Category Archive: 6a) Gold & Monetary Metals

Gold – The Commitments of Traders

  Commercial and Non-Commercial Market Participants The commitments of traders in gold futures are beginning to look a bit concerning these days – we will explain further below why this is so. Some readers may well be wondering why an explanation is ...

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Gold Is Slowing

  A Loss of Momentum The price of gold moved down slightly this week, while that of silver dropped more substantially—1.9%. We don’t see much decrease in the enthusiasm yet from this minor setback. This was a shortened week due to the May Day holiday...

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Gold and Gold Stocks – Is the Correction Finally Beginning?

  Triangle Thrust and Reversal In mid April, we discussed weekly resistance levels in the HUI Index. Given the recent almost blow-off like move in the index and its subsequent reversal, we decided to provide a brief update on the situation. First, he...

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Commodities – Will the Rally Continue?

  Pros and Cons The recent rally in commodity prices has surprised many market participants and has greatly supported the stock market’s rebound. It has also made bulls out of a number of former stock market bears, as one of its side effects was to c...

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Paper Gold Is Rising

  The Metals Take Off The price of gold shot up over $60 this week. The price of silver moved up proportionally, gaining over $0.85. The mood is now palpable. The feeling in the air is that of long suffering suddenly turned to optimism. Big gains, if...

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How Unsound Money Fuels Unsound Government Spending

Stefan Gleason shows the major slides that may predict a collapse of the dollar. The Trade Deficit after the abandonment of gold, the explosion of entitlements like social security, Medicare, Obamacare, subsidies and the explosion of the federal deficit to 1 trillion in 2022. The reason: Unsound money.

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Gold Stampede

  Stampeding Animals The mass impulse of a cattle stampede can be triggered by something as innocuous as a blowing tumbleweed.  A sudden startle, or a perceived threat, is all it takes to it set off.  Once the herd collectively begins charging in one...

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Gold and Negative Interest Rates

  The Inflation Illusion We hear more and more talk about the possibility of imposing negative interest rates in the US. In a recent article former Fed chairman Ben Bernanke asks what tools the Fed has left to support the economy and inter alia discu...

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Getting it Wrong on Silver

  Erroneous Analysis of Precious Metals Fundamentals We came across an article at Bloomberg today, talking about silver supply troubles. We get it. The price of silver has rallied quite a lot, so the press needs to cover the story. They need to expla...

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Silver is on Fire

  The Prices of Gold and Silver Drift Apart Another interesting week, in that the price of silver separated from the price of gold. The former went no nowhere, while the latter gained over 4.5%. We get the trading thesis, that if the precious metals ...

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A Historic Rally in Gold Stocks – and Most Investors Missed It

  Buy Low, Sell High? It is an old truism and everybody has surely heard it more than once. If you want to make money in the stock market, you’re supposed to buy low and sell high. Simple, right?   Successful stock market investing in two simple step...

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Making Sense of China’s Gold Fix and Hungary’s Dim Sum Offering

Earlier today, China launched its first gold fix.  It will offer a fixing twice a day going forward yuan. The Shanghai Gold Exchange established the fix the same way it is done in London and New York, by prices submitted by financial institutions.  In China’s case, 18 institutions, including two foreign banks, participate in the …

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Cultural Marxism and the Birth of Modern Thought-Crime

  What the Establishment Wants, the Establishment Gets If a person has no philosophical thoughts, certain questions will never cross his mind. As a young man, there were many issues and ideas that never concerned me as they do today. There is one que...

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Monetary Metals Report: Gold – Silver Opposites

  What Differentiates Gold from Silver? Well that was an interesting week. Gold went down over thirty bucks and silver went up over thirty cents. How much longer can this silver rally continue in the face of gold’s non-participation? Will speculators...

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Who Lends to the Fed?

This leads to our present question. To speak of borrowing and a ready market in which the Fed can borrow, means there is a lender. Who is the lender to the Fed?

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Yes, the Dollar Should Be Backed by Gold…

  A Return to Gold BUENOS AIRES, Argentina ­– “What if you were appointed to head the Fed? In your first week on the job, what would you do?” The question was not exactly serious. Neither was the answer. “We’d call in sick.”   Sorry boys and girls, y...

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Gold Stocks Break Out

  No Correction Yet Late last week the HUI Index broke out to new highs for the move, and so did the XAU (albeit barely, so it did not really confirm the HUI’s breakout as of Friday). Given that gold itself has not yet broken out to a new high for th...

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The Precious Metals Conspiracy

  Tricky and Dangerous Assumptions For at least a few weeks now, we have noticed a growing drumbeat from a growing corps of analysts. Gold is going to thousands of dollars. And silver is going to outperform. Reasons given are myriad. Goldman Sachs ap...

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Gold – The Best Defense Strategy

  The War on Cash is on! If you are used to making visits to your bank to make your credit card payments, you may find this no longer an option in the future. Some banks are no longer accepting (or limiting their acceptance) of cash deposits. The war...

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Gold: Still Misunderstood

  Myths That Just Won’t Die Gold just had its best quarter in 30 years. Not surprisingly, gold bears are coming out of the woodwork en masse in the mainstream media and the analyst community (see e.g. this recent write-up by Mish on the Goldman Sachs...

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