Category Archive: 7) Markets

Main Author John Henry Smith
John Henry Smith
John Henry Smith of Grail Securities specializes in the U.S. stock market and offers a unique and powerful advisory service to private investors, institutional investors, and SME asset managers, who are seeking to consistently beat the market. All our strengths are at your disposal to provide stock market research and recommendations with the only aim of growing wealth. To achieve this we develop with you a customized investment strategy in terms of your risk and return preferences.

German Schatz turns negative again

After the first time End May, the German Schatz turns negative: German June 2014 Schatz Average Yield -0.06% vs 0.10% on June 20 Swiss Eidgenossen 2yrs still at -0.4%

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Die Wirtschaftskommission hat den Goldfranken abgelehnt, jetzt kommt die Volksinitiative

 Zwei Initiativen für Kleinanleger um das Geld/Gold vor den Mächtigen zu retten Der Ökonom Detlev Schlichter der “Österreichischen Schule” hat einen Vortrag beim “Verein Goldfranken” gehalten. Hier der äquivalente Vortrag auf Englisch beim Adam-Smith-Institut in den USA. Die Kritik an der Boom und Bust Politik der Nationalbanken.  

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Spread Swiss Eidgenossen vs. German Bund to see further gains

The spread between the Swiss government Eidgenossen bond against the Germany 10yrs. Bund will see further gain in the future, after the Euro summit opened the door for ESM direct financing of banks.   Differences between EFSF and ESM explained

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The other risk for the SNB: Will German Bund yields double ?

In the latest post we started discussing the implications of a German euro exit for the Swiss National Bank, this time we will look on another risk: The rising German Bund yields.

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Oil price increases in 2012 and why they are not real

Oil prices  Oil prices will rise quickly this year along with the recovery, the Iran issues and last but not least driven by investor demands of yield, implemented in the HFT algos. Interestingly the Iran issues already existed in December, but oil prices were falling, at that moment investors did not believe in a global recovery yet, …

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(9d) Oil

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