. Ray Dalio’s best-selling book Principles is now an animated ultra mini series adventure. For more from Ray: Principles | #1 New …

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Principles for Success: “The Call to Adventure” | Episode 1

In his new animated series, Principles for Success, Ray Dalio takes you on a thought-provoking adventure to help you understand his principles–and how to create your own. In Episode 1, he discusses how to find your pull in life and figure out how to make your journey go well. Ray Dalio’s best-selling book Principles is …

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Principles for Success: “The Five Step Process” | Episode 3

Episode 3 of Principles for Success, “The Five Step Process,” walks you through the five things you need to do to be successful. Ray Dalio’s best-selling book Principles is now an animated ultra mini series adventure. For more from Ray: Principles | #1 New York Times Bestseller: Buy his new book, Principles for Success: …

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Principles for Success: “Embrace Reality and Deal With It” | Episode 2

In Episode 2 of Principles for Success, “Embrace Reality and Deal With It” Ray Dalio describes why, in order to get what you want out of life, you must confront reality, especially harsh reality. Ray Dalio’s best-selling book Principles is now an animated ultra mini series adventure. For more from Ray: Principles | #1 New …

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Principles for Success: “Struggle Well” | Episode 8

Episode 8, “Struggle Well” is the final episode in the Principles for Success miniseries, and its message is a simple one: Knowing how to struggle well and enjoy it is what life’s all about. Ray Dalio’s best-selling book Principles is now an animated ultra mini series adventure. For more from Ray: Principles | #1 New …

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Gerd Kommer über Rendite, Risiko und Diversifikation | Teil 1/3

Gerd Kommer: “Souverän Investieren” ► Infos zu den Kommer Weltportfolios 2018 ► Zu Kommer Portfoliovorschlägen ► ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Anfang März 2018 erschien die 5., vollständig aktualisierte Auflage des beliebten Werkes „Souverän investieren mit Indexfonds & ETFs“ von Dr. Gerd Kommer. Neu in dieser Ausgabe ist vor allem, dass es keine Tabelle mehr mit...

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Erhöhung der Grundsteuer und Militärausgaben im Bundeshaushalt | Florian Homm spricht Klartext #83

? Börsenbrief: ➜ Florian Homm’s YouTube Kanal abonnieren: ➜ Folge Florian Homm auf Instagram: ➜ Unterstützen Sie bitte die Vereinsarbeit: ➜ Hier geht’s zu unserem Börsenbrief: ➜ Hier geht’s zu meinem Buch:

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Real Talk: Zu wenig Geld und zu wenig Zeit ?⏱ | Sparkojote

?? Du willst mich unterstützen? Mintos P2P-Kredite: EstateGuru P2P Immobilien Kredite: Coinbase Krypto-Wallet: Audible Hörbücher: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ⭐ Meine Empfehlungen Langfristige Asset-Allokation: Finanzblog aufbauen Ebook auf Amazon: PortfolioPerformance: ? Social...

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How idea meritocracy works like a machine to produce successful organizations

An organization is a machine consisting of two parts: culture and people. A great organization has both great people and a great culture. Great people have both great character and great capabilities and contribute positively to their company. For more from Ray: Principles | #1 New York Times Bestseller: Buy his new book, Principles for Success: Connect with him on Facebook:...

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How to have an idea meritocracy in any organization

People and organizations that operate in an idea meritocractic way will annihilate those that don't. It will also help to read "Make Your Idea Meritocracy Work in a Way That Suits You" (pg 320 and 321 of Principles). For more from Ray: Principles | #1 New York Times Bestseller: Buy his new book, Principles for Success: Connect with him on Facebook:

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How to get and stay in sync with coworkers and teammates

It is harder to run an idea meritocracy in which disagreements are encouraged than a top-down autocracy in which they are suppressed. But when believable parties to disagreements are willing to learn from each other, their evolution is faster and their decision making is far better. For more from Ray: Principles | #1 New York Times Bestseller: Buy his new book, Principles for Success: Connect with...

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Why radical truth and radical transparency are keys to success

Being radically truthful and transparent with your colleagues and expecting them to be the same with you ensures that important issues are apparent instead of hidden. It also enforces good behavior and good thinking, because when you have to explain yourself, everyone can openly assess the merits of your logic. For more from Ray: Principles | #1 New York Times Bestseller: Buy his new book, Principles for Success:...

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